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Dragon Emperor Rush

Proc Rate: 74%

Attack interval halved, ATK+10%, Evasion+50%, [Monk] Shellbreak+25% for 10sec

ATK: 294

Selling Price : 180,000s

Burn time +5sec, Freeze time +5sec CRT-10 ATK+15%, Melee+10% to Fire& Earth, ATK up with low HP.
Burn +5.0s Freeze +5.0s CRT -10 ATK +15% Melee to Fire +10% Melee to Earth +10% Autoskill

ATK: 166 DEF: 3

Selling Price : 10,000s

ATK up by defense when HP is low. ATK+6%, Critical rate +10 Magic R -20%
ATK +6% Critical rate +10 Magic R -20% Autoskill

ATK: 310

Selling Price : 243,000s

ATK+19%, Burn activation +3% Burn duration +10sec Freeze duration +10sec Melee+18% to Fire and Earth ATK up by defense if HP is low.
Burn +10.0s Freeze +10.0s Burn +3% ATK +19% Melee to Fire +18% Melee to Earth +18% Autoskill

ATK: 240 DEF: 3

Selling Price : 10,000s

ATK+12%, Critical rate +20 ATK up by defense if HP is low. Magic R -15%
ATK +12% Critical rate +20 Magic R -15% Autoskill

ATK: 250 DEF: 3

Selling Price : 10,000s

ATK+14%, Critical rate +40 ATK up by defense if HP is low. Magic R -10%
ATK +14% Critical rate +40 Magic R -10% Autoskill