Selling Price : 15,800s
Autoskill+7% ASPD+10%, Magic R -10% Self poison chance by attack
闇魔法威力+15% オートスキル発動-15% 全ダメージ軽減-20% 火耐性-20% 投装備時、MATKがMaxHPで少し増加
Selling Price : 17,500s
Magic R +3% Magic R up chance by defense *Duration: 10sec
Selling Price : 40,000s
Heal recovery +15%. MaxHP+10%, Damage cut chance by defense with Bow.
Selling Price : 12,000s
MaxHP&MP+10%, Ailment R +15% Item recovery +20% if Lv>299.
Selling Price : 20,000s
Absolute&Magic evasion -3% Small Cast time cut based on CRT.
Selling Price : 40,000s
Absolute&Magic evasion -20% Shorter Cast time depending on CRT.
Selling Price : 200,000s
Absolute&Magic evasion +10% Critical damage +17% for Assassins.
Selling Price : 20,000s
MaxHP+10%, Critical damage +6% Spell burst +1%, Magic attack chance by attack
Selling Price : 12,000s
Damage cut +10% during Stun. Auto HP&MP recovery +20% Ailment R up by Lv
ドロップ率+10% 経験値-50%
Selling Price : 20,000s
Hate rise -10% Great defense up chance by defense
Selling Price : 25,000s
Attack interval cut chance by attack ATK+5%, Critical rate +5
Selling Price : 16,300s
Light magic +5%, Hate rise -5% MP cost -5% Heal recovery +5% if Bishop.
Selling Price : 500s
Melee&Magic R -1% Looks like you can use it if you repair it.
Selling Price : 16,700s
ATK+2% MATK+2% Autoskill+2% Normal attack x1.5 chance by attack
Selling Price : 10,000s
Ailment R +5%, Rate&Range cut +5% Melee&Magic R +5%
Selling Price : 10,000s
MaxHP-20%, Light&Dark R +5% MATK up as VIT is lower. MATK+2%
Selling Price : 1,300s
Movement speed+20% during combat. Hate rise+30%, CRT+5 Melee+10% to Neutral
Selling Price : 12,000s
Evasion+10, Magic R -20% Normal attack x1.25 chance by attack with Claws.
Selling Price : 1s
HP recovery chance by defense *Recovery decreases to 1 as Lv gets higher.
Selling Price : 21,000s
MDEF+100 MDEF+10%, Water R +5% Magic counter chance by defense
Selling Price : 100s
ATK increases with the difference between STR and DEX, and MATK with INT and CRT.
物理貫通+25% 武器ゲイ=ボルグ装備時、更に クリティカルダメージ+10% 物理貫通+25%
Selling Price : 13,000s
Cast time -10% ASPD+10%, Critical rate+10 with Throwing.
Selling Price : 40,000s
Adds Dark element. Dark magic damage up Dark R +8%
Selling Price : 50,000s
Chance of getting a Diel Medicine by normal attack slay.
ヒール回復+6% ヘイト増加-15%
Selling Price : 20,000s
ATK&MATK+4%, Heal recovery -10% Light R -10% HP recovery chance by attack
Selling Price : 40,000s
Adds Gaia element. Earth magic damage up Earth R +8%
Selling Price : 73,041s
Small ATK up by STR and DEX with Bows. Range+1, All damage cut -20%
Selling Price : 1s
MaxHP&MP-15%, Ailment R -100% ATK up as VIT and INT get lower.
Selling Price : 22,000s
Melee R +5%, Hate rise +20% Rate cut -8%, Heal reward +15%
Selling Price : 1s
A token of appreciation from Nixe Magic attack chance by attack
Selling Price : 40,000s
Adds Flame element. Fire magic damage up Fire R +8%
Selling Price : 30,000s
Melee+10% to Fire&Dark Fire&Dark R+10% Fire&Light magic+10%
Selling Price : 10,000s
Critical damage+9%, Absolute&Magic evasion-12%, Adds Critical damage+9% with Swords&Claws, Absolute&Magic evasion-12%
Selling Price : 300,000s
Melee&Magic R +5%, Rate cut +5% HP recovery if HP is 25% or lower when attacked.
Selling Price : 7,200s
Hate rise -10%, MATK+4% Magic attack chance by attack if INT>199.
Selling Price : 10,000s
Shell break +5% if Monk. AGI+15, Autoskill+2% with Claws. Magic R -10%
Selling Price : 100s
MATK+6%, Heal recovery -12% Heal reward -18%. Dark magic +10% Water R +5% with Throwing.
Selling Price : 1s
Auto recovery up by Lv when equipping Bow. If STR>INT, ATK up by CRT If INT>STR, MATK up by DEX Unable to revive with Pet Heal
Selling Price : 1s
Range up by Lv when equipping Claw. If STR>INT, ATK up by CRT If INT>STR, MATK up by DEX Unable to revive with Pet Heal
Selling Price : 1s
Spell burst rate up by Lv when equipping Staff. If STR>INT, ATK up by CRT If INT>STR, MATK up by DEX Unable to revive with Pet Heal
Selling Price : 1s
Small VIT up by Lv when equipping Sword. If STR>INT, ATK up by CRT If INT>STR, MATK up by DEX Unable to revive with Pet Heal
Selling Price : 1s
Critical damage up based on Lv when equipping Throwing. If STR>INT, ATK up by CRT. If INT>STR, MATK up by DEX Unable to revive with Pet Heal
Selling Price : 15,000s
Water magic +10%, Melee+10% to Fire Delay-0.5sec, Ailment R -100% Magic counter chance
Selling Price : 1s
Poison duration+12sec Poison effect+5% Poison activation+0.2%
Selling Price : 9,000s
ASPD becomes lowest. Movement speed-50% during combat. ATK+4% ATK+5% more if STR>299 MaxHP+20% if VIT>299
Selling Price : 17,000s
AGI-15, Melee pierce -20%, Melee+15% to Neutral with Swords.
Selling Price : 5,000s
EXP gain greatly decreases. Rare drop rate slightly increases.
Selling Price : 28,000s
Absolute evasion +4% Melee pierce +2%, Chance of reducing attack intervals by attack
Selling Price : 18,000s
Melee R +2%, Neutral R +3% Heal reward up if VIT>149
Selling Price : 40,000s
Adds Light element. Light magic damage up Light R +8%
Selling Price : 100s
MaxHP+5%, Ailment R -20% Critical damage +8% with Bows HP recovery chance by defense
Selling Price : 13,000s
MaxHP+10%, Melee R +10% Magic R -10%, Adds Heal reward +5%, Melee&Magic R +5% if DEX>255.
Selling Price : 20,000s
Light R +5%, MP cost -10% Magic counter chance by defense Small Light magic up by INT
Selling Price : 1s
MDEF+50, MDEF+15%, Magic R+10% MATK-15%, MP cost+80%
Selling Price : 15,000s
Auto recovery+10%, MP cost-20% Ailment R+40%, Hate rise+25%
Selling Price : 31,000s
Additional attack chance by attack using "Hard Stone".
Selling Price : 200,000s
Autoskill+5%, Neutral R +5%, MP cost -5%, Rate&Range cut +5%, Reflect+5% ATK&MATK+5%, A&M. evasion +5%
Selling Price : 1s
Critical damage+2%, AGI+5, Critical up, ASPD becomes lowest with Swords. Chance to lower skill delay by ATK
Selling Price : 3,000s
Item recovery effect increases just a bit. Not applied to special items
Selling Price : 12,000s
Item recovery effect increases a little. Not applied to special items
Selling Price : 24,000s
Item recovery effect increases. Not applied to special items
ATK+50 ボスに物理+2%
An earring that Nevin gave you. Auto MP recovery +5%
経験値+20% ドロップ率-200%
Selling Price : 10,000s
Chance of getting a Pickaxe by slaying with normal attack.
Selling Price : 19,000s
Damage cut by using MP Unavailable if MP is not enough.
ATK: 0
Selling Price : 100,000s
ATK up based on ASPD. Counter on evasion +5%
Selling Price : 200s
Item delay-2 sec, Heal reward+6% For Alchemists, MATK+8% Skill delay-1 sec
Selling Price : 24,800s
VIT up based on 50% of Lv with Swords. Neutral R +5%
Selling Price : 20,000s
MaxMP-30%, Melee&Magic R +8% Rate cut +8%
Selling Price : 1s
Small Absolute accuracy&evasion up by AGI. Counter on evasion +9%
MATK+6% 武器NOVC-M:03装備時、更にMATK+3% スペルバースト率+5%
Selling Price : 1s
+1% to ATK&MATK, Autoskill, Reflect, Neutral R, Rate&Range cut, Absolute& Magic evasion. MP cost -1%
Selling Price : 7,000s
Melee up by Lv Accuracy up chance by attack Critical damage +4%
Selling Price : 1s
Movement speed during combat +30% for a short period of time by defense.
Selling Price : 1s
Melee&Magic R +13% for a short period of time by defense.
Selling Price : 1s
ATK+20 MATK+20 ATK&MATK changes depending on the difference between STR and INT for a short period of time by defense.
Selling Price : 31,000s
Small ATK up by STR, Magic R -30% Additional attack chance by attack
Selling Price : 21,000s
Autoskill+2% ASPD-10% Evasion up if INT>99, much more if INT>199.
Selling Price : 10s
Light magic+10%, ATK+5%, Light magic+8% more with Swords, Magic attack chance by attack
Selling Price : 7,300s
Chance of getting a Flower Nectar by normal attack slay.
Selling Price : 1s
Loss rates of Production -2%. Add -3% loss rates if Alchemist.
Selling Price : 25,000s
Critical damage +5% Melee&Magic R +3% Melee up by VIT
Selling Price : 1s
Is it okay to receive such a thing? All stats +2, MaxHP+10%
Selling Price : 1s
Dark magic +15%, Auto skill-15% All damage cut -20%, Fire R-20% Small MATK up by MaxHP with Throwing.
Selling Price : 150,000s
Chance of shortening attack intervals by attack. Spell burst +3%
Selling Price : 10,000s
Attack interval cut and attack damage cut chance for a few seconds by attack.
Selling Price : 10,000s
Light R-10%, Hate rise+8% Dark magic+13%, MP cost-8%
Selling Price : 19,300s
Auto HP recovery +20% 5% chance of HP recovery if defeated
Selling Price : 5,000s
Chance of using Revita (S) by defense. Requires Revita (S).
Full of the wishes for reconstruction. Unite our power to cope with the difficult situation.
Selling Price : 22,000s
Adds Dark element. Dark magic damage up Dark R +6%
Selling Price : 22,000s
Adds Earth element. Earth magic damage up Earth R +6%
Selling Price : 100,000s
Dark R +10%, Light R -10% Magic attack chance by attack MaxMP+10%
Selling Price : 22,000s
Adds Water element. Water magic damage up Water R +6%
Selling Price : 26,000s
No damage to Neutral, Hate rise -20% Evasion rate up chance by attack Critical damage +6%
Selling Price : 22,000s
Adds Light element. Light magic damage up Light R +6%
Selling Price : 13,200s
DEX&Accuracy rate&Critical rate greatly decreases. Great ATK up by Lv
Selling Price : 22,000s
Water R +5%. MaxHP+2000 VIT+1 for Warrior type. MaxMP+1000 INT+1 for Mage type.
ペットMP+150 ペットヒールディレイ-0.2秒
Selling Price : 17,000s
Chance to get a liquor by defeating an enemy with normal attack.
Selling Price : 400s
Absolute&Magic evasion +5%, Heal recovery -100%, Melee&Magic R -5% Item recovery +50%
Selling Price : 300s
Melee&Magic R +5%, A.&magic evasion -5%, Heal recovery +50% Item recovery -100%
Selling Price : 1s
Add +4% Triumph rates if Alchemist. Triumph rates of Production +15% Loss rates of Production +80%
Selling Price : 23,500s
Movement speed +7%, Evasion+7% Auto HP&MP recovery +7% Hate rise -7%
Selling Price : 100s
ATK+5% Autoskill-15% ASPD-50% Melee up by STR x1.5 DEF+100
Selling Price : 100s
Autoskill -100%, Melee+100 Melee pierce +3%, ASPD+20%
Selling Price : 1s
A stone with the blessing of Specia the Goddess of Species.
Selling Price : 60,000s
INT+10, Cast time -20%, Magic+300 MATK+8% if Lv>299.
Selling Price : 7,250s
MP cost +20%, Auto MP recovery -20% Magic attack chance by attack
Selling Price : 28,000s
Accuracy rate +10%, Evasion+10% Melee&Magic pierce up by DEX
Selling Price : 1s
ATK increases depending on the number of empty slots on equipment.
Selling Price : 1s
Now you are superhero with superhero avatars and this badge! ...Maybe.
Selling Price : 25,000s
Movement speed +10%, Evasion+10% Auto HP&MP Recovery +10% Hate rise -10%
Selling Price : 24,000s
Heal reward +7%, Melee R +10% HP recovery using MP by defense MaxMP+5%
Selling Price : 11,000s
MP recovery by receiving damage when your HP is low.
Selling Price : 12,000s
MATK-10% MaxMP-10% INT-5 ATK+7% MaxHP+7% Adds Critical damage +10% in July&Aug (JST).
Selling Price : 10,000s
ATK+6% STR&VIT+8 Battle Mastery SLv+2, Defense SLv+2
Selling Price : 10,000s
Cast time -15%, Magic pierce +5% Adds MATK+10% with Staff. Adds Magic pierce +10% with Throwing.
Selling Price : 40,000s
Adds Ice element. Water magic damage up Water R +8%
Selling Price : 15,500s
Skill delay -0.3sec, Fire magic +5% Absolute evasion +3%, Ailment R +15%
Selling Price : 10,000s
Chance of getting a Magic Jar (Cold) by normal attack slay. (Consumes a Magic Jar)
Selling Price : 19,000s
Melee+10% against all elements All elements R -10%, MaxHP&MP-10%
Selling Price : 40,000s
Adds Thunder element. Wind magic damage up Wind R +8%
Selling Price : 10,000s
ATK&MATK+1% Melee&Magic up by Lv The effect varies by the weapon.
Selling Price : 10,000s
ATK+5% MATK-20% Accuracy+50 VIT up 50% of DEX with Swords Dark R+5% All damage cut-20%
Selling Price : 10,000s
MaxHP+20%, Dark R+5%, Light R-10%, ATK up by VIT with Swords
Selling Price : 10,000s
Melee+15% against Light&Dark, All damage cut-15%
Selling Price : 1s
MaxHP+15% Rate cut+4% VIT+3 Chance to revive when defeated.
Selling Price : 10,000s
MaxMP+200, Fire R-8%, Critical damage up by VIT with Claws
ATK: 0
Selling Price : 100s
ATK increases with the difference between AGI and INT. MATK increases with the difference between DEX and AGI.
ATK: 0
Selling Price : 1s
Spell burst+10% Delay-1 sec Magic pierce+5% Ailment R+20%
ATK: 0
Selling Price : 10,000s
Movement speed+10% with Swords&Claws DEX&Accuracy rate&Critical rate greatly decreases Great ATK up by Lv
ATK: 0
Selling Price : 19,500s
Auto MP recovery+500 Auto MP recovery+33% MaxMP+12% Melee R-5%
ATK: 0
Selling Price : 10,000s
Small ATK&MATK up by Lv Encouragement SLv+1
ATK: 0
Selling Price : 100s
Auto MP recovery-110% Fear+0.1% Paralyze+0.5% KO+0.1%
ATK: 0
Selling Price : 10,000s
ATK+1% Reflect+7% Recoil+2% All damage cut-15% ATK up based on AGI
ATK: 0
Selling Price : 10,000s
ATK+9% Evasion-30% Rate cut+15%
ATK: 0
Selling Price : 1s
Item recovery+21% Item delay-0.5 sec Hate rise+10% Ailment R+5% Do not eat.