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sword.datCosmic Noah

ATK: 250 DEF: 0
ATK+10% Critical damage+15% Ability up by highest stats

ATK +10%, Critical Damage +15%, If STR is highest [ATK +12% STR +50] If INT is highest [Magic R +15%, Basic INT +50] If VIT is highest [MaxHP +30% Basic VIT +50] If AGI is highest [Absolute Evasion +20%, Magic Evasion +20%, AGI +50] If DEX is highest [Accuracy +50%, DEX +50] If CRT is highest [Critical Damage +50%, CRT +50} (If the highest stat is tied with another stat, no ability increase is given)


Check out the recipe to craft Cosmic Noah at the blacksmith

Cosmic Noah
Spina: 5,000,000