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Swipe Lv 3

Proc Rate: 14%

ATK: 25 DEF: 1

Selling Price : 26,000s

Critical damage +14%, DEX+5 Additional attack chance by attack Hate rise -15%

Critical damage +14% DEX +5 Hate Rise -15% [Autoskill] Additional attack chance by attack

DEF: 10

Selling Price : 33,500s

STR+15 Autoskill+3%, Hate rise +20% Melee R -5%, Critical damage +15% Additional attack chance

STR +15 Critical damage +15% Melee R -5% Autoskill +3% Hate Rise +20% [Autoskill] Additional attack chance by attack

ATK: 19 DEF: 15

Selling Price : 130,410s

Melee R +15%, KO time -0.5sec Small Neutral R up by Lv, MaxHP+22% Ailment R +15%, A. atk chance

MaxHP +22% Melee R +15% Ailment R +15% Knockout -0.5s [X = 0.03 * Lv] [Neutral R up by X] [Autoskill] Additional attack chance by attack

ATK: 21 DEF: 18

Selling Price : 300,000s

Melee R +18%, KO time -0.7sec Small Neutral R up by Lv, MaxHP+25% Ailment R +18%, A. atk chance

MaxHP +25% Melee R +18% Ailment R +18% Knockout -0.7s [X = 0.04 * Lv] [Neutral R up by X] [Autoskill] Additional attack chance by attack

ATK: 296

Selling Price : 150,000s

Accuracy+30 Reflect+20% MaxHP+21% Additional attack chance

Accuracy +30 Reflect +20% MaxHP +21% CRT +10 [Autoskill] Additional attack chance by attack

ATK: 254

Selling Price : 173,000s

Flame element, Magic R-20%, ATK+14% Burn activation+2%, Melee R+10% Additional attack chance by attack

Melee to Earth+20% Melee to Fire+10% Magic R-20% ATK+14% Burn+2% Melee R+10% [Autoskill] Additional attack chance by attack

ATK: 280

Selling Price : 100,000s

Item delay -2sec, Autoskill+10% DEX&CRT+10, Additional attack chance ASPD-10%, Melee pierce +10%
Item Delay -2.0s Autoskill +10% DEX +10 CRT +10 Melee Pierce +10% ASPD -10% Autoskill Melee R -30% Magic R -30%

ATK: 270

Selling Price : 630,000s

All elements, Critical rate +30 Magic evasion -20%, Melee+300 Additional attack chance
Critical rate +30 Magic Evasion -20% Melee to Fire +10% Melee to Water +10% Melee to Wind +10% Melee to Earth +10% Melee to Light +10% Melee to Dark +10% Autoskill Melee +300

ATK: 300

Selling Price : 756,000s

All elements, Critical up Magic evasion -20%, Melee+600 Additional attack chance
Critical rate +10 Critical damage +10% Magic Evasion -20% Melee to Fire +10% Melee to Water +10% Melee to Wind +10% Melee to Earth +10% Melee to Light +10% Melee to Dark +10% Autoskill Melee +600

ATK: 285

Selling Price : 346,000s

Flame element, Magic R-20%, ATK+21% Burn rate+2%, Melee R+10% Fire R+10% Additional attack chance by attack

Melee to Earth+20% Melee to Fire+10% Magic R-20% ATK+21% Burn+2% Melee R+10% Fire R+10% [Autoskill] Additional attack chance by attack

DEF: 14

Selling Price : 50,250s

STR+20, Critical damage+20% Melee R-5% Auto skill+5% Hate rise+25% Additional attack chance by attack
STR +20 Critical damage +20% Melee R -5% Autoskill +5% Hate Rise +25% Autoskill

ATK: 25 DEF: 3

Selling Price : 52,000s

Critical damage+26%, DEX+12, Additional attack chance by attack, Hate rise-15%
Critical damage +26% DEX +12 Hate Rise -15% Autoskill