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Swipe Lv 2

Proc Rate: 14%

ATK: 15 DEF: 12

Selling Price : 27,000s

MaxHP+10%, Melee R +10% Additional attack chance by attack

MaxHP +10% Melee R +10% [Autoskill] Additional attack chance by attack

ATK: 15 DEF: 13

Selling Price : 56,700s

MaxHP+12%, Melee R +12% Additional attack chance by attack

MaxHP +12% Melee R +12% [Autoskill] Additional attack chance by attack

ATK: 35 DEF: 1

Selling Price : 10,000s

ATK+8% ASPD-100%, Melee pierce +2% Additional attack chance by attack Critical up during Xmas. STR+5
ATK +8% STR +5 Melee Pierce +2% ASPD -100% Autoskill [Xmas] Critical rate +10 Critical damage +10%

ATK: 170

Selling Price : 50,000s

Accuracy +10 Reflect +10% Additional attack chance

Accuracy +10 Reflect +10% [Autoskill] Additional attack chance by attack

ATK: 255

Selling Price : 12,000s

ATK+7% AGI+8, Critical rate+10% Additional attack chance by attack Critical damage+16%

ATK+7% AGI+8 Critical Rate+10% Critical Damage+16% Autoskill If [Warrior] then [Jan] Range+1 Absolute Evasion+10% Magic Evasion+10%

ATK: 270 DEF: 10

Selling Price : 200,000s

Earth element, Critical up, ATK+10% Absolute evasion+10%, Magic R -20% Dizzy chance+1%, Additional attack chance by attack
Melee to Wind +20% Melee to Earth -20% Critical rate +10 Critical damage +10% ATK +10% Absolute Evasion +10% Magic R -20% Dizzy+1% Autoskill

ATK: 185

Selling Price : 300,000s

Additional attack chance by attack All Elements, Critical rate +25 Magic evasion -30%, Melee+125

Critical rate +25 Magic Evasion -30% Melee to Fire +10% Melee to Water +10% Melee to Wind +10% Melee to Earth +10% Melee to Light +10% Melee to Dark +10% Melee +125 [Autoskill] Additional attack chance by attack

ATK: 171

Selling Price : 33,000s

VIT+4 CRT+2 Evasion+3%, Magic R -20% Additional attack chance by attack Water element

Melee to Fire +20% Melee to Water -20% VIT +4 CRT +2 Evasion +3% Magic R -20% [Autoskill] Additional attack chance by attack

ATK: 160

Selling Price : 1s

Additional attack chance by attack Magic R -10%, Evasion+20% ATK+10% AGI+6 Ice element

Melee to Fire +20% Melee to Water +10% Magic R -10% Evasion +20% ATK +10% AGI +6 [Autoskill] Additional attack chance by attack

ATK: 250 DEF: 8

Selling Price : 96,200s

MaxHP+15% Evasion+8%, Magic R -10% Magic evasion +10%, A attack chance Bonus with some equipment
Magic R -10% MaxHP +15% Evasion +8% Magic Evasion +10% [Duel Shield][Duel Shield (Strengthened 1)][Duel Shield (Strengthened 2)][Duel Shield (Strengthened 3)] Autoskill Autoskill

ATK: 290 DEF: 8

Selling Price : 96,200s

Magic R -10%, MaxHP+20% Evasion+18% Additional attack chance by attack Magic evasion +20% If you equip additional...
Magic R -10% MaxHP +20% Evasion +18% Magic Evasion +20% [Duel Shield][Duel Shield (Strengthened 1)][Duel Shield (Strengthened 2)][Duel Shield (Strengthened 3)] Autoskill Autoskill ATK +15% Autoskill +8%

Selling Price : 15,000s

STR+17 Additional attack chance by attack

STR +17 [Autoskill] Additional attack chance by attack