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Proc Rate: 5%

By Defense, Recover HP equal to the damage you took. X = [(Lv x 20) - 100] [If X < 1, X = 1] Deal counter damage equal to X

ATK: 10 DEF: 13

Selling Price : 125,000s

ATK+5% MATK+6%, Critical rate +5% Melee&Magic R +4% Absolute accuracy +10%
ATK +5% MATK +6% Critical rate +5 Melee R +4% Magic R +4% Absolute Accuracy +10% Autoskill

DEF: 15

Selling Price : 153,000s

Critical damage +12%, Autoskill+3% Counter chance by defense VIT+5
Critical damage +12% Autoskill +3% VIT +5 Autoskill

ATK: 12 DEF: 14

Selling Price : 250,000s

ATK+7% MATK+8%, Critical rate +10 Melee&Magic R +4% Absolute accuracy +15%

ATK +7% MATK +8% Critical rate +10 Melee R +4% Magic R +4% Absolute Accuracy +15% Autoskill

DEF: 17

Selling Price : 306,000s

Critical damage +14%, Autoskill+4% Counter chance by defense VIT+7, Skill delay -0.4sec
Critical damage +14% Autoskill +4% VIT +7 Skill Delay -0.4s Autoskill

ATK: 15 DEF: 18

Selling Price : 525,000s

ATK+9% Autoskill+5%, Crt rate +15 Crt damage +8%, Melee&Magic R +6% Absolute acc. +15%, MATK+10%

ATK +9% MATK +10% Critical rate +15 Critical damage +8% Melee R +6% Magic R +6% Absolute Accuracy +15% Autoskill +5% INT +10 CRT +7 Autoskill

DEF: 20

Selling Price : 642,600s

Critical damage +16%, Autoskill+5% Melee counter chance by defense VIT+9, Skill delay -1sec
Critical damage +16% Autoskill +5% VIT +9 Skill Delay -1.0s Autoskill

ATK: 15 DEF: 15

Selling Price : 26,000s

VIT+8 Reflect+15% Melee+300 Counter chance by defense
VIT +8 Reflect +15% Melee +300 Autoskill

DEF: 4

Selling Price : 7,600s

Melee R -10%, Recoil+10% Counter chance by defense
Melee R -10% Recoil +10% Autoskill

ATK: 17 DEF: 18

Selling Price : 26,000s

MATK+8% MaxMP+5%, Skill delay -1sec Counter chance by defense
MATK +8% MaxMP +5% Skill Delay -1.0s Autoskill

ATK: 270 DEF: 10

Selling Price : 90,000s

Special sword, MaxHP+30% Rate cut+10%, Melee&Magic R+15% Counter chance by defense

MaxHP+30% Rate Cut+10% Melee R+15% Magic R+15% Autoskill

ATK: 170

Selling Price : 130,000s

MaxMP+8%, MATK+5% Magic R -20% CRT+10 Counter chance by defense
CRT +10 MaxMP +8% MATK +5% Magic R -20% Autoskill [X = Lv] [X = X / 2] [Melee up by X]

ATK: 185 DEF: 1

Selling Price : 250,000s

MaxMP+12% MATK+7% Magic R -15% CRT+15, Counter chance by defense
CRT +15 MaxMP +12% MATK +7% Magic R -15% Autoskill [X = Lv] [X = X / 2] [Melee up by X]

ATK: 262 DEF: 5

Selling Price : 500,000s

CRT+18, Magic pierce +12%, MaxMP+15% MATK+12% Autoskill+5%, Magic R -10% Melee counter chance
CRT +18 Magic Pierce +12% MaxMP +15% MATK +12% Magic R -10% Autoskill +5% Autoskill [Melee up by Lv]

Selling Price : 1s

Delay-1 sec, Counter chance by defense. Only before acquiring Apostolia ATK&MATK+15% Melee&Magic R+15%@15th Anniversary item. Thank you for playing! (Consumes autoskill)