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Life Drain

Proc Rate: 100%

By Attack, [If MP = MaxMP] [X = (Lv / 4) + 1] Recover X HP (up to until HP is full)

ATK: 180

Selling Price : 86,000s

Critical damage+10%, Dark R+5% Accuracy rate-20%, Hate rise+20%

Critical damage+10% Dark R+5% Accuracy-20% Hate Rise+20% Autoskill

ATK: 255

Selling Price : 110,000s

Critical damage+12%, Hate rise+20% Melee+5% to Dark, Accuracy-20% Dark R+5%

Critical damage+12% Melee to Dark+5% Hate Rise+20% Dark R+5% Accuracy-20% Autoskill

Selling Price : 1s

HP recovery by attack when MP is at max. (Consumes autoskill)