ATK: 0 DEF: 2
Selling Price : 77s
MaxHP&DEF up for Adventurers. More MaxHP up if Lv>199.
ATK: 0 DEF: 2
Selling Price : 777s
MaxHP&MP and DEF for Adventurers, Melee&Magic R up. If Lv>349...
DEF: 9
Selling Price : 20,000s
Auto recovery +10, Accuracy+10, AGI+5, Absolute evasion +5%
ATK: 1 DEF: 1
Selling Price : 80,000s
Dark magic+5% Dark R+5% Spell burst+2% MaxMP+10% MATK+5% Magic counter chance by defense
ATK: 5 DEF: 11
Selling Price : 75,000s
MATK+4%, Cast time -20%, Melee R +4%, Autoskill+2%
ATK: 5 DEF: 12
Selling Price : 185,000s
MATK+5%, Cast time -20%, Melee R +4%, Autoskill+3%
ATK: 5 DEF: 12
Selling Price : 370,000s
MATK+6%, Cast time -30%, Melee R +4% Autoskill+4%
ATK: 10 DEF: 22
Selling Price : 814,000s
MATK+10% Autoskill+8%, Range cut +4% Cast time -35%, Melee R +8%
ATK: 5 DEF: 11
Selling Price : 75,000s
ATK+2% ASPD+20%, Melee R +4% Critical damage +2%
ATK: 5 DEF: 12
Selling Price : 185,000s
ATK+3% ASPD+20%, Melee R +4% Critical damage +3%
ATK: 5 DEF: 12
Selling Price : 370,000s
ATK+4% ASPD+30%, Melee R +4% Critical damage +4%
ATK: 15 DEF: 17
Selling Price : 814,000s
ATK+8% ASPD+40%, Melee R +8% Critical damage +8% Damage cut +4% during Stun
ATK: 0 DEF: 25
Selling Price : 1,200,000s
Melee&Magic R +12%, ATK up by STR MATK up by INT, Skill delay -1sec Damage cut chance by defense
ATK: 10 DEF: 25
Selling Price : 2,400,000s
Melee&Magic R +13%, ATK up by STR MATK up by INT, Skill delay -1.2sec Damage cut chance by defense
Trade X
ATK: 5 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 1s
DEF+40 MDEF+80 VIT&INT+2 Evasion rate up chance by defense Halves effects if Lv>49.
Trade X
DEF: 16
Selling Price : 10,000s
INT+3, Magic R +5% Damage cut chance by defense
DEF: 20
Selling Price : 10,000s
INT+6, MP cost -8%, Rate cut +10% Magic R +9% Damage cut chance by defense
ATK: 3 DEF: 25
Selling Price : 10,000s
INT+18 MP cost-12% Rate cut+20% Magic R+10% Ailment time-10% Damage cut chance by defense
Selling Price : 80s
DEF: 11
Selling Price : 40,000s
MaxHP+10% MaxMP+10% Auto HP recovery +20% Item delay -0.5sec
DEF: 20
Selling Price : 92,000s
MaxHP&MP+15%, Auto HP recovery +30% Rate cut +7%, Item delay -1sec
DEF: 8
Selling Price : 4,050s
Magic counter chance by defense MATK+5%, Heal recovery +10% Skill delay -0.5sec
ATK: 15 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 50,000s
ATK+18% Reflect+15% 50% chance of melee counter by defense. Damage up during counter
DEF: 3
Selling Price : 160,000s
ATK&MATK+10% Delay-0.5sec Hate rise -30%, Hate rise up by VIT MP cost -20%, Ailment R -30%
DEF: 3
Selling Price : 200,000s
ATK&MATK+16% Delay-0.7sec Hate rise -30%, Hate rise up by VIT MP cost -25%, Ailment R -30%
ATK: 15
Selling Price : 66,666s
MATK+16%, Magic pierce +20% Spell burst +10%, Melee&Magic R -10% MP decreases by defense
DEF: 8
Selling Price : 300,000s
MATK+4% MDEF+15% Autoskill+4% Magic counter chance by defense Magic R +5%
DEF: 9
Selling Price : 480,000s
MATK+5% MDEF+20%, Magic R +5% Magic counter chance by defense Autoskill+5%
DEF: 13
Selling Price : 1,008,000s
Autoskill+6% Magic counter chance by defense MATK+7% MDEF+22%, Magic R +7%
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 155,500s
Critical rate -15%, MP cost -15% MDEF+12% VIT+5 MaxHP+16% Rate cut +15%
DEF: 25
Selling Price : 373,200s
Critical rate -10%, MP cost -17% MDEF+14% VIT+10 MaxHP+16% Rate cut +17%
ATK: 10 DEF: 13
Selling Price : 125,000s
ATK+5% MATK+6%, Critical rate +5% Melee&Magic R +4% Absolute accuracy +10%
ATK: 12 DEF: 14
Selling Price : 250,000s
ATK+7% MATK+8%, Critical rate +10 Melee&Magic R +4% Absolute accuracy +15%
ATK: 15 DEF: 18
Selling Price : 525,000s
ATK+9% Autoskill+5%, Crt rate +15 Crt damage +8%, Melee&Magic R +6% Absolute acc. +15%, MATK+10%
ATK: 16 DEF: 22
Selling Price : 1,050,000s
ATK+11% MATK+13%, Critical rate +20 Critical damage +12% Melee & Magic R +7% Absolute hit +20% Autoskill +8%
ATK: 5 DEF: 13
Selling Price : 100,000s
ATK+3% MATK+4% Reflect+2% Critical rate +10 Critical damage +2%
ATK: 10 DEF: 13
Selling Price : 300,000s
ATK+3% MATK+5% Reflect+4% Critical rate +15 Critical damage +5%
ATK: 10 DEF: 20
Selling Price : 600,000s
ATK+7% MATK+10%, Critical rate +20 Critical damage +7%, Autoskill+3% Reflect+5%
ATK: 13 DEF: 20
Selling Price : 600,000s
ATK+9% MATK+12%, Critical rate +20 Reflect+6%, Critical damage +9% Autoskill+3%
Trade X
ATK: 20 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 500,000s
MATK+12% Autoskill+5% Absolute evasion +5%, Magic R -25% Spell burst +10%
Trade X
ATK: 20 DEF: 12
Selling Price : 1,000,000s
MATK+14%, Absolute evasion+7% Autoskill+8%, Spell burst +10% Cast time -20%, Magic R -25%
Trade X
ATK: 25 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 2,100,000s
Autoskill+10%, Spell burst +12% C. time -25%, Magic+1%, Magic R -25% MATK+16%, Absolute evasion+10%
ATK: 15 DEF: 6
Selling Price : 15,000s
ATK+3% MATK+3% Evasion+5% Magic R +12% Skill delay -1sec
ATK: 20 DEF: 6
Selling Price : 75,000s
ATK+3% MATK+3% Evasion+10% Magic R +12%, Skill delay -1.5sec
ATK: 20 DEF: 13
Selling Price : 225,000s
ATK+8% MATK+8% Evasion+15% Magic R +13%, Skill delay -1.8sec
ATK: 5 DEF: 30
Selling Price : 200,000s
MaxHP&MP-10%, Light R -50% Dark R +20%, ATK&MATK+14% With fallen god's weapon...
ATK: 5 DEF: 25
Selling Price : 200,000s
DEX+8, Melee R +15%, Range cut +10% Earth magic +10%, MP cost -12% MaxHP-10% Melee counter chance by defense
ATK: 5 DEF: 25
Selling Price : 250,000s
DEX+15, Melee R+17%, Range cut+15% Earth magic +15%, MP Cost-15% MaxHP-10% Melee counter chance by defense
DEF: 10
Selling Price : 999,000s
MaxHP+12%, Ailment R+15% Melee R-15%, Magic R+15% Autoskill+4%
Trade X
ATK: 5 DEF: 17
Selling Price : 1s
ATK+4% MATK+5% All element R+3% Critical rate+10 MaxHP&MP up Chance of HP recovery when defeated. Accuracy+30 Evasion+15
ATK: 8 DEF: 20
Selling Price : 1s
ATK+6% MATK+8% All element R+5% Critical rate+20 MaxHP&MP up Chance of HP recovery when defeated. Accuracy+30 Evasion+15 Reflect+5%
ATK: 10 DEF: 25
Selling Price : 1s
ATK+10% MATK+14% All element R+5% Critical rate+20 MaxHP&MP up Chance of HP recovery when defeated. Accuracy+50 Evasion+20 Reflect+10%
ATK: 10 DEF: 28
Selling Price : 1s
ATK+17% MATK+19% All element R+8% MaxHP&MP up, Critical rate+20 Chance of HP recovery when defeated. Accuracy+50 Evasion+20 Reflect+10%
DEF: 16
Selling Price : 1,000,000s
ATK&MATK+8%, Melee&Magic pierce +2% Damage cut if HP is 25% or lower. Magic evasion +5%
DEF: 17
Selling Price : 2,700,000s
ATK&MATK+10%, Melee&Magic pierce +3% Magic evasion +5%. Damage cut if HP is under 25% or lower.
DEF: 22
Selling Price : 5,670,000s
ATK&MATK+14%, Melee&Magic pierce +6% Magic evasion +8%. Heal reward +1000 Dmg cut if HP is 25% or lower.
DEF: 25
Selling Price : 1s
MaxHP+15%, Magic R +20% Hate rise +25%, Melee+15% to Dark Light R +10%, Dark R +10%
ATK: 5 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 65,000s
Melee&Magic pierce +1%, DEX+1 CRT+1 Looks like it's broken...
ATK: 5 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 130,000s
MATK+5% DEX+10, Magic pierce +10% MaxHP+1000, Skill delay -1sec
ATK: 5 DEF: 17
Selling Price : 325,000s
MATK+8% DEX+10, Magic pierce +15% MaxHP+1500, Skill delay -1.2sec
ATK: 5 DEF: 19
Selling Price : 650,000s
MATK+11% MaxHP+2000 INT+5 DEX+10 Magic pierce +20%, Range cut +5% Skill delay -1.4sec
ATK: 5 DEF: 22
Selling Price : 1,430,000s
MATK+13% MaxHP+2500 INT+8 DEX+10 Magic pierce +22%, Range cut +5% Skill delay -1.7sec
ATK: 15 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 130,000s
ATK+5% CRT+10, Melee pierce +10% MaxHP+1000, Item delay -1sec
ATK: 20 DEF: 8
Selling Price : 325,000s
ATK+8% CRT+10, Melee pierce +15% MaxHP+1500, Item delay -1.2sec
ATK: 25 DEF: 11
Selling Price : 650,000s
ATK+11% MaxHP+2000 STR+5 CRT+10 Melee pierce +20%, Rate cut +5% Item delay -1.4sec
ATK: 28 DEF: 11
Selling Price : 1,430,000s
ATK+13% MaxHP+2500 STR+8 CRT+10 Melee pierce +22%, Rate cut +5% Item delay -1.7sec
Trade X
DEF: clothes that can be equipped with 0 Island
Trade X
ATK: 20 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 500,000s
ATK+12% Autoskill+5% Magic evasion +5%, Melee R -25% Critical rate +20%
Trade X
ATK: 20 DEF: 12
Selling Price : 1,000,000s
Autoskill+8%, Critical damage +5% Melee R -25%, Critical rate +20% Magic evasion +7%, ATK+14%
Trade X
ATK: 25 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 2,100,000s
Melee R -25%, Crt rate +25% M. evasion +10%, Melee+1%, ATK+16% Autoskill+10%, Crt damage +7%
DEF: 13
Selling Price : 10,000s
MaxHP+1000, Auto HP recovery +8% KO time -0.5sec
DEF: 13
Selling Price : 40,000s
MaxHP+2000, Auto HP recovery +16% KO time -1sec
DEF: 25
Selling Price : 108,000s
MaxHP+4000, Melee R +10% KO time -1.5sec Auto HP recovery +24%
DEF: 25
Selling Price : 135,000s
MaxHP+6000, Auto HP recovery+30% KO time-2sec, Melee R+15%
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 9,500s
STR+3 VIT+3 Magic counter chance by defense
DEF: 16
Selling Price : 28,500s
Magic counter chance by defense Melee+10% to Earth STR&VIT+6 ASPD+10%
ATK: 5 DEF: 18
Selling Price : 85,500s
STR+10 VIT+10, Melee pierce +15% Melee+15% to Earth ASPD+10%, Magic counter chance
ATK: 8 DEF: 20
Selling Price : 171,000s
Melee+18%, Melee pierce +18% to Earth, Magic counter chance STR+12 VIT+12 ASPD+10%
Selling Price : 40s
DEF: 6
Selling Price : 25,000s
Auto MP recovery +40%, MDEF+12% Absolute&Magic evasion +2% Heal reward +1000
DEF: 16
Selling Price : 62,500s
Absolute&Magic evasion +6%, MDEF+15% Burn time -0.5sec, Heal reward +1500 Auto MP recovery +50%
DEF: 18
Selling Price : 75,000s
Auto MP recovery+60%, MDEF+18%, Absolute&Magic evasion+8%, Burn time-1sec, Heal reward+2000
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 136,000s
Melee&Magic R +5%, Delay-0.5sec Skill delay cut chance by defense DEF&MDEF up based on Lv.
DEF: 16
Selling Price : 367,200s
Melee&Magic R +7%, Delay-0.5sec Skill delay cut chance by defense DEF&MDEF up based on Lv.
DEF: 21
Selling Price : 734,400s
Melee&Magic R +8%, Delay-0.7sec MaxHP+8%, Skill delay cut chance DEF&MDEF up based on Lv.
DEF: 25
Selling Price : 800,000s
DEF&MDEF up based on Lv Melee&Magic R +14%, Delay -1.2 sec. MaxHP+10% Chance to lower skill delay by defense
DEF: 7
Selling Price : 4,000s
MP cost -10%, Auto recovery +15 Accuracy+20
DEF: 13
Selling Price : 11,600s
MP cost -15%, Auto recovery +20 Magic counter chance by defense Accuracy+30, Magic up by Lv
DEF: 10
Selling Price : 15,200s
MATK+2% MDEF+9%, Cast time -6% Auto MP recovery +50%
DEF: 11
Selling Price : 45,600s
MATK+3% MDEF+10%, Cast time -8% Auto MP recovery +50% Cast defense +5%
DEF: 13
Selling Price : 110,000s
MATK+6% MDEF+12%, Cast time -10% Auto MP recovery +70%, Cast def +7% Spell burst +5% for mage type.
ATK: 5 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 17,600s
MATK+4% Autoskill+3% Magic counter chance by defense
DEF: 4
Selling Price : 1s
Adds Skill delay -1sec with Witch Hat. MATK&Dark magic +5%, Cast time -6%
DEF: 10
Selling Price : 58,000s
MATK+6% MDEF+10% Auto MP recovery +15% Magic evasion +2%
ATK: 10 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 5,000s
Fire magic +5%, ATK+10% Autoskill+5% Absolute&Magic evasion +10% Small AGI up by Lv
ATK: 10 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 5,000s
Fire magic +5%, ATK+10% MaxHP+15% MaxMP+15%, Small VIT up by Lv
ATK: 20 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 5,000s
Fire magic +5%, ATK+3% MATK+10% Magic up by Lv Small INT up by Lv
ATK: 10 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 5,000s
Fire magic +5% ATK+10% STR&DEX+10 Melee&Magic pierce +10%
ATK: 10 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 5,000s
Fire magic +5% ATK+10% Melee&Magic R +10%, Rate cut +10%
ATK: 20 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 5,000s
Fire magic +5%, ATK+13% MaxMP+15%, Small STR up by Lv Melee up by Lv
ATK: 10 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 5,000s
Earth magic +5%, ATK+10% Autoskill+5% Absolute&Magic evasion +10% Small AGI up by Lv
ATK: 10 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 5,000s
Earth magic +5%, ATK+10% MaxHP+15% MaxMP+15%, Small VIT up by Lv
ATK: 20 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 5,000s
Earth magic +5%, ATK+3% MATK+10% Magic up by Lv Small INT up by Lv
ATK: 10 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 5,000s
Earth magic +5% ATK+10% STR&DEX+10 Melee&Magic pierce +10%
ATK: 20 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 5,000s
Earth magic +5%, ATK+13% MaxMP+15%, Small STR up by Lv Melee up by Lv
ATK: 10 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 5,000s
Water magic +5%, ATK+10% Autoskill+5% Absolute&Magic evasion +10% Small AGI up by Lv
ATK: 10 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 5,000s
Water magic +5%, ATK+10% MaxHP+15% MaxMP+15%, Small VIT up by Lv
ATK: 20 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 5,000s
Water magic +5%, ATK+3% MATK+10% Magic up by Lv Small INT up by Lv
ATK: 10 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 5,000s
Water magic +5% ATK+10% STR&DEX+10 Melee&Magic pierce +10%
ATK: 10 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 5,000s
Water magic +5% ATK+10% Melee&Magic R +10%, Rate cut +10%
ATK: 20 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 5,000s
Water magic +5%, ATK+13% MaxMP+15%, Small STR up by Lv Melee up by Lv
ATK: 10 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 5,000s
Earth magic +5% ATK+10% Melee&Magic R +10%, Rate cut +10%
ATK: 10 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 5,000s
Wind magic +5%, ATK+10% Autoskill+5% Absolute&Magic evasion +10% Small AGI up by Lv
ATK: 10 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 5,000s
Wind magic +5%, ATK+10% MaxHP+15% MaxMP+15%, Small VIT up by Lv
ATK: 20 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 5,000s
Wind magic +5%, ATK+3% MATK+10% Magic up by Lv Small INT up by Lv
ATK: 10 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 5,000s
Wind magic +5% ATK+10% STR&DEX+10 Melee&Magic pierce +10%
ATK: 10 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 5,000s
Wind magic +5% ATK+10% Melee&Magic R +10%, Rate cut +10%
ATK: 20 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 5,000s
Wind magic +5%, ATK+13% MaxMP+15%, Small STR up by Lv Melee up by Lv
ATK: 5 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 5,000s
Dark magic +5%, MATK+13% Small INT up by Lv Magic up by Lv
DEF: 10
Selling Price : 5,000s
Fire magic +5%, MATK+10% Autoskill+5% Absolute&Magic evasion +10% Small AGI up by Lv
ATK: 5 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 5,000s
Fire magic +5% MATK+10% Critical up, Spell burst +3%
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 5,000s
Fire magic +5%, MATK+10% MaxHP+15% MaxMP+15%, Small VIT up by Lv
ATK: 10 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 5,000s
Fire magic +5%, MATK+13% Magic up by Lv Small INT up by Lv
DEF: 10
Selling Price : 5,000s
Fire magic +5% MATK+10% Delay-0.5sec, Cast time -15% Small DEX up by Lv
ATK: 10 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 5,000s
Fire magic +5%, ATK+10% MATK+3% Small STR up by Lv Melee up by Lv
DEF: 10
Selling Price : 5,000s
Earth magic +5%, MATK+10% Autoskill+5% Absolute&Magic evasion +10% Small AGI up by Lv
ATK: 5 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 5,000s
Earth magic +5% MATK+10% Critical up, Spell burst +3%
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 5,000s
Earth magic +5%, MATK+10% MaxHP+15% MaxMP+15%, Small VIT up by Lv
ATK: 10 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 5,000s
Earth magic +5%, MATK+13% Magic up by Lv Small INT up by Lv
ATK: 10 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 5,000s
Earth magic +5%, ATK+10% MATK+3% Small STR up by Lv Melee up by Lv
DEF: 10
Selling Price : 5,000s
Water magic +5%, MATK+10% Autoskill+5% Absolute&Magic evasion +10% Small AGI up by Lv
ATK: 5 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 5,000s
Water magic +5% MATK+10% Critical up, Spell burst +3%
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 5,000s
Water magic +5%, MATK+10% MaxHP+15% MaxMP+15%, Small VIT up by Lv
ATK: 10 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 5,000s
Water magic +5%, MATK+13% Magic up by Lv Small INT up by Lv
DEF: 10
Selling Price : 5,000s
Water magic +5% MATK+10% Delay-0.5sec, Cast time -15% Small DEX up by Lv
ATK: 10 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 5,000s
Water magic +5%, ATK+10% MATK+3% Small STR up by Lv Melee up by Lv
DEF: 10
Selling Price : 5,000s
Earth magic +5% MATK+10% Delay-0.5sec, Cast time -15% Small DEX up by Lv
DEF: 10
Selling Price : 5,000s
Wind magic +5%, MATK+10% Autoskill+5% Absolute&Magic evasion +10% Small AGI up by Lv
ATK: 5 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 5,000s
Wind magic +5% MATK+10% Critical up, Spell burst +3%
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 5,000s
Wind magic +5%, MATK+10% MaxHP+15% MaxMP+15%, Small VIT up by Lv
ATK: 10 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 5,000s
Wind magic +5%, MATK+13% Magic up by Lv Small INT up by Lv
DEF: 10
Selling Price : 5,000s
Wind magic +5% MATK+10% Delay-0.5sec, Cast time -15% Small DEX up by Lv
ATK: 10 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 5,000s
Wind magic +5%, ATK+10% MATK+3% Small STR up by Lv Melee up by Lv
Trade X
ATK: 4 DEF: 16
Selling Price : 120s
Ilba strengthened the armor crafted by Rune.
ATK: 5 DEF: 30
Selling Price : 180,000s
Range+1 MaxHP+15% Autoskill+8% Melee&Magic pierce +10% Melee&Magic+5% to Boss
ATK: 5 DEF: 30
Selling Price : 225,000s
Range+1, MaxHP+20%, Melee&Magic pierce+12% Autoskill+14% Melee&Magic+6% to Boss Small MP recovery chance by attack
Trade X
ATK: 15 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 100,000s
Evasion+4%, AGI+10 Autoskill+2%, ASPD+10%
ATK: 10 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 1s
ATK+3%, MATK+3%, Heal recovery +3%, Cast time -10% HP recovery chance by defense
ATK: 10 DEF: 16
Selling Price : 1s
ATK+4% MATK+7%, Heal recovery +7% ASPD+10%, Cast time -10% HP recovery chance by defense
ATK: 15 DEF: 20
Selling Price : 1s
ATK+8% MATK+12%, Heal recovery +15% ASPD+20%, Cast time -20%, Reflect+5% HP recovery chance by defense
ATK: 17 DEF: 22
ATK+15% MATK+17% ヒール回復+25% ASPD+40% 詠唱時間-30% ダメージ反射+10% 防御時、確率でHP回復
DEF: 16
Selling Price : 30,000s
VIT+3, Melee R +5% Damage cut chance by defense
DEF: 17
Selling Price : 60,000s
VIT+9, Melee R +5%, Rate cut +5% KO time -1sec Damage cut chance by defense
DEF: 24
Selling Price : 138,000s
VIT+12, Melee R +10%, Rate cut +10% KO time -1sec, Damage cut chance by defense
Trade X
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 10,000s
MaxHP+15%, MP cost -15% Melee&Magic R +5% All element R +10% Damage cut if HP is 25% or lower.
Trade X
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 10,000s
MaxMP+15% Delay-0.7sec, MPcost -15% Absolute&Magic evasion +7% Ailment R +20% Movement speed +5% Small MP recovery chance by defense
DEF: 10
Selling Price : 1s
Cast time -40%, Magic R +10% Magic counter chance by defense All element R +10%
DEF: 20
Selling Price : 20,000s
L magic +10%, Heal rec +20%, MATK+7% Dark R +3%, Magic R +10%, Hate rise -10%, Magic counter chance
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 32,000s
ATK+2% MaxHP+8% MaxMP+4% Magic R +5%, Auto HP recovery +30%
ATK: 0 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 64,000s
ATK+2% MaxHP+10% MaxMP+5% Magic R +5%, Auto HP recovery +30%
ATK: 0 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 96,000s
ATK+4% MaxHP+12% MaxMP+6% Magic R +5% Auto HP recovery +30%
ATK: 0 DEF: 22
Selling Price : 288,000s
Magic R +8%, Auto HP recovery +30% Heal reward +8%, Item recovery +7% ATK+8% MaxHP+14% MaxMP+10%
ATK: 30 DEF: 13
Selling Price : 124,800s
Critical up, STR+10 ASPD+10% MP heal in low HP
ATK: 31 DEF: 16
Selling Price : 249,600s
Critical up, STR+30, ASPD+20%, MP recovery by defense with low HP Melee pierce+10% for Warrior Type.
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 153,000s
Critical damage +12%, Autoskill+3% Counter chance by defense VIT+5
DEF: 17
Selling Price : 306,000s
Critical damage +14%, Autoskill+4% Counter chance by defense VIT+7, Skill delay -0.4sec
DEF: 20
Selling Price : 642,600s
Critical damage +16%, Autoskill+5% Melee counter chance by defense VIT+9, Skill delay -1sec
DEF: 3
Selling Price : 1s
Water R +3%, Hate rise +15% Wind R -100% Melee&Magic R -100%
ATK: 15 DEF: 14
Selling Price : 65,000s
Critical rate +10 with Swords Item recovery +15% ATK+3% VIT+4 AGI+2
ATK: 15 DEF: 14
Selling Price : 130,000s
Critical rate +12 with Swords Item recovery +20% ATK+3% VIT+4 AGI+3
ATK: 25 DEF: 16
Selling Price : 260,000s
Critical rate +22 with Swords Item recovery +25% ATK+6% VIT+10 AGI+9
ATK: 26 DEF: 18
Selling Price : 572,000s
Small Melee up by Lv, AGI+10,VIT+11 Critical rate +25 with Swords Item recovery +30%, ATK+10%
DEF: 11
Selling Price : 65,000s
MATK+4% DEX&INT+3, MP cost -10% Skill delay -0.5sec with Throwing
DEF: 11
Selling Price : 130,000s
Skill delay -0.7sec with Throwing MATK+4% DEX+4 INT+3, MP cost -13%
DEF: 14
Selling Price : 260,000s
MATK+7% DEX+10 INT+9, MP cost -15% Skill delay -1.5sec with Throwing
DEF: 16
Selling Price : 572,000s
MATK+10% DEX+11 INT+10, MP cost -17% Skill delay -1.7sec with Throwing Small MATK up by Lv
ATK: 5 DEF: 25
Selling Price : 130,000s
Magic R +15%, Melee R -5%, MaxHP+10% VIT+5, Melee+15% to Dark, Dark R +5% Magic counter chance
ATK: 5 DEF: 25
Selling Price : 162,500s
Magic R +25%, Melee R -15%, MaxHP+15% VIT+15, Melee+18% to Dark, Dark R+15% Counter chance by defense
Trade X
Selling Price : 30,000s
ATK: 10 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 155,000s
Spell burst +10%, Magic pierce +15% Magic R +10%
ATK: 10 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 310,000s
Spell burst +10%, Magic pierce +17% INT+5 MATK+3%, Magic R +13%
ATK: 10 DEF: 20
Selling Price : 651,000s
Spell burst +10%, Magic pierce +19% INT+8 MATK+5%, Magic R +15%
ATK: 10 DEF: 25
Selling Price : 200,000s
Water R +10%, Wind R -10% Magic R +15%, Skill delay -1sec Hate rise -15%, MaxHP-10% Cast time -35%, Magic pierce +10%
ATK: 10 DEF: 25
Selling Price : 250,000s
Water R +15%, Wind R -15% Magic R +17%, Skill delay -1sec Hate rise -20%. MaxHP -10% Cast time -40%, Magic pierce +15%
Trade X
DEF: 6
Selling Price : 10,000s
ATK&MATK-6%, Absolute evasion +10% Magic R +12%, Skill delay -2sec
Trade X
DEF: 12
Selling Price : 10,000s
ATK&MATK-3% Absolute evasion+11% MP cost-8% Magic R+14% Skill delay-3.3 sec
ATK: 0 DEF: 9
Selling Price : 75,000s
Evasion+6%, Magic evasion +4% Critical rate +8
ATK: 0 DEF: 9
Selling Price : 150,000s
Melee&Magic evasion+6% Critical rate +15, Poison dmg +10%
ATK: 0 DEF: 9
Selling Price : 165,000s
Evasion+20%, Magic evasion+12% Critical rate+20, Critical dmg+15% Poison effect+10% Poison effect+90% more for Assassin. Poison duration+5sec
ATK: 5 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 110,000s
MATK+8% Delay-0.5sec Melee R +5%, Rate cut +12 %
Trade X
DEF: 7
Selling Price : 1,400s
MDEF+12% MaxMP+12% Auto MP recovery +40%
Trade X
DEF: 7
Selling Price : 28,000s
MATK+5% MDEF+12% MaxMP+15% Auto MP recovery +40%
Trade X
DEF: 14
Selling Price : 70,000s
MATK+8% MaxMP+18% MDEF+15% Auto MP recovery +60%
Trade X
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 1,000,000s
MATK+6%, Critical up, Delay -0.5sec Melee+100 Accuracy+50, Absolute evasion +5%
Trade X
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 2,300,000s
ATK+3% MATK+10% Accuracy+100 Delay-0.5sec Melee+300, Critical up Absolute evasion +7%
Trade X
ATK: 5 DEF: 22
Selling Price : 5,060,000s
ATK+12% MATK+16% Accuracy+100 Melee+600 Delay-1sec, Critical up Absolute evasion +10%
Trade X
ATK: 8 DEF: 25
Selling Price : 5,566,000s
ATK+14% MATK+18% Accuracy+100 Melee+900 Delay-1sec, Critical up Absolute evasion +10%
DEF: 18
Selling Price : 200,000s
MaxHP+17%, VIT+10, Magic R+15% Delay-1sec, Item recovery+20% MaxHP up based on DEX.
ATK: 10 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 66,666s
ATK+16% INT&CRT+15 Evasion+5% Melee R -5% Additional attack chance by attack with poisoning yourself.
DEF: 25
Selling Price : 360,000s
All stats +8, ATK&MATK+4% MaxHP+5% Absolute evasion +3%, Cast time -10% Spell burst +5%
ATK: 2 DEF: 27
Selling Price : 720,000s
All Stats+12 ATK+7%&MATK+7% Absolute Evasion+5% MaxHP+9% Cast Time-15% Spell burst+8% Autoskill+5%
DEF: 5
Selling Price : 1s
Cast time -8%, Dark magic +5%, MATK+6% Adds Skill delay -1sec, MATK+2% with Witch Hat.
ATK: 10 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 220,000s
Critical damage +8% AGI+10 Absolute evasion +5%, Melee R -5% Hate rise -10%
ATK: 15 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 320,000s
Critical damage +9% AGI+15 Absolute evasion +6%, Melee R -5% Hate rise -15%
ATK: 25 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 672,000s
Critical damage +13%, AGI+20 Absolute evasion +9%, Melee R -5% Hate rise -20%, Ailment R +10%
ATK: 30 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 739,200s
Critical damage+28%, Melee R-5% DEF+1%, AGI+30, Absolute evasion+13% Hate rise-20%, Ailment R+30%
ATK: 5 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 220,000s
Element magic +9%, Magic R -5% DEX+10, Absolute evasion +5% Hate rise -10%
ATK: 10 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 320,000s
Element magic +10%, Magic R -5% DEX+15, Absolute evasion +6% Hate rise -15%
ATK: 20 DEF: 20
Selling Price : 672,000s
Element magic +14%, Magic R -5% DEX+20, Absolute evasion +9% Hate rise -20%, Ailment R +10%
ATK: 25 DEF: 20
Selling Price : 739,200s
Element magic+18%, Magic R-5%, MDEF+3% DEX+30, Absolute evasion+13% Hate rise-20%, Ailment R+30%
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 1,998,000s
MaxHP+18%, Ailment R+20%, Melee R-10%, Magic R+17%, Autoskill+5%, Melee+2% to Boss, Critical damage+28%, ATK+12% with Swords
ATK: 10 DEF: 8
Selling Price : 200,000s
Critical damage+33% ATK+5% Delay-1sec All element R+5% Converts half of STR to CRT
DEF: 20
Selling Price : 400,000s
MaxHP+21%, VIT+12, Magic R+15%, Delay-2 sec, Item recovery+30%, MaxHP up based on DEX
ATK: 5 DEF: 25
Selling Price : 184,000s
MaxHP&MP+30% Auto HP Recovery+40% Rate cut+9% Item Delay-2.0s
DEF: 27
Selling Price : 746,400s
Critical rate-10%, MP cost-18%, MDEF+16%, Rate cut+20%, VIT+18, MaxHP+19%, Accuracy+50, Accuracy rate+5%
ATK: 0 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 23,200s
MP cost-25%, Auto recovery+80, Auto recovery+20%, Magic up by Lv, Accuracy+150, Accuracy rate+15%, Magic counter chance by defense
ATK: 18 DEF: 17
Selling Price : 1,628,000s
ATK+14% ASPD+50% Melee R+12% Critical damage+10% Melee+2% to Boss Damage cut+7% during Stun
ATK: 10 DEF: 25
Selling Price : 1,628,000s
MATK+15% Cast time-45% Melee R+12% Autoskill+10% Range cut+8% Magic+2% to Boss
DEF: 24
Selling Price : 11,340,000s
ATK&MATK+17% Melee&Magic pierce+8% Magic evasion+10% Heal reward+1750 Accuracy+250 Dmg cut if HP is 25% or lower.
DEF: 24
Selling Price : 576,000s
ATK+10% MaxHP+19% MaxMP+16% Magic R+9% Auto HP recovery+30% Heal reward+10% Item recovery+15% Item delay-1.5 sec
ATK: 20 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 450,000s
ATK&MATK+12% Evasion+20% CRT+20 Magic R+14% Skill delay-2.5 sec ATK&MATK up based on STR
Trade X
ATK: 15 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 200,000s
Evasion+20% AGI+30 Autoskill+13% Autoskill power+8% ASPD+20%
Trade X
ATK: 4 DEF: 6
Selling Price : 1s
ATK+1% MATK+1% MP Cost+100% Looks like it's broken...Maybe Dyron can fix it...?
Trade X
ATK: 8 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 120,000s
ATK and CRT up based on MaxHP MATK+16% MaxMP+15% Skill delay-0.5 sec Item recovery-60% Neutral&Fire&Water&Wind&Earth R-5% Light R-8% Dark R-2% Melee&Magic+4% to Boss
Trade X
ATK: 5 DEF: 12
Selling Price : 120,000s
MATK and Spell burst up based on MaxHP ATK+16% MaxHP+15% Cast time-10% Item recovery-60% Neutral&Fire&Water&Wind&Earth R-5% Light R-8% Dark R-2% Melee&Magic+4% to Boss
ATK: 5 DEF: 18
Selling Price : 235,000s
MATK+18% Melee R+13% Rate cut+15% Delay-0.8 sec Absolute evasion+6% Range+1 Autoskill+12%
ATK: 0 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 10,000s
Autoskill+15% Autoskill power+12% Spell burst+13% MP cost-20% MaxHP&MP-20% Melee-10% to Boss
ATK: 0 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 10,000s
MATK+300 MATK+15% Cast time-30% Melee&Magic pierce+10% Skill delay-1 sec MaxHP&MP-20% All damage cut-10%
ATK: 8 DEF: 25
Selling Price : 193,000s
STR&INT+20 VIT+23 ASPD+20% Melee+20% to Earth Fire magic+20% Melee&Magic pierce+18% Magic counter chance by defense
ATK: 0 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 100,000s
ATK+5% Melee&Magic R+5% Melee+20% to Light Dark R+20% Counter chance by defense
ATK: 0 DEF: 27
Selling Price : 40,200s
ATK&MATK+14% Melee&Magic R+14% STR&INT up by Lv Small Ailment R and Rate cut up by VIT
ATK: 15 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 1,200,000s
ATK&MATK+12% Melee&Magic pierce+18% Melee+15% to Water Wind magic+20% Water R+25% Delay-1.2sec
ATK: 0 DEF: 28
Selling Price : 276,000s
VIT+24 Melee R+18% Rate cut+10% KO time -1sec Ailment R+24% Damage cut chance by defense
ATK: 12 DEF: 24
Selling Price : 320,000s
MaxHP&MP+17% Melee and All magic up against all elements based on Lv Item delay-1 sec Autoskill+12% MP recovery chance by defense