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Water Magic Attack IV

Proc Rate: 10%

ATK: 300

Selling Price : 230,000s

Magic R+17%, Accuracy+90 Spell burst+5% Magic attack chance by attack Ice element

Melee to Fire+20% Melee to Water+10% Magic R+17% Accuracy+90 Spellburst+5% Autoskill If [Lv > 300] then If [INT > 400] then Water Magic+5%

ATK: 4 DEF: 18

Selling Price : 100,800s

Heal recovery+25% Magic attack chance by attack Water magic+6% Recoil+30% if Lv<250

Heal Recovery+25% Water Magic+6% Autoskill if [Lv < 250] then Recoil+30%