Special Claws
Magic Claws
ATK: 173
Selling Price : 52,000s
Absolute evasion +5%, Magic R -20% Additional attack chance by attack Water element
ATK: 198
Selling Price : 104,000s
Absolute evasion +6%, Magic R -20% Additional attack chance by attack Evasion+10% Water element
ATK: 258
Selling Price : 239,200s
Water element, Evasion+15% Absolute evasion +8%, Magic R -20% Additional attack chance
ATK: 298
Selling Price : 239,200s
Water element, Evasion+25% Absolute evasion +15%, Magic R -20% Poison activation +10% Blind activation +3% Additional attack chance by attack
ATK: 100
Selling Price : 10,000s
Critical damage +3%, Evasion+10% Magic attack chance by attack ASPD becomes lowest.
ATK: 135
Selling Price : 10,000s
Critical damage +6%, Evasion+20% Magic attack chance by attack ASPD becomes lowest.
ATK: 170
Selling Price : 10,000s
Critical damage +9%, Evasion+30% Magic attack chance by attack ASPD becomes lowest.
ATK: 222
Selling Price : 10,000s
Magic attack chance by attack Critical damage +12%, Evasion+40% ASPD becomes lowest.
ATK: 245
Selling Price : 10,000s
Lowest ASPD, Critical damage +16 Evasion+50% INT+5 Magic counter chance by attack
ATK: 285
Selling Price : 10,000s
Critical damage+25% Evasion+50% Range+2 ATK+6% INT+16 Magic attack chance by attack ASPD becomes lowest.
ATK: 170
Selling Price : 150,000s
Critical rate +20%, Magic R -10% When you attack...
ATK: 234
Selling Price : 1s
Melee&Magic pierce+10% Critical damage+10% All stats+5 Additional attack chance by attack
ATK: 292
Selling Price : 1s
Melee&Magic pierce+11% Critical damage+15% All stats+7 Counter on evasion+8% Additional attack chance by attack
ATK: 160
Selling Price : 1s
Additional attack chance by attack Magic R -10%, Evasion+20% ATK+10% AGI+6 Ice element
ATK: 205
Selling Price : 33,000s
Absolute evasion +3%, Magic R -20% Adds Autoskill+4% if Lv>249. Water element
ATK: 160
Selling Price : 234,000s
Evasion+10%, Accuracy rate +20% Melee up by CRT&Lv
ATK: 300
Selling Price : 20,000s
Magic R-10%, ATK+18%, Evasion-15% Dbl attack rate+20% if Beast Knight Chance to halve attack interval by defense
ATK: 105
Selling Price : 1s
STR&AGI+2 Evasion&Accuracy+20 ASPD+20% Adds EXP gain +20% if Lv<50.
Selling Price : 1s
ATK: 172
Selling Price : 24,960s
MaxMP+10%, Critical rate +20% CRT up by 2% of Lv. Magic R -5%
ATK: 272
Selling Price : 182,000s
Magic R -20%, Melee+25% to Neutral ATK+12%, Mel. pierce +15%, Para.+2%, Paralysis duration +3sec if STR>255.
ATK: 300
Selling Price : 200,000s
ATK+10%, MaxHP+10%, Critical up Bleed rate +3%, Bleed damage +20% Magic R -15% HP recovery chance by attack.
ATK: 263
Selling Price : 936,000s
Evasion+14%, Accuracy rate +20% Melee up by CRT&DEX&Lv Small Autoskill up by AGI
ATK: 162 DEF: 2
Selling Price : 48,500s
Magic R -20%, Hate rise -10% Adds hate rise -20% if VIT<126 Earth element
ATK: 202 DEF: 2
Selling Price : 101,850s
Hate rise -15%, Magic R -20% Adds Hate rise -25% if VIT<128. Earth element
ATK: 281 DEF: 2
Selling Price : 305,550s
Gaia element, Hate rise -15% Magic R -15%, ATK+8% VIT+7 Add Hate rise -25% if VIT<128.
ATK: 245
Selling Price : 6s
Melee pierce+10% Melee+4% to Boss Bleed chance+6% Bleed damage+25% Double attack chance+10% Magic R-10%
ATK: 250
Selling Price : 1s
Melee+2000, Critical damage+10%, Hate rise+20%, Melee R-10%, Magic R-10%
ATK: 181
Selling Price : 80,000s
Auto MP recovery+25%, Magic R-15%, Critical damage up based on INT. Melee+100, Heal recovery+10%
ATK: 150 DEF: 4
Selling Price : 20,000s
MaxHP+12% Evasion+2% Additional attack chance by attack Magic R -20%
ATK: 225
Selling Price : 38,000s
Magic R -20%, Heal recovery +5% Normal attack x1.5 chance by attack ATK+8%
ATK: 247
Selling Price : 76,000s
Magic R -10%, DEX+5 Autoskill+10% Critical up, Ailment R +10% ATK up based on Lv. Poison dmg +20%
ATK: 277
Selling Price : 167,200s
Magic R -10%, DEX+8 Autoskill+12% ATK up based on Lv. Poison dmg +25% Critical up, Ailment R +10%
ATK: 310
Selling Price : 334,400s
Magic R - 10%, DEX + 16, Autoskill + 14%, ATK up by Lv, Posion + 35%, Criticial Rate + 10, Critical damage + 10%, Ailment R +35%
ATK: 254
Selling Price : 173,000s
Flame element, Magic R-20%, ATK+14% Burn activation+2%, Melee R+10% Additional attack chance by attack
ATK: 285
Selling Price : 346,000s
Flame element, Magic R-20%, ATK+21% Burn rate+2%, Melee R+10% Fire R+10% Additional attack chance by attack
ATK: 290
Selling Price : 190,000s
Skill delay -1sec, Magic R -10% ATK up by VIT, Magic attack chance VIT+9, Critical damage +19%
ATK: 305
Selling Price : 380,000s
VIT+15, Critical damage+32% Skill delay-1 sec, Magic R-10% ATK up by VIT Magic attack chance by attack
ATK: 170
Selling Price : 6,000s
MaxHP+10%, Evasion+5%, Magic R -15% HP absorb chance Dark element
ATK: 260
Selling Price : 14,400s
Autoskill+5% Evasion+10% MaxHP+20% Crt damage +10%, HP absorb chance Magic R -15%, Dark element
ATK: 300
Selling Price : 34,560s
Autoskill+8% Evasion+14% MaxHP+25% Crt damage +14%, HP absorb chance Magic R -15%, Dark element
ATK: 200
Selling Price : 125,000s
Heal recovery +15%, Magic R -15% Melee up by AGI MaxHP+15%, Wind element
ATK: 220 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 262,500s
MaxHP+15% MATK+5%, Magic R -15% Heal recovery +15%, Melee up by AGI Wind element
ATK: 260 DEF: 9
Selling Price : 551,250s
Heal recovery +20%, Melee up by AGI Wind element, Magic counter chance MaxHP+20% MATK+10%, Mag R -15%
ATK: 300 DEF: 9
Selling Price : 551,250s
Heal recovery +35%, Melee up by AGI Wind element, Magic counter chance MaxHP+25%, MATK+17%, Mag R-15%
ATK: 150 DEF: 4
Selling Price : 37,000s
MaxHP+12% Evasion+4%, Magic R -20% Additional attack chance by attack Bonus with some equipment
ATK: 155
Selling Price : 11,000s
Small INT up by ATK, Magic R -10% Magic attack chance by attack Earth element
ATK: 165
Selling Price : 100,000s
Heal reward up, Magic R -20% Normal attack x1.5 chance by attack Light element
ATK: 180
Selling Price : 210,000s
Heal reward up, Range cut +10% Normal attack x1.5 chance by attack Magic R -20%, Light element
ATK: 258
Selling Price : 420,000s
N. Atk x1.5 chance, MaxHP+5% Magic R -15%, A. eva +8%, Light e. Heal reward up, Range cut +15%
ATK: 313
Selling Price : 840,000s
Normal attck x1.5 chance, MaxHP+15% Magic R -15%, Light element Absolute evasion +9% Heal reward up, Range cut +25%
ATK: 100
Selling Price : 1,000s
Magic R -15%, Critical rate +10 Thunder element
ATK: 180
Selling Price : 1,000s
Magic R -15%, Critical rate +10 MaxHP+1000 Thunder element
ATK: 166 DEF: 3
Selling Price : 10,000s
ATK up by defense when HP is low. ATK+6%, Critical rate +10 Magic R -20%
ATK: 240 DEF: 3
Selling Price : 10,000s
ATK+12%, Critical rate +20 ATK up by defense if HP is low. Magic R -15%
ATK: 250 DEF: 3
Selling Price : 10,000s
ATK+14%, Critical rate +40 ATK up by defense if HP is low. Magic R -10%
ATK: 290 DEF: 3
Selling Price : 10,000s
ATK+17% Critical rate+40 ATK up by defense if HP is low. Magic R-10% Dragonewt Song+10%
ATK: 160 DEF: 2
Selling Price : 50,000s
CRT+4 Evasion+8%, Magic R -20% Critical rate up chance by attack Wind element
ATK: 165 DEF: 3
Selling Price : 75,000s
Critical damage +2%, Magic R -20% Critical rate up chance by attack CRT+4 Evasion+10% Wind element
ATK: 225 DEF: 3
Selling Price : 157,500s
Critical damage +4%, Magic R -20% Crt rate up chance, Thunder element CRT+10 Evasion+15% MaxMP+15%
ATK: 275 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 346,500s
Critical damage +6%, Magic R -20% Crt rate up chance, Thunder element CRT+13 Evasion+20% MaxMP+20%
ATK: 253 DEF: 3
Selling Price : 106,800s
MATK+10%, Magic R -10%, Crt dmg -5% Magic pierce +10%, Crt rate +30 Magic attack chance by attack
ATK: 293 DEF: 3
Selling Price : 106,800s
MATK+18%, Magic pierce +12% Critical rate +40, Magic R -10% Crtical damage -5% Fire magic +15% Magic attack chance by attack
ATK: 296
Selling Price : 10,000s
Dark element, Critical up Magic R -10%, ATK+20% Triple attack chance by attack
ATK: 310
Selling Price : 200,000s
Dark element, MaxHP&MP-5%, ATK+12% Crt dmg +6%, Counter on evasion +6% With Fallen God's Armor...
ATK: 290
Selling Price : 200,000s
Light element, ATK+25%, Small ATK up by DEX, Absolute accuracy+20%, Geo Breaker SLv+1, Absolute&Magic Evasion-20%, Magic R-20%
ATK: 155
Selling Price : 100,000s
Autoskill+2%, Magic R -15% Magic counter chance by defense Fire element
ATK: 250
Selling Price : 1s
Crt damage +12%, Melee pierce +5% Melee+20% to Fire, -20% to Water AGI+5, Magic counter chance
ATK: 270
Selling Price : 1s
Crt damage +14%, Melee pierce +7% Melee+22% to Fire, -22% to Water AGI+6, Magic counter chance
ATK: 265
Selling Price : 15,000s
Ice element, Freeze activation +8% Freeze duration +5sec ATK increases based on INT.
ATK: 220
Selling Price : 468,000s
Evasion+10%, Accuracy rate +20% Melee up by CRT&DEX&Lv Small Autoskill up by AGI
ATK: 242
Selling Price : 155,000s
Magic R -15%, Magic evasion+6% Normal attack x1.5 chance by attack Ice element
ATK: 262
Selling Price : 325,500s
Ice element, Magic R -15% Magic evasion +8%, AGI+5 Normal attack x1.5 chance
ATK: 292
Selling Price : 651,000s
Ice element, Magic R -13% Magic evasion +10%, AGI+15 Normal attack x1.5 chance
ATK: 260
Selling Price : 35,000s
Dark element, AGI+5, Magic R -30% Critical up, Blind+3% Triple damage chance by attack
ATK: 280
Selling Price : 105,000s
Dark element, AGI+9, Magic R -30% Critical up, Blind+3% ATK+6% Triple damage chance by attack
ATK: 240
Selling Price : 30,000s
Critical damage +13%, MaxHP up by INT Magic attack chance, Light element Magic R -10%, Light magic +10%
ATK: 174
Selling Price : 150,000s
ATK-50%, Magic R -5% MATK up by 30% of CRT Water element
ATK: 171
Selling Price : 33,000s
VIT+4 CRT+2 Evasion+3%, Magic R -20% Additional attack chance by attack Water element
ATK: 250 DEF: 8
Selling Price : 96,200s
MaxHP+15% Evasion+8%, Magic R -10% Magic evasion +10%, A attack chance Bonus with some equipment
ATK: 170
Selling Price : 20,000s
MaxHP+5% Reflect+5% Magic R -20% Melee attack chance by attack Fire element
ATK: 266
Selling Price : 54,000s
Paralyze+5% ATK+16%, Magic R -20% Melee pierce +10%, T. attack chance Small Absolute evasion up by AGI
ATK: 304
Selling Price : 150,000s
Ice element, Magic R -5%, Freeze rate +5% Melee pierce +15%, Autoskill+9% MATK up by 150% of CRT
ATK: 244
Selling Price : 150,000s
ATK-10% Autoskill+6%, Magic R -5% Melee pierce +5%, Water element MATK up by 50% of CRT
ATK: 175
Selling Price : 214,000s
Autoskill+3%, Magic R -15% Magic counter chance by defense Evasion+10%, Fire element
ATK: 244
Selling Price : 200,000s
ATK+8%, Auto Skill+10%, Fear+2%, Critical Up, Movement speed+20% during combat. Hate rise-25%, Melee&Magic R-20%
ATK: 170
Selling Price : 130,000s
MaxMP+8%, MATK+5% Magic R -20% CRT+10 Counter chance by defense
ATK: 185 DEF: 1
Selling Price : 250,000s
MaxMP+12% MATK+7% Magic R -15% CRT+15, Counter chance by defense
ATK: 262 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 500,000s
CRT+18, Magic pierce +12%, MaxMP+15% MATK+12% Autoskill+5%, Magic R -10% Melee counter chance
ATK: 114 DEF: 2
Selling Price : 12,000s
Magic R -10%, AGI+4 DEX+4 Critical damage +3% ATK up chance by defense
ATK: 100 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 1s
Melee&Magic R +5%, VIT+2 HP recovery using MP by defense Auto MP recovery&MaxMP+20%
ATK: 254 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 1s
MaxMP+30%, Auto MP recovery +20% Rate cut +15%, Melee&Magic R +10% HP recovery using MP. VIT+8
ATK: 294 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 1s
MaxMP+33%, Auto MP recovery +20% Rate cut +18%, Melee&Magic R +13% HP recovery using MP. VIT+11
ATK: 160
Selling Price : 50,000s
Critical damage +7%, Magic R -20% Melee up by CRT. Range+1 Melee+2% to Neutral
ATK: 230
Selling Price : 110,000s
Melee up by CRT, Magic R -20% Critical damage +10%, Range+2 Melee+6% to Neutral
ATK: 270
Selling Price : 330,000s
Magic R -20%, Melee+9% to Neutral A. evasion +7%, Melee up by CRT Range+2, Critical damage +19%
ATK: 260
Selling Price : 30,000s
Range+1, Melee+10% to Earth Accuracy rate +10%, Critical rate +5% Critical damage +5% Melee pierce -20%, Water R -20%
ATK: 290
Selling Price : 60,000s
Range+1, Melee+14% to Earth, Accuracy rate+20%, Critical up, Melee pierce-5%, Water R-20%, 1% chance of Parry by defense
ATK: 200
Selling Price : 25,500s
Light element, Melee pierce +5% ATK+7%, Add. attack chance by attack Melee+400 if AGI>199.
ATK: 110
Selling Price : 24,900s
Magic evasion +5%, MaxHP+1000 Twice attack chance Magic R -15%
ATK: 215 DEF: 2
Selling Price : 140,000s
Critical up, Range cut -12% Melee pierce -10%, Magic R -20%
ATK: 235 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 294,000s
Critical up, Range cut -12% Melee pierce -10%, Magic R -20% Melee attack chance by attack
ATK: 268 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 720,000s
ATK+6%, Critical up, Range cut -5% Melee pierce -10%, Magic R -20% Melee attack chance by attack
ATK: 274 DEF: 2
Selling Price : 150,000s
Counter on evasion+15%, Magic R-12% Critical dmg-8%, Melee+4% to Boss ATK up based on AGI Triple damage chance
ATK: 50
Selling Price : 10,000s
CRT+5, Twice attack chance Autoskill-10%, Magic R -10%
ATK: 100
Selling Price : 30,000s
CRT+10, Twice attack chance Autoskill-5%, Magic R -10%
ATK: 235
Selling Price : 30,000s
CRT+10, Twice attack chance Autoskill-5%, Magic R -10% Melee pierce +10%
ATK: 275
Selling Price : 30,000s
CRT+22 Twice attack chance Autoskill-2% Magic R-10% Melee pierce+16% Double attack chance+8% Double Attack SLv+1
ATK: 275
Selling Price : 200,000s
Magic R-20%, ATK+15%, Range+2 Poison rate+6%, Paralyze+5% Melee pierce+3%, Ailment R+20% Additional attack chance by attack poisoning yourself.
ATK: 186 DEF: 2
Selling Price : 100,000s
Melee+20% to Neutral Additional attack chance Magic R -10%
ATK: 226 DEF: 2
Selling Price : 210,000s
Melee+20% to Netural, Magic R -10% ATK+5%, Additional attack chance
ATK: 266 DEF: 6
Selling Price : 462,000s
Melee+20% to Neutral, Magic R -10% ATK+10% Melee+1% Additional attack chance
ATK: 159
Selling Price : 1,000s
STR+2 INT+2 AGI+2 ASPD+10% ATK+10% MATK+7% Magic R -10%
ATK: 90 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 100,000s
Melee up based on Lv. Shell break rate +10% for Monk.
ATK: 228
Selling Price : 153,000s
ATK+5%, Hate rise -10%, All elements Melee up by half of Lv. Small MP recovery chance
ATK: 248
Selling Price : 321,300s
ATK+8%, Hate rise -15%, All elements Melee up by Lv Small MP recovery chance
ATK: 288
Selling Price : 642,600s
ATK+11%, Hate rise -18%, All elements Small MP recovery chance by attack Melee up by Lv
ATK: 280
Selling Price : 45,000s
ATK+20% MaxHP-30% MaxMP+30% MP cost -5%, Special Claw
ATK: 230 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 28,000s
ATK&MATK+10% VIT&DEX-10 STR&INT+15 MP cost -10%
ATK: 290 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 56,000s
ATK&MATK+15% VIT&DEX-20 STR&INT+30 MP cost -10%
ATK: 270
Selling Price : 5,000s
Flame element, ATK+15% Autoskill+5% Absolute&Magic evasion +10% Small AGI up by Lv
ATK: 270 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 5,000s
Flame element, ATK+15% MaxHP+15% MaxMP+15%, Small VIT up by Lv
ATK: 270
Selling Price : 5,000s
Flame element, ATK+5% MATK+15% Small INT up by Lv Magic up by Lv
ATK: 290
Selling Price : 5,000s
Flame element, ATK+18% Small STR up by Lv Melee up by Lv
ATK: 270
Selling Price : 5,000s
Gaia element, ATK+15% Autoskill+5% Absolute&Magic evasion +10% Small AGI up by Lv
ATK: 270 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 5,000s
Gaia element, ATK+15% MaxHP+15% MaxMP+15%, Small VIT up by Lv
ATK: 270
Selling Price : 5,000s
Gaia element, ATK+5% MATK+15% Small INT up by Lv Magic up by Lv
ATK: 290
Selling Price : 5,000s
Gaia element, ATK+18% Small STR up by Lv Melee up by Lv
ATK: 270
Selling Price : 5,000s
Ice element, ATK+15% Autoskill+5% Absolute&Magic evasion +10% Small AGI up by Lv
ATK: 270 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 5,000s
Ice element, ATK+15% MaxHP+15% MaxMP+15%, Small VIT up by Lv
ATK: 270
Selling Price : 5,000s
Ice element, ATK+5% MATK+15% Small INT up by Lv Magic up by Lv
ATK: 290
Selling Price : 5,000s
Ice element, ATK+18% Small STR up by Lv Melee up by Lv
ATK: 270
Selling Price : 5,000s
Special Claw, ATK+14% Critical up, Spell burst +3%
ATK: 270
Selling Price : 5,000s
Special Claw, ATK+14% STR&DEX+10 Melee&Magic pierce +10%
ATK: 270 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 5,000s
Special Claw, ATK+14% Melee&Magic R +10%, Rate cut +10%
ATK: 270
Selling Price : 5,000s
Special Claw, ATK+14% Delay-1sec, Cast time -15% Small DEX up by Lv
ATK: 270
Selling Price : 5,000s
Thunder element, ATK+15% Autoskill+5% Absolute&Magic evasion +10% Small AGI up by Lv
ATK: 270 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 5,000s
Thunder element, ATK+15% MaxHP+15% MaxMP+15%, Small VIT up by Lv
ATK: 270
Selling Price : 5,000s
Thunder element, ATK+5% MATK+15% Small INT up by Lv Magic up by Lv
ATK: 290
Selling Price : 5,000s
Thunder element, ATK+18% Small STR up by Lv Melee up by Lv
ATK: 256
Selling Price : 184,000s
ATK+10% MATK+7% MaxHP+8% MaxMP+5% All stats +5, Autoskill+5% Melee&magic R -10%
ATK: 296
Selling Price : 248,400s
ATK&MATK+15% MaxHP+15% MaxMP+10% All stats +15, Autoskill+10% Magic R -10%, Rate cut +10%
ATK: 200
Selling Price : 31,000s
ATK+3% Autoskill+3% Critical rate up chance by attack Magic R -25%, Dark element
ATK: 265
Selling Price : 20,000s
Melee+24% to Light&Dark, Light&Dark R-20% ATK&MATK+12% MP Cost-22% Critical damage+8% Magic R-40%
ATK: 200
Selling Price : 100,000s
Magic R -20%, ATK+10% Range+2 Poison rate +5%, Paralysis rate +3% Additional attack chance by attack poisoning yourself.
ATK: 290
Selling Price : 220,000s
Special Claw, ATK+16% Melee pierce +10% Melee up based on Lv Melee counter chance by defense Shell break rate +5% if Monk.
ATK: 260
Selling Price : 220,000s
Special Claw, ATK+10% Melee counter chance by defense Melee up by Lv
ATK: 300
Selling Price : 10,000s
Magic R -15%, ATK+18% Melee pierce +15% Poison activation +5% Additional attack chance Damage up if you are poisoned.
ATK: 134 DEF: 3
Selling Price : 28,500s
MATK+5%, Critical damage -10% Critical rate +30, Magic R -10% Magic attack chance by attack
ATK: 154 DEF: 3
Selling Price : 35,600s
MATK+6%, Critical damage -9% Critical rate +30, Magic R -10% Magic attack chance by attack
ATK: 221
Selling Price : 176,000s
Critical damage up based on INT. Magic R-15%, Auto MP recovery+25% Melee+200, Heal recovery+12%
ATK: 280
Selling Price : 10,000s
Magic R -5%, Evasion+10% Ailment R +20%, Autoskill+4% Movement speed +5% Damage cut if HP is 25% or lower.
ATK: 265
Selling Price : 449,400s
Magic R -15%, Magic counter chance CRT+3, Evasion+10% Autoskill+5% Fire element, Fire magic +15%
ATK: 31 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 1s
Absolute evasion +3%, Critical rate +20, During Halloween, halves attack intervals.
ATK: 10
Selling Price : 1,000s
AGI+1 Evasion+10% Critical damage +10% ATK up based on Lv
ATK: 199 DEF: 8
Selling Price : 23,500s
Special Claw, Skill delay -1sec Heal recovery +20%, MaxHP+10% DEF up by STR
ATK: 249 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 58,750s
Special Claw, Skill delay -1.2sec Heal recovery +23%, STR+5 MaxHP+15% DEF up by STR
ATK: 289 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 58,750s
Special claw, ATK&MATK+10% STR+15 Delay-1.2sec, Heal recovery +30% MaxHP+20% DEF up by STR
ATK: 233
Selling Price : 500s
Earth element, Melee pierce+30%, Critical up, Melee&MagicR-20%, Triple attack chance.
ATK: 265
Selling Price : 74,880s
Critical rate +20%, Magic R -5% A. evasion +5%, Critical damage +13% CRT up by 6% of Lv, MaxMP+15%
ATK: 233
Selling Price : 5s
ATK+14% MaxHP+15% Autoskill+3% Melee pierce +10%, Melee R +5%
ATK: 238
Selling Price : 5s
ATK+17% MaxHP+17% Autoskill+5% Melee pierce +13%, Melee R +6% Light R +5%
ATK: 243
Selling Price : 5s
ATK+20% MaxHP+21% Autoskill+6% Melee pierce +14%, Melee R +7% Light R +5%
ATK: 228
Selling Price : 250,000s
ATK+10%, Critical damage +10% VIT&AGI+5 MaxMP+20% Range+2
ATK: 252
Selling Price : 500,000s
ATK+12%, Critical damage +12% VIT&AGI+8 MaxMP+25% Range+2 Melee pierce +10%
ATK: 287
Selling Price : 750,000s
ATK+16% MaxMP+25% VIT&AGI+10 ASPD+10% Range+2, Critical damage +16% Melee pierce +13%, Autoskill+5%
ATK: 308
Selling Price : 1,000,000s
ATK+18% MaxMP+35% VIT&AGI+10 ASPD+20% Range+2, Critical damage +17% Melee pierce +14%, Autoskill+6%
ATK: 266 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 150,000s
Critical damage +30%, Dark R+10% Magic R-20%, Beast Slash SLv+1 Geo Breaker +10%
ATK: 306 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 300,000s
Critical damage+38%, Dark R+13%, Magic R-20%, Beast Slash SLv+1, Geo Breaker+10%
ATK: 270
Selling Price : 1s
ATK+11% Critical damage+11% Autoskill+4% Melee&Magic damage+20% to bosses in the Anniversary Arena.
ATK: 280
Selling Price : 1s
ATK+11% Critical damage+16% Autoskill+6% Melee&Magic damage+25% to bosses in the Anniversary Arena.
ATK: 274
Selling Price : 150,000s
ATK +11%, Melee pierce +10% Delay-1sec, Evasion+15% Magic R -10% Twice attack chance
ATK: 294
Selling Price : 202,500s
ATK+15%, Melee pierce +15% Delay-1sec, Evasion+15% Magic R -10% 4x attack chance
ATK: 177
Selling Price : 60,000s
All Elements. Heal reward up by AGI. Auto HP recovery +20%, Magic R -20% Magic attack chance
ATK: 207
Selling Price : 138,000s
All elements, Heal reward up by AGI Auto HP recovery +30%, Magic R -20% Magic attack chance
ATK: 267
Selling Price : 372,600s
N. magic +10%, Heal reward up by AGI Auto HP recovery +30%, Magic R -20% All elements, M attack chance
ATK: 225
Selling Price : 150,000s
Special claw, Magic R -50% MP cost -15%, Critical up by Lv&VIT Small ATK up by DEX and CRT
ATK: 305
Selling Price : 202,500s
Special claw, Magic R -50% MP cost -15%, Critical up by Lv&VIT ATK up by DEX and CRT
ATK: 253
Selling Price : 153,000s
Magic R -20%, Melee+20% to Neutral Critical damage +15%, MaxMP+23% Additional attack chance
ATK: 273
Selling Price : 382,500s
Magic R -20%, Melee+25% to Neutral Critical damage +15%, MaxMP+25% Additional attack chance
ATK: 293
Selling Price : 841,500s
Magic R -20%, Melee+28% to Neutral Critical damage +18%, MaxMP+28% Additional attack chance
ATK: 250
Selling Price : 130,000s
Special Claw, Light element ATK+7%, Skill delay +1sec Small ATK up by VIT&INT
ATK: 290
Selling Price : 175,500s
Special claw, Light element ATK+11%, Skill delay +1sec Small ATK up by VIT&INT
ATK: 190
Selling Price : 100,000s
Melee up by Lv Counter chance by defense Special Claw
ATK: 1
Selling Price : 20,000s
Good for hand puppet. They move by themselves sometimes.
ATK: 287
Selling Price : 100,000s
Critical damage +17%, MaxHP+6% Autoskill+10% if Adventurer.
ATK: 1
Selling Price : 1s
Small melee up by Lv During Xmas Magic R +3% and halves attack intervals.
ATK: 299 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 200,000s
All elements, VIT&INT+8 Magic R+10%, Melee R-10% Melee up by CRT
ATK: 287
Selling Price : 528,000s
Magic R-15%, Auto MP recovery+25% CRT+15 Melee+750, Heal recovery+12% Crt damage up based on INT.
ATK: 290 DEF: 8
Selling Price : 96,200s
Magic R -10%, MaxHP+20% Evasion+18% Additional attack chance by attack Magic evasion +20% If you equip additional...
ATK: 270 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 200,000s
Earth element, Critical up, ATK+10% Absolute evasion+10%, Magic R -20% Dizzy chance+1%, Additional attack chance by attack
ATK: 297
Selling Price : 745,200s
Neutral Magic+20%, Heal Reward up by AGI, Auto HP Recovery+30%, Magic R-20%, All Elements +10%, Magic attack chance
ATK: 298 DEF: 6
Selling Price : 924,000s
Melee+30% to Neutral, Magic R-10%, ATK+11%, Melee+2%, Additional attack chance
ATK: 250
Selling Price : 100,000s
Special Claw, Fire element, ATK+9%, MaxHP+3000, Magic R-13%, Ailment R+20%, AGI+10, Delay-1 sec. 30% chance to inflict Phantom Flame by attack and STR+10 if Ninja
ATK: 298 DEF: 2
Selling Price : 300,000s
Melee+6% to Boss ATK up by AGI Magic R-10% Triple attack chance Counter on evasion+25% Critical damage-3%
ATK: 305
Selling Price : 210,000s
Dark element, Magic R-15%, Critical up, ATK+10%, AGI+18, Blind+3%, Triple damage chance by attack
ATK: 260
Selling Price : 50,000s
Critical damage+20% Magic R-20% Bleed damage+10% Cross Fang+8% Autoskill+5% HP recovery chance by attack
ATK: 292
Selling Price : 100,000s
Special Claw, Fire element, ATK+13%, MaxHP+4000, Magic R-11%, Ailment R+30%, AGI+20, Delay-1 sec., 30% chance to inflict Phantom Flame by attack and STR+20 if Ninja.
ATK: 303
Selling Price : 100,000s
Ice element, Melee+10% to Earth ATK+18% Magic R-20% Burn&Freeze rate+2% 4x attack chance
ATK: 303
Selling Price : 100,000s
Flame element Melee+10% to Water ATK+18% Magic R-20% Burn&Freeze rate+2% 4x attack chance
ATK: 283
Selling Price : 400,000s
ATK+18%, Autoskill+13%, Fear+3%, Critical up, Movement speed+20% during combat, Hate rise-25%, Melee&Magic R-20%
ATK: 1
Selling Price : 1s
Earth element, No damage to earth, Weapon ATK up by Lv, AGI up 20%, Autoskill up by STR, Rigid nails that cannot be broken.
ATK: 275 DEF: 1
Selling Price : 1s
Melee+8% to Wind, ATK+7%, VIT+15, Range+1, ATK increase by Lv, Magic counter chance by defense
ATK: 270
Selling Price : 1s
Melee+2500, Critical damage+14%, Hate rise+20%, Melee&Magic R-10%, Melee+3% to Boss
ATK: 220
Selling Price : 70,000s
Critical damage+15%, Skill delay-1 sec, Hate rise+25%, Melee R+5%, Magic R-8%, ATK up based on VIT
ATK: 230
Selling Price : 1s
Wind element, Critical damage+25% MaxHP up by STR and CRT Something happens 1% of the time
ATK: 305
Selling Price : 1s
Dark element Magic R-10% ATK+22% Bleed chance+5% 4x attack chance
ATK: 320
Selling Price : 660,000s
Magic R-20% Melee+18% to Neutral A. evasion+8% Melee up by CRT Range+2 Critical damage+27%
ATK: 335
Selling Price : 50,000s
Light element, ATK+600 Critical up Autoskill power+5%
ATK: 303
Selling Price : 100,000s
Critical damage+27% Bleed damage+15% Magic R-20% Cross Fang+15% Autoskill+6% HP recovery chance by attack
ATK: 230
Selling Price : 1s
Special Claw, Thunder element Accuracy+100 Magic attack chance by attack
ATK: 332 DEF: 3
Selling Price : 50,000s
Special Claw, Fire element, ATK+22% Accuracy+250, Heal reward-30% Item recovery-14% MP cost+20% Autoskill+7% Counter chance by defense Melee+21% to Light if VIT>99
ATK: 331 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 400,000s
All elements VIT&INT+15 Magic R+12% Melee R-10% Melee up by CRT
ATK: 251 DEF: 2
Selling Price : 50,000s
ATK+250 ATK+2% Critical damage+12% Magic R-20% Bleed damage+10% Beast Slash+30%
ATK: 323
Selling Price : 5s
ATK+25% Melee pierce+15% MaxHP+24% Melee R+8% Autoskill+10% Light R+7% Auto recovery+15%
ATK: 312
Selling Price : 140,000s
Critical damage+20% Skill delay-1 sec Hate rise+25% Melee R+12% Magic R-5% ATK up based on VIT
ATK: 312
Selling Price : 365,000s
Magic R-20% Melee+30% to Neutral ATK+15% Mel. pierce+8% Para.+6% Adds Paralysis time+5 sec Range+1 if STR>255
ATK: 303 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 1,230,000s
ATK+16% Critical super up Range cut-5% Melee pierce-12% Magic R-15% Melee attack chance by attack
ATK: 295
Selling Price : 58,000s
Absolute evasion+9% Magic R-20% ATK+11% Accuracy rate+17% Adds Autoskill+12% if Lv>249 Water element
ATK: 330
Selling Price : 300,000s
ATK+23% Critical hyper up MaxHP+20% Bleed+10% Blood damage+25% Magic R-10% HP recovery chance by attack Melee+3% to Boss if DEX>399
ATK: 295 DEF: 6
Selling Price : 710,000s
Thunder element CRT+24 Evasion+21% MaxMP+20% Critical damage+36% Magic R-15% Critical rate up chance by attack
ATK: 300
Selling Price : 1s
Wind element Critical damage+40% MaxHP up by STR and CRT Something happens 1% of the time
ATK: 254
Selling Price : 19,200s
Special Claw Melee+18% to Dark&Earth ATK+5% Melee&Magic R+6% Item delay+1sec Hate rise+20% Adds ATK+18% if Lv>399
ATK: 305
Selling Price : 900,000s
Ice element Magic R-12% Magic evasion+10% AGI+15 ATK+10% Normal attack x1.5 chance by attack
ATK: 1
Selling Price : 1s
Wind element No damage to wind Weapon ATK up by Lv AGI up 20% Autoskill up by STR. A typhoon-like claw that attempted to turn all to dust.
ATK: 300 DEF: 2
Selling Price : 400,000s
Gaia element Hate rise-15% Magic R-15% ATK+21% VIT+10 Add Hate rise-25% if VIT<128
ATK: 298 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 10s
Special Claw Lowest ASPD ATK+20% Rate cut+10% Melee&Magic R+13% MaxHP+10% Reflect+20% Cure ailment chance by defense
ATK: 307
Selling Price : 792,000s
Melee+2000 Heal recovery+30% CRT+25 Critical damage up based on INT Magic R-15% Auto MP recovery+25% Skill delay-1 sec
ATK: 318
Selling Price : 60,000s
ATK up by STR Evasion-30% CRT+15 ASPD-50% Skill delay+0.2 sec Autoskill+15%