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Proc Rate: 4%

Additional Attack Chance By Attack

DEF: 13

Selling Price : 26,000s

INT+3 VIT+3 CRT+10, Magic R +5%
INT +3 VIT +3 CRT +10 Magic R +5% Autoskill

DEF: 15

Selling Price : 75,400s

INT+10 VIT+10 CRT+15 Magic R +15%, Rate cut +5%

INT +10 VIT +10 CRT +15 Magic R +15% Rate cut +5% [Autoskill] Additional attack chance by attack

DEF: 18

Selling Price : 150,800s

INT+12 VIT+12 CRT+20 MDEF+5% Magic R +18%, Rate cut +8%

INT +12 VIT +12 CRT +20 Magic R +18% Rate cut +8% MDEF +5% [Autoskill] Additional attack chance by attack

ATK: 150 DEF: 5

Selling Price : 15,000s

MaxHP+500 Additional attack chance Earth element

Melee to Wind +20% Melee to Earth -20% MaxHP +500 [Autoskill] Additional attack chance by attack

ATK: 170 DEF: 5

Selling Price : 45,000s

MaxHP+1000 Additional attack chance Earth element

Melee to Wind +20% Melee to Earth -20% MaxHP +1000 [Autoskill] Additional attack chance by attack [Melee up by DEX]

ATK: 257 DEF: 10

Selling Price : 90,000s

ATK+6% MaxHP+1500 Melee pierce +15%, Earth element Additional attack chance

Melee to Wind +20% Melee to Earth -20% ATK +6% MaxHP +1500 Melee Pierce +15% [X = DEX] [X = X · 15] [X = X / 10] [Melee up by X] [Autoskill] Additional attack chance by attack

ATK: 297 DEF: 10

Selling Price : 90,000s

Earth element, ATK+19% MaxHP+3500 Melee pierce +25% Additional attack chance
Melee to Wind +20% Melee to Earth -10% ATK +19% MaxHP +3500 Melee Pierce +25% Autoskill [X = DEX] [X = X · 5] [Melee up by X]