Thank you for your feedback

ATK: 235

売値 : 30,000s

ATK+22% 暗闇発生+5% AGIとDEXの差が 小さいほどATKと戦闘中移動速度増加 攻撃時、低確率で攻撃間隔が短縮
ATK +22% Blind +5% [X = AGI - DEX] If [X > 0] then [X = X · -1] [X = X + Lv] if [X < 0] then [X = 0] [ATK up by X] [Y = 0.08 * X] [Movement speed combat up by Y] Autoskill


Gather the following items to craft

Select Number
Spina: 2,500,000


Once you have gathered all the required item, come and check on the blacksmith