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Bone Knight Lv 1 Skill Quest

Requirement: Lv160, Necromancer

Let's finish the challenges for Calavera to learn the skills for necromancers!

Objectives: Evil Sword x20, Baphomet x20 Dark Bead x5, Dead Bones x10

Rewards: Bone Knight 1

Calavera - Molgore Underground Mausoleum

Pain Rite Lv 1 Skill Quest

Requirement: Lv180, Necromancer

Let's finish the challenges from Calavera to learn the skills for necromancers!

Objectives: Sand Snake x20, Hallucigenia x20, Medusa x20, Gusanoth x1

Rewards: Pain Rite 1

Calavera - Molgore Underground Mausoleum

Phantom Lv 1 Skill Quest

Requirement: Lv200, Necromancer

Let's finish the challenges from Calavera to learn the skills for necromancers!

Objectives: Devil Tear x2, Dark Dragon Fang x5, Requiem Flame Stone x5, Spirit Shard x20

Rewards: Phantom 1

Calavera - Molgore Underground Mausoleum

Sheep on the Altar Skill Quest

Requirement: Lv200, Necromancer

To learn the skill Sacrifice, that only Necromancers can use, do Calavera's tasks!

Objectives: Fire Cat x20, Daruma x20, Palache x20, Pagrom x1

Rewards: Sacrifice 1

Calavera - Molgore Underground Mausoleum

Life's Last Eruption Skill Quest

Requirement: Lv220, Necromancer

To learn the skill Death Cry, that only Necromancers can use, do Calavera's tasks!

Objectives: Sorrowful Eye x5, Strange Object x50, Hole Hat x60, Spent Fuel x60

Rewards: Death Cry 1

Calavera - Molgore Underground Mausoleum

Thanatos' Crossbow Skill Quest

Requirement: Lv240, Necromancer

To learn the skill Corpse Burst, that only Necromancers can use, do Calavera's tasks!

Objectives: Ghost x50, Fox Spirit x50 Imp Horn x50, Memory Fragment x30

Rewards: Corpse Burst 1

Calavera - Molgore Underground Mausoleum

Cry of Serenade Skill Quest

Requirement: Lv260, Necromancer

To learn the skill Over Soul, that only Necromancers can use, do Calavera's tasks!

Objectives: Xeltysis x1, Flappe x50 Odd Stone x50, Muddy Crystal x50

Rewards: Over Soul 1

Calavera - Molgore Underground Mausoleum

Decoy from the Beyond Skill Quest

Requirement: Lv280, Necromancer

Clear Calavera's challenge in order to learn Immortal Dead, a skill only Necromancers can use!

Objectives: Big Eagle Wing x1, Dead Bones x3, Black Cloth x5, Crystal Ball x5

Rewards: Immortal Dead 1

Calavera - Molgore Underground Mausoleum

The Final Necromancer Skill Quest

Requirement: Lv280, Necromancer

Clear Calavera's challenge in order to learn how to become the most powerful Necromancer!

Objectives: Lake Dragon Larkas x1, Polyps x50 Devil Tear x3, Round Eye x50

Rewards: Job Master (Necromancer) 1

Calavera - Molgore Underground Mausoleum

Vast Darkness Skill Quest

Requirement: Lv300, Necromancer

Clear Calavera's challenge in order to learn Deeper Dark, a skill only Necromancers can use!

Objectives: Mamonea x1, Gigantes x50, Pendil x50, Kullhog x50

Rewards: Deeper Dark 1

Calavera - Molgore Underground Mausoleum

Soul Guidance Skill Quest

Requirement: Lv320, Necromancer

Clear Calavera's challenge in order to learn Speak with Dead, a skill only Necromancers can use!

Objectives: Wizard Robe Rag x1, Eternal Grudge x3, Cursed Evil Eye x10, Flame of Revenge x15

Rewards: Speak with Dead 1

Calavera - Molgore Underground Mausoleum

Eye for an Eye Skill Quest

Requirement: Lv340, Necromancer

Clear Calavera's challenge in order to learn Rise of Soul, a skill only Necromancers can use!

Objectives: Telon x1, Leo Pawn x50, Faceless x50, Raudy x50

Rewards: Rise of Soul 1

Calavera - Molgore Underground Mausoleum


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