DEF: 28
Selling Price : 1s
ATK&MATK-5% MP cost-30% Hate rise-50% Delay-1 sec
DEF: 10
Selling Price : 33,400s
All stats -5, MaxHP-4% ATK+9% Skill delay -0.2sec Critical damage +9%
ATK: 5 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 12,000s
INT+2 VIT+2, Magic R +5% MaxHP up by INT, down by VIT.
ATK: 5 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 24,000s
Autoskill+2% INT&VIT+3, Magic R +8% MaxHP up by INT, down by VIT.
ATK: 8 DEF: 12
Selling Price : 72,000s
INT+7 VIT+7, Magic R +9% MaxHP up by INT, down by VIT Autoskill+5%
Selling Price : 1s
DEF: 8
Selling Price : 100s
VIT+5, Ailment R +20% Water&Wind R +5%
DEF: 4
Selling Price : 8,500s
Reflect+5% ATK up chance by attack Effect up as HP becomes lower.
Trade X
DEF: 1
Selling Price : 1s
EP2 commemoration item Small MP recovery chance All stats +1
ATK: 3 DEF: 3
Selling Price : 33,333s
Dark magic+15%, Range+1, ASPD+20% Autoskill-30%, MP cost-30% KO time+3 sec, Damage cut-30% during Stun
Trade X
ATK: 20 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 1s
Stats up with Staffs MATK+7% A. eva +10%, Dark R +5%, C. def -50% Magic R +6%, All magic +7%
DEF: 14
Selling Price : 100,000s
VIT+20 STR+14 CRT+6 Melee R +8%, Magic R +8%
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 150,000s
VIT+25, STR+25, CRT+25 Melee&Magic R+12%, Neutral R+10%
ATK: 12 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 1s
Water magic+15%, Range cut+12% MATK+10%, Paralysis time-1.2sec MP Cost+30%, Magic counter chance by defense. Magic+2% to Boss during the Pooferfish Event, MP Cost-50%
Trade X
DEF: 20
Selling Price : 1s
EP4 Celebration Gift All stats+1 Absolute&Magic evasion+3% HP recovery chance by attack
Selling Price : 61s
DEF: 18
Selling Price : 20,000s
Light magic +3%, MATK+15% Heal recovery +10% Magic attack chance by attack
DEF: 1
Selling Price : 1s
MaxHP+500 MaxMP+200 During the Anniversary event, Auto HP&MP recovery +100%
ATK: 20 DEF: 20
Selling Price : 35,000s
ATK&MATK+6%, Absolute accuracy+10% Magic R+11%, Hate rise-25% Melee R-5%
Trade X
ATK: 3 DEF: 3
Selling Price : 100s
Heal recovery -10%, Dark R +10% MP cost -13%, Hate rise -12%
DEF: 16
Selling Price : 19,000s
Skill delay -1sec, Item delay +0.5sec MP heal in low HP
DEF: 23
Selling Price : 19,000s
Skill delay -1.2sec, MP cost -10% Item delay +0.3sec MP heal in low HP
ATK: 20 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 60,000s
INT+10, MP cost -30%, Ailment R +10% Skill delay -2sec, Item delay +1sec MP heal by defense in low HP.
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 46,000s
ATK&MATK+4% MaxHP+10% Absolute&Magic evasion +5% Auto MP recovery +20%
DEF: 22
Selling Price : 101,200s
Auto MP recovery +20%, MaxHP+15% ATK&MATK+7% A.&Magic evasion +6% Crt rate +20, Skill d. -1sec
DEF: 25
Selling Price : 222,640s
Auto MP recovery +20%, MaxHP+20% ATK&MATK+9% A.&Magic evasion +7% Crt rate +20, Skill d. -1.2sec
ATK: 20 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 32,000s
MATK+7%, Magic R +5% All magic +1%, Absolute evasion +10% Auto MP recovery +20%
ATK: 8 DEF: 8
Selling Price : 35,000s
All stats+5, All magic+3% Lethargy&Dizzy&Bleed&Fear time-5sec KO time-2sec
DEF: 14
Selling Price : 23,400s
Melee R +6%, Neutral R +4% Magic R -2%, MaxHP+12% STR+6
DEF: 20
Selling Price : 70,200s
MaxHP+20% STR+9, Melee R +8% Neutral R +11%, Magic R -1%
DEF: 21
Selling Price : 105,300s
MaxHP+25%, STR+15, Melee R+10%, Neutral R+11%, Melee+8% to Neutral
ATK: 25 DEF: 3
Selling Price : 27,600s
ATK+2%, Critical damage +4% Absolute&Magic evasion +5% Item recovery -10%
ATK: 27 DEF: 3
Selling Price : 60,720s
ATK+4%, Critical damage +6% Absolute&Magic evasion +7% Item recovery -10%
ATK: 33 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 134,000s
ATK+6%, Critical damage +8%, Abs& Magic evasion +9%, Item rec -10%. Add Crt damage +2% if DEX>255.
ATK: 8 DEF: 8
Selling Price : 35,000s
MaxHP+20%, ATK+8%, Range cut+15% Hate rise+12%, Fear time-1 sec Magic R -8%, Chance to recover HP by defense
DEF: 9
Selling Price : 21,000s
MaxHP+5%, Melee R +5% Paralysis time -1sec, KO time -0.2sec
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 44,100s
MaxHP+10%, Paralysis time -1sec Melee R +10%, KO time -0.4sec Auto recovery +20%
DEF: 20
Selling Price : 119,070s
MaxHP+14%, Melee R +12%, KO time -0.5sec, Auto recovery +30% Paralysis time -2sec
ATK: 5 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 22,000s
Hate rise -15%, Range cut -10% Small Hate rise down by INT if Lv>249.
ATK: 6 DEF: 17
Selling Price : 52,800s
Hate rise down by INT if Lv>299. Hate rise -20%, Range cut -10%
ATK: 20 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 18,000s
ASPD+30%, Auto Skill+5% Melee+10% to Water, Wind magic +10%
Trade X
DEF: 1
Selling Price : 1s
Stats up with Bows DEX+30 AGI+20 Evasion+50%, Crt up, Wind R +10% Evasion up chance by attack Magic evasion +12%
DEF: 1
Selling Price : 28,000s
Critical rate +20, Earth R -20% Evasion rate up chance by attack DEX+5, Melee&Magic evasion+10%
ATK: 20 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 29,000s
Dark R+7%, Fire&Light magic+10% INT+5, Heal recovery+15%, Auto recovery+20%, Pet heal+300
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 32,400s
Wind R +10%, Ailment R +15% Critical damage +9% Skill delay -0.8sec, MaxHP-30%
DEF: 18
Selling Price : 64,800s
Skill delay-1.2sec MaxHP-20% Wind R+12% Ailment R+15% Critical damage+14% Sniping+10%
Trade X
DEF: 1
DEF: 1-4 Item recovery +10% defense, HP recovery with probability
ATK: 15 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 29,000s
ATK+5%, Accuracy rate -25% Skill delay -0.5sec
ATK: 20 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 60,900s
ATK+7%, Accuracy rate -15% Skill delay -1sec, KO time -1sec
ATK: 23 DEF: 13
Selling Price : 133,980s
ATK+14% STR+10, Skill delay -1.2sec Accuracy rate -15%, KO time -1sec
ATK: 24 DEF: 14
Selling Price : 194,271s
ATK+16%, Skill delay-1.5 sec, Accuracy rate-25%, KO time-1 sec, STR+20
ATK: 15 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 40,000s
Melee R -7% Critical damage +12% if ASPD reaches certain value with Swords.
ATK: 16 DEF: 6
Selling Price : 80,000s
Melee R -3%, DEX+10 Absolute accuracy +10% Critical damage +25% if ASPD reaches certain value with Swords.
ATK: 8 DEF: 12
Selling Price : 30,500s
MaxHP+750, Ailment R +10% Adds ATK+5% Hate rise +15% if STR>199.
ATK: 12 DEF: 12
Selling Price : 91,500s
MaxHP+2000 MaxHP+4%, Ailment R +20%. ATK+12%, Hate rise +15%, Melee pierce +5% if STR>199.
ATK: 10 DEF: 3
Selling Price : 15,000s
VIT+10, Auto HP recovery +50% Hate rise +20% Melee&Magic+3% to Boss
Trade X
DEF: 13
Selling Price : 10,000s
VIT+4 ASPD+10% Reflect+4% Melee&Magic R +2% Ailment R +6%
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 10,000s
VIT+7 ASPD+20% Reflect+6% Melee&Magic R +4% Ailment R +8%
DEF: 20
Selling Price : 10,000s
VIT+12 ASPD+30% Reflect+30% Melee&Magic R+7% Ailment R+40% Battle Roar+10% Fear Howl SLv+1
DEF: 6
Selling Price : 1s
AGI+5 CRT+2 Evasion+15% Heal recovery +10%, Hate rise -15%
DEF: 16
Selling Price : 21,000s
Heal recovery +17% Magic attack chance by attack Recoil+30% if Lv<250.
ATK: 3 DEF: 17
Selling Price : 50,400s
Heal recovery +19% Magic attack chance by attack Recoil+30% if Lv<250.
ATK: 5 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 10,000s
Cast time -30%, Skill delay -1.5sec ATK&MATK-8%
DEF: 10
Selling Price : 14,000s
Ailment R +20%, MP cost -15% Magic attack chance by attack Autoskill+10% if CRT>255.
DEF: 8
Selling Price : 66,000s
Heal recovery +13%, MDEF+10% Hate rise -5% Light magic +5%
ATK: 0 DEF: 11
Selling Price : 198,000s
Heal recovery+15%, MDEF+11% Hate rise-12%, Light magic+7%
Trade X
DEF: 4
Selling Price : 1s
Item recovery +2%, Heal reward +2% Auto HP recovery +20
ATK: 15 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 18,000s
MaxHP+10% AGI+10, Magic R -15% Adds MaxHP+5% and AGI+5 if Lv>199.
ATK: 5 DEF: 9
Selling Price : 17,000s
STR+2 INT+2 Stats up with Throwings.
ATK: 10 DEF: 9
Selling Price : 45,900s
STR+7 INT+7 DEX+5 CRT+10 Critical damage +9% Stats up with Throwings
ATK: 13 DEF: 11
Selling Price : 137,700s
STR+8 INT+8 DEX+6 CRT+11 Critical damage +10% Stats up with Throwings.
Trade X
ATK: 3 DEF: 1
Selling Price : 1s
INT+3. On Feb 22nd (JST), EXP gain +22%, Additional attack by attack on Additional.
ATK: 5 DEF: 3
Selling Price : 1s
INT+4. On Feb 22nd (JST), EXP gain +22%, Additional attack by attack on Additional.
ATK: 15 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 20,000s
Cast time -20%, MaxMP+20% MaxHP-30% Melee R -10%
ATK: 20 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 60,000s
Cast time -25%, MaxMP+25% MaxHP-13% Melee R -7%, MDEF+8%
ATK: 10 DEF: 2
Selling Price : 5,000s
INT+4 MaxMP+100, Item delay -0.5sec Magic evasion +2%
DEF: 3
Selling Price : 7,500s
Melee+6% to Dark, Hate rise -10% Accuracy rate -2%
DEF: 5
Selling Price : 100,000s
AGI+20 VIT+14 INT+6 Absolute evasion +4%, Magic evasion +4%
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 150,000s
AGI +25, VIT +25, INT +25 Absolute&Magic evasion +15% Neutral R +10%
Trade X
ATK: 10 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 10,000s
MaxMP+20% Paralysis&Burn&KO time -1sec
ATK: 10 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 10,000s
MaxMP+35% Paralysis&Burn time-4 sec KO time-1.5 sec Bless time+15
ATK: 15 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 40,000s
Critical up, MaxHP+15% Recoil+30% Recoil-30%, Critical damage +10% if STR>255.
ATK: 5 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 10,000s
ATK&MATK-2%, Hate rise -20% MaxHP&MP+7%
ATK: 8 DEF: 8
Selling Price : 10,000s
ATK&MATK-1%, Hate rise -25% MaxHP&MP+10%
ATK: 15 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 10,000s
ATK&MATK-1% Hate rise-25% MaxHP&MP+25% Broom Sweep+15%
Trade X
DEF: 12
Selling Price : 1s
VIT+15, MaxHP+17%, Melee R+3% Rate cut+15%, Magic R-10%
ATK: 5 DEF: 12
Selling Price : 1s
VIT+35 MaxHP+23% Melee R+5% Rate cut+25% Magic R-10%
ATK: 17 DEF: 18
Selling Price : 26,000s
MATK+8% MaxMP+5%, Skill delay -1sec Counter chance by defense
DEF: 6
Selling Price : 21,700s
Melee+2% to Fire ATK up by 10% of CRT MATK up by 50% of AGI
Trade X
ATK: 5 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 1s
INT+19, Cast time-20%, Spell burst+5% Evasion+10%, Hate rise-30% Rate&Range cut-10%
ATK: 5 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 1s
INT+40 Cast time-30% Spell burst+8% Evasion+20% Hate rise-35% Rate&Range cut-10%
ATK: 10 DEF: 12
Selling Price : 39,000s
MATK+100, Spell burst +5% Magic R +5%
ATK: 35 DEF: 1
Selling Price : 19,800s
Poison dmg +10%, Critical up Self Poison chance by attack
DEF: 11
Selling Price : 40,000s
ATK+2% Evasion+20 MaxHP-3% ATK up by 5% of AGI
DEF: 12
Selling Price : 80,000s
ATK+3% Evasion+25 MaxHP-3% ATK up by 6% of AGI
ATK: 2 DEF: 13
Selling Price : 104,000s
ATK +7%, Evasion +10%, MaxHP -1% ATK up 15% of AGI
DEF: 1
Selling Price : 33,500s
Water R +5%, Earth R +5% Autoskill+4%, All stats +2
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 17,000s
Range cut +10%, Magic+10% to Boss Skill delay -1sec
ATK: 12 DEF: 3
Selling Price : 27,800s
ATK+5% Accuracy+30 Autoskill+1% STR+12, ATK up chance by defense
ATK: 15 DEF: 6
Selling Price : 58,380s
STR+15 ATK+7% Accuracy+30 ATK up chance by defense Autoskill+3%
ATK: 17 DEF: 6
Selling Price : 87,570s
STR+25, ATK+15%, Accuracy+80 ATK up chance by defense Autoskill+6%
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 22,200s
Critical rate +10, Hate rise +15% Cure ailment chance by defense VIT+5
DEF: 18
Selling Price : 55,500s
MaxHP+7% VIT+9, Critical rate +10 Hate rise +20%, Chance to remove certain status ailments
DEF: 20
Selling Price : 111,000s
MaxHP+25%, VIT+20, Critical rate+20 Hate rise+20%, Status ailment R+25% Cure ailment chance by defense
ATK: 5 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 18,800s
ATK+8%, Melee&Magic R+5% Skill delay -1sec Critical up, ATK up by AGI
ATK: 15 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 26,000s
MaxMP+17%, KO time +1sec 5% chance of HP recovery when defeated. Critical up
ATK: 17 DEF: 7
Selling Price : 52,000s
Critical up, MaxMP+17%, KO+1sec Skill delay -0.5sec, Recover HP 5% of the time when defeated.
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 1s
Melee&Magic R +8%, Evasion+10 Halves effects if Lv>49.
DEF: 16
Selling Price : 27,000s
Counter on evasion +5% if DEX>199. Melee R +6%, Evasion+15%
DEF: 18
Selling Price : 54,000s
Melee R+15%, Evasion+20% Counter on evasion +15% if DEX>199.
DEF: 9
Selling Price : 27,000s
MATK+7%, Cast time -15%, Dark R +2% Spell burst +3%, MaxHP+500
ATK: 18 DEF: 4
Selling Price : 21,300s
Reflect+15% STR+8 VIT+3 Critical damage +6% Fire R +10%
DEF: 10
Selling Price : 12,000s
1% chance of Parry by defense Hate rise +10%, Melee R +5% MaxHP+10%
DEF: 1
Selling Price : 1s
Drop rate x2 during Xmas. When you defend... Invalid on Accessories.
ATK: 35 DEF: 1
Selling Price : 10,000s
ATK+8% ASPD-100%, Melee pierce +2% Additional attack chance by attack Critical up during Xmas. STR+5
DEF: 11
Selling Price : 20,000s
VIT+7 CRT+6, Accuracy rate +10% DEF up by INT MDEF up by VIT
DEF: 14
Selling Price : 40,000s
VIT+9 CRT+8, Accuracy rate +15% DEF up by INT MDEF up by VIT
DEF: 17
Selling Price : 40,000s
VIT+11 CRT+10, Accuracy rate +15% DEF up by INT, MDEF up by VIT MaxHP up by INT&VIT
Trade X
ATK: 5 DEF: 6
Selling Price : 100s
ATK+9%, Critical damage -7% MP cost -15%, Hate rise +10%
DEF: 11
Selling Price : 22,500s
Hate rise -30%, MaxHP+14% MDEF+12% Light R +10%
Trade X
ATK: 2 DEF: 2
Selling Price : 100s
ATK&MATK+5%, Melee R +5% Pet HP +500, Pet MP +150
Trade X
ATK: 2 DEF: 2
Selling Price : 1s
VIT+3. On Feb 22nd (JST), EXP gain +22%, Additional attack by attack on Additional.
ATK: 4 DEF: 4
Selling Price : 1s
VIT+4. On Feb 22nd (JST), EXP gain +22%, Additional attack by attack on Additional.
DEF: 16
Selling Price : 50,000s
ATK&MATK+5%, Heal reward +10% Magic attack chance by attack
ATK: 15 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 1s
MaxHP+250 MaxMP+250 Adds MaxHP+1000 MaxMP+500 in December.
ATK: 20 DEF: 6
Selling Price : 24,000s
Melee+100 DEX+4, Magic evasion +5% Magic evasion +5% if AGI>199
ATK: 24 DEF: 8
Selling Price : 60,000s
Melee+250 DEX+5, Magic evasion +7% Adds Magic evasion +7% if AGI>199. Counter on evasion +10%
ATK: 25 DEF: 8
Selling Price : 108,000s
Melee+1500, DEX+25, CRT+15 Counter on evasion+20% Magic evasion+9% Magic evasion+9% more if AGI>199.
ATK: 10 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 22,110s
Heal reward up by Lv x2. ATK+4%, ASPD+100% with Claws. Range cut +12%
ATK: 20 DEF: 2
Selling Price : 10,000s
Critical damage +5%, ASPD-10% Hate rise -10%
DEF: 30
Selling Price : 1s
Heal Recovery +5%, Hate rise -10% Adds Heal recovery +15% in December.
DEF: 6
Selling Price : 18,500s
Neutral magic +5%, Evasion+20 Magic attack chance by attack Small HP&MP up
ATK: 5 DEF: 6
Selling Price : 37,000s
Neutral magic +7%, Evasion+30 HP&MP up by Lv Magic attack chance by attack
ATK: 10 DEF: 11
Selling Price : 88,800s
Neutral magic +10%, Evasion+30 HP&MP up by Lv, Auto recovery +10% Magic attack chance by attack
ATK: 20 DEF: 6
Selling Price : 28,200s
STR+6 VIT+8, Magic R +8% Critical rate +20%, Hate rise -25%
ATK: 22 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 73,320s
STR+7 VIT+10, Magic R +8% Critical rate +30%, Hate rise -30%
DEF: 18
Selling Price : 20,000s
MATK+5%, Skill delay -1.5sec Cast time -20% MP cost +50% if Lv<301.
DEF: 25
Selling Price : 50,000s
MATK+8%, Skill delay-1.5sec Cast time-20%, MP cost-20% MP cost+50% if Lv<301.
ATK: 15 DEF: 1
Selling Price : 1s
ATK+12% MATK-20%. INT-100 STR+50 if INT>100.
ATK: 8 DEF: 8
Selling Price : 8s
AGI+8 Melee&Magic evasion+5% Water&Light R+5%
DEF: 25
Selling Price : 35,000s
Wind R +18%, MaxHP+15% Range cut +15% Damage cut +15% during Stun
DEF: 25
Selling Price : 35,000s
Water R +18%, MaxHP+15% Range cut +15% Damage cut +15% during Stun
DEF: 25
Selling Price : 35,000s
Earth R +18%, MaxHP+15% Range cut +15% Damage cut +15% during Stun
ATK: 5 DEF: 6
Selling Price : 1s
INT+10, Cast time-15%, Hate rise-20% Rate&Range cut-10%
ATK: 10 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 28,300s
Auto MP recovery -20% Additional attack chance by attack
DEF: 30
Selling Price : 1s
Light R +5%, Item recovery +10% Adds Light R +5%, Drop rate +5% in December.
DEF: 10
Selling Price : 26,000s
Skill delay -1sec Adds Skill delay -0.5sec if DEX>249. Melee&Magic R -30%
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 52,000s
Skill delay -1.3sec, Melee&Magic R -20%. Adds Skill delay -0.7sec, A. evasion +5%, MaxMP+7% if DEX>249.
ATK: 15 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 10,000s
Melee+4% to Fire&Dark, Water R +5% Additional attack chance by attack A. evasion +5%, Fire R -20%,
DEF: 23
Selling Price : 76,320s
VIT+6 INT+6 DEF+150 Additional effect with some armor
DEF: 24
Selling Price : 152,640s
Delay-0.8 sec, MaxHP+7%, VIT+12 Additional effect with some armor INT+12, DEF+350
ATK: 2 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 20,000s
Magic R +6%, Melee R -8% Cast time cut chance by defense Small DEX up by Lv
ATK: 4 DEF: 16
Selling Price : 60,000s
Magic R +10%, Small DEX up by Lv Cast time cut chance by defense Cast defense +10%, Melee R -8%
ATK: 5 DEF: 16
Selling Price : 90,000s
Magic R+20%, Melee R-15% Cast defense+15%, DEX up by Lv Cast time cut chance by defense
ATK: 2 DEF: 22
Selling Price : 35,000s
Fire&Water&Wind&Earth R +2% Auto recovery +22%, Heal reward +22% Fire&Water&Wind&Earth magic up, Heal recovery up based on the number of stats more than 221.
ATK: 15 DEF: 1
Accuracy rate -30%, Hate rise +20% Critical rate -70%, Autoskill+10% Critical damage +20%
ATK: 18 DEF: 9
Selling Price : 1s
Accuracy rate -30%, Hate rise +30% Critical rate -70%, Autoskill+12% Critical damage +22%
ATK: 20 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 10,000s
Accuracy rate-30% Hate rise+30% Critical rate-70% Autoskill+14% Critical damage+33%
DEF: 12
Selling Price : 120,000s
ATK+2%, Critical damage +6% Accuracy+40
ATK: 5 DEF: 12
Selling Price : 240,000s
ATK +12%, Critical damage +10% Accuracy +80, Melee+8% to light
ATK: 4 DEF: 4
Selling Price : 33,400s
Dark R +10%, Light R -20% Melee+8% to Light, Dark magic +8%
ATK: 10 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 50,100s
Dark R +15%, Light R -30% Melee+17% to Light, Dark magic +12%
ATK: 47
Selling Price : 39,000s
ATK10% for Warrior Type. STR+8 VIT+10 Melee+1000
Trade X
ATK: 5 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 100s
MaxHP-20%, Absolute evasion +4% Counter on evasion +10% Melee&Magic pierce +2%, ATK+4%
DEF: 10
Selling Price : 30,000s
Dark magic+5% Dark R+5% INT+5 Spell burst+2% MaxMP+5% MATK+5% Magic counter chance by defense
DEF: 10
Selling Price : 30,000s
Dark magic+5% Dark R+5% Cast time-10% Spell burst+2% MaxMP+5% MATK+5% Magic counter chance by defense
DEF: 20
Selling Price : 30,000s
Item delay -0.7sec, Item recovery +15%. Add Item delay -0.5sec and Item recovery +10% if STR>299.
ATK: 8 DEF: 8
Selling Price : 35,000s
All magic+5%, Heal reward+10% Small MP recovery chance by defense Magic+2% to Boss
DEF: 28
Selling Price : 33,500s
Light R +10%, Heal recovery +17% Heal reward +13%, Chance to recover HP by defense.
DEF: 29
Selling Price : 50,250s
Light R+15%, Heal recovery +25% Heal reward+20%, Melee+5% to Dark Chance to recover HP by defense
ATK: 5 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 10,000s
STR+10 VIT+8 MDEF+12% Critical damage -5%
ATK: 7 DEF: 13
Selling Price : 28,000s
STR+13 VIT+10 MDEF+14% Magic counter chance by defense Critical rate +10
ATK: 5 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 20,400s
VIT+8 CRT+13 MaxMP+6% Critical damage +7%, Autoskill+3%
ATK: 8 DEF: 13
Selling Price : 51,000s
VIT+10 CRT+15 MaxMP+6% Critical damage +8%, Autoskill+4%
DEF: 8
Selling Price : 16,500s
Melee R +2%, MATK+5% HP recovery using MP by defense
DEF: 10
Selling Price : 330,000s
HP recovery by defense using MP Melee R +2%, Rate cut +6%, MATK+5% Magic R +4%
DEF: 18
Selling Price : 660,000s
HP recovery by defense using MP Melee R +4%, Rate cut +8%, MATK+7% Magic R +7%
ATK: 25 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 30,000s
Reflect+11% Great defense up chance by defense
ATK: 10
Selling Price : 1s
MaxHP-10% Recoil+1% ASPD+10% MATK+5% Autoskill+5%. During White Day event, attack and...
ATK: 15
Selling Price : 1s
MaxHP-10% ASPD+20% MATK+8% Autoskill+8%, During White Day event, attack and...
DEF: 7
Selling Price : 24,600s
Evasion+12%, MATK+3%, Autoskill+3% Absolute evasion +5%
DEF: 17
Selling Price : 66,420s
Evasion+15% MATK+6% Autoskill+6% Absolute evasion +10%, INT+5
DEF: 18
Selling Price : 99,630s
Evasion+20%, MATK+16%, Autoskill+6% Absolute evasion+10%, INT+15
ATK: 20 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 2,140s
Critical damage +6% Counter on evasion +8%
ATK: 12 DEF: 12
Selling Price : 1s
Item delay -2sec, Item recovery +2% Auto recovery +2% Bless time +2sec
ATK: 22
Selling Price : 35,000s
Water Enhancer, Hate rise -17% Skill delay -1sec Movement speed +3%
ATK: 20 DEF: 20
Selling Price : 42,000s
MATK+9%, Magic R +9%, All magic +4% Absolute evasion +13% Auto MP recovery +20%
ATK: 25 DEF: 20
Selling Price : 42,000s
MATK+14% Magic R+11% All magic+6% Absolute evasion+14% Mana Recharge effect+20% Auto MP recovery+50% Drain+15%
ATK: 15 DEF: 12
Selling Price : 27,000s
MaxHP+10%, Melee R +10% Additional attack chance by attack
ATK: 15 DEF: 13
Selling Price : 56,700s
MaxHP+12%, Melee R +12% Additional attack chance by attack
ATK: 19 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 130,410s
Melee R +15%, KO time -0.5sec Small Neutral R up by Lv, MaxHP+22% Ailment R +15%, A. atk chance
ATK: 21 DEF: 18
Selling Price : 300,000s
Melee R +18%, KO time -0.7sec Small Neutral R up by Lv, MaxHP+25% Ailment R +18%, A. atk chance
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 15,300s
Auto recovery +200&10% MaxHP+8%, Hate rise -15%
DEF: 12
Selling Price : 15,800s
Melee R -25%、MATK up by 50% of INT MaxMP up by Lv
DEF: 11
Selling Price : 17,000s
INT+5 DEX+5, MP cost -5% MDEF up by VIT, down by INT.
DEF: 12
Selling Price : 51,000s
INT+6 DEX+8, MP cost -5% MDEF up by VIT, down by INT.
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 153,000s
INT+9 DEX+15, MP cost -15% MDEF up by VIT down by INT
Trade X
DEF: 9
Selling Price : 1s
Stats up with Claws, VIT+7 AGI+25 Fire magic +15%, Fire R +10% CRT+18, Critical damage +10% Magic attack chance by attack
DEF: 9
Selling Price : 33,000s
MATK+6% INT+2 AGI+6 Accuracy rate +10% Adds ATK+5% with Bows.
DEF: 22
Selling Price : 129,050s
Melee R +15%, MaxMP-15% Ailment R +15% Small HP up based on Lv.
DEF: 25
Selling Price : 283,910s
Melee R +18%, MaxMP-15% Ailment R +18%, Rate cut +5% Small HP up by Lv
ATK: 15 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 26,000s
VIT+8 Reflect+15% Melee+300 Counter chance by defense
ATK: 18 DEF: 18
Selling Price : 65,000s
VIT+10 Reflect+15% Melee+600 Melee+1%, Counter chance by defense
ATK: 45 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 210,000s
MaxHP+16% INT+4 DEX+8 Ailment R +10%
ATK: 46 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 252,000s
MaxHP+30%, INT+20, DEX+20 Ailment R+25%, Rate cut+10%
Trade X
DEF: 14
Selling Price : 1s
Stats up with Swords MaxHP+35% DEF up by Lv, Melee R +7%, Heal reward +10%, Earth R +10% Damage cut chance by defense
ATK: 3 DEF: 3
Selling Price : 23,000s
Critical damage +13% Accuracy rate +10% Counter on evasion +10%
ATK: 10 DEF: 3
Selling Price : 52,900s
CRT+5, Critical damage+14% Accuracy rate+10% Counter on evasion+13%
DEF: 7
Selling Price : 75,000s
AGI+12 CRT+10 MDEF+10% Absolute evasion +2%
DEF: 10
Selling Price : 97,500s
AGI+25, CRT+25, MDEF+15% Absolute&Magic evasion+12%
ATK: 25 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 34,000s
AGI+15, Melee+15% to Water&Wind Earth&Wind magic +15%, Autoskill+3% Wind R -25%
ATK: 25 DEF: 8
Selling Price : 68,000s
AGI+25, Melee+17% to Water&Wind Earth&Wind magic+17%, Autoskill+6% Wind R-20%, Magic evasion+6%
DEF: 28
Selling Price : 35,000s
VIT+15, MaxHP+15%, MaxMP+12% Melee R+12%, Magic R+8% Hate rise+10%
DEF: 5
Selling Price : 50,000s
MATK+20% MaxMP+20% Melee+10% to Light element Magic attack chance by attack
ATK: 20 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 200,000s
Light R -10%, Dark R +5%, MATK+12% Cast time -10%, Spell burst +3% With Fallen God's Armor...
ATK: 10 DEF: 25
Selling Price : 200,000s
Light R -10%, Dark R +5%, ATK+12% Melee&Magic R +8%, Crt damage +8% With Fallen God's Armor...
ATK: 5 DEF: 13
Selling Price : 41,000s
INT+7, Magic R +9% Small MP recovery chance by defense
ATK: 6 DEF: 16
Selling Price : 90,200s
Small MP recovery chance by defense INT+10, Magic R +12% Small MDEF up by AGI
ATK: 7 DEF: 18
Selling Price : 216,480s
INT+11, Magic R +15% Small MP recovery chance by defense Small MDEF up by AGI
ATK: 5 DEF: 14
Selling Price : 31,000s
DEF+100 CRT+8, Item recovery +10% Heal recovery +12%, Hate rise -5%
ATK: 8 DEF: 20
Selling Price : 80,600s
Item recovery +12%, DEF+100 CRT+10 Hate rise -10%, Heal recovery +14%
ATK: 10 DEF: 21
Selling Price : 120,900s
Item recovery+25%, Heal recovery+25% DEF+200, CRT+20, Hate rise-10% Auto MP recovery+50
ATK: 5 DEF: 22
Selling Price : 28,000s
ATK+10%, Melee R +10%, Reflect+10% Melee counter chance
ATK: 7 DEF: 22
Selling Price : 56,000s
ATK+14%, Melee R+10%, Reflect+20%, Melee+500, MaxHP+8%, Counter chance by defense
ATK: 15 DEF: 12
Selling Price : 12,000s
Additional Attack chance by attack ATK+4% ASPD+10% MaxMP+150 Light R +2%
ATK: 7 DEF: 7
Selling Price : 10,000s
ATK&MATK up by 15% of AGI Melee&Magic R -5% MaxMP+10% ASPD-20%
DEF: 14
Selling Price : 27,000s
Ailment R +10%, Critical rate +10% CRT+5, Small CRT up by Autoskill
DEF: 17
Selling Price : 54,000s
Ailment R+30%, Critical rate+25%, CRT+25, Small CRT up by Autoskill
Trade X
ATK: 7
Selling Price : 100s
MATK+4%, Fire&Wind magic +12% Magic pierce +6%, Accuracy rate -30% Water R -20%
DEF: 17
Selling Price : 22,000s
Damage cut chance by defense MaxHP+14%, Rate cut -10% Adds MaxHP+14% if Lv>255.
ATK: 25 DEF: 3
Selling Price : 28,500s
ATK+4%, Melee&Magic R +5% Critical damage +2% Hate rise +10%
ATK: 27 DEF: 3
Selling Price : 71,250s
ATK+5%, Critical damage +3% Melee&Magic R +6% Hate rise +10%
ATK: 33 DEF: 3
Selling Price : 149,625s
ATK+5%, Critical damage +13% Hate rise +10%, Melee&Magic R +10% CRT+10
ATK: 34 DEF: 4
Selling Price : 194,512s
ATK+9%, Critical damage+16%, Hate rise+15%, Melee&Magic R+12%, CRT+15
ATK: 2 DEF: 12
Selling Price : 16,260s
INT+8 MDEF+300, Magic pierce +6% Cast time -20%, MP cost -10% Hate rise -10%
ATK: 5 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 32,520s
INT+10 MDEF+350, Magic pierce +10% Hate rise -10%, Cast defense +10% Cast time -20%, MP cost -12%
DEF: 9
Selling Price : 16,000s
Heal recovery +10%, AGI+5% Auto MP recovery +10, Autoskill+3%
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 43,200s
Heal recovery +20%, A. evasion +5% Autoskill+5%, Melee R +3% Auto MP recovery +30, AGI+8
DEF: 18
Selling Price : 86,400s
Auto MP recovery +30, Autoskill+7% Melee R +3%, Absolute evasion +8% Heal recovery +25%, AGI+15
DEF: 10
Selling Price : 1,000s
Skill delay -0.5sec, Evasion+10% HP recovery using MP by defense
DEF: 16
Selling Price : 1s
Freeze duration +5sec, Magic R +10% INT+5, Magic counter chance, Adds Water R +10% during December.
ATK: 25 DEF: 1
Selling Price : 26,000s
Critical damage +14%, DEX+5 Additional attack chance by attack Hate rise -15%
ATK: 25 DEF: 3
Selling Price : 52,000s
Critical damage+26%, DEX+12, Additional attack chance by attack, Hate rise-15%
DEF: 12
Selling Price : 32,500s
ASPD-10% MATK-12%, Magic R +6% Counter chance by defense
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 74,750s
ASPD-10% MATK-10%, Magic R +10% Counter chance by defense
ATK: 20 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 34,000s
Earth&Dark R +8%, MATK+10% Spell burst +5%, Magic+2% to Boss
ATK: 10 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 24,000s
Critical damage +4%, Recoil+1% Additional attack chance by attack if Lv>139.
ATK: 15 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 72,000s
STR+3, Critical damage +5% Additional attack chance by attack if Lv>139.
ATK: 17 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 216,000s
STR+30, Critical damage+15%, Auto Skill+5%, Additional attack, chance by attack if Lv>279.
DEF: 1
Selling Price : 22,000s
Evasion up based on AGI Magic evasion +10%, MaxHP-20%
DEF: 2
Selling Price : 59,400s
Evasion up based on AGI. Magic evasion +15%, MaxHP-10% When you attack...
Trade X
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 1s
Auto recovery +30%, Ailment R +10%, KO time -1sec, DEF+100 MDEF+7%. During White Day event, Item delay -1sec
DEF: 8
Selling Price : 20,000s
Heal recovery +10%, DEX+5 Auto HP recovery +100, Autoskill+3%
ATK: 10 DEF: 14
Selling Price : 26,000s
ASPD+20%, Melee pierce +6% Critical up, Critical rate up chance Small Magic R up by AGI
ATK: 12 DEF: 14
Selling Price : 78,000s
ASPD+20%, Melee pierce +8%, Evasion +30%, Critical up, Small Magic R up by AGI. Crt rate up chance
DEF: 13
Selling Price : 26,000s
Reflect+8% if VIT>127. Item delay -1sec, MaxHP+15% Item recovery +10%
DEF: 16
Selling Price : 72,800s
Item delay -1.5sec, MaxHP+18% Reflect+10% if VIT>127. Item recovery +20%
DEF: 20
Selling Price : 145,600s
Item Delay -1.5sec, MaxHP+22% Item recovery +25% Damage cut +10% during Stun. Reflect+13% if VIT>127.
DEF: 12
Selling Price : 32,000s
INT&VIT+2 Adds ATK&MATK+5%, Melee&Magic R +5%, Autoskill+5% if Lv>199.
DEF: 18
Selling Price : 31,000s
Light R +18%, ATK+6% MATK-10% MaxMP-10%, Magic counter chance Recoil+30% if Lv<300.
DEF: 22
Selling Price : 62,000s
Light R+18%, ATK+11%, MATK-4%, Autoskill+6%, Magic Counter Chance by defense, Recoil+30% If Lv < 300.
Trade X
DEF: 11
Selling Price : 1s
Stats up with Staffs, Hate rise -30% Heal recovery +35%, Cast time +20% Range cut +15%, Light R +9%
ATK: 6 DEF: 30
Selling Price : 1s
EP6 Celebration Gift MaxHP+2000 MaxMP+400 MaxHP&MP+6% HP recovery using MP by defense Light R +6%
DEF: 12
Selling Price : 26,400s
Melee R +4%, Accuracy+30 Absolute accuracy +15%
ATK: 5 DEF: 12
Selling Price : 39,600s
Range+1 Melee R +5%, Accuracy+40 Absolute accuracy +15%
ATK: 7 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 118,800s
Range+1, Melee R +7%, Accuracy+50 Absolute accuracy +20%, Light R +4%
ATK: 8 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 35,000s
Water&Wind&Earth R +5%, MATK+8% Auto covery +30% Skill delay -1.5sec if DEX>300.
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 49,500s
STR+8 VIT+8, Critical damage +8% Melee R +8%, MaxHP+8%
DEF: 11
Selling Price : 18,000s
STR+5 AGI+5, Critical rate +10 DEF up by INT, down by VIT
DEF: 12
Selling Price : 54,000s
STR+6 AGI+8, Critical rate +10 DEF up by INT, down by VIT
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 153,000s
STR+9 AGI+15, Critical rate +30 DEF up by INT down by VIT
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 85,000s
ATK+6%, Rate&Range cut +10% KO time -0.5sec
ATK: 10 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 1s
ATK+6% MATK+7% ASPD+10% Cast time-10% Skill delay-0.5 sec Also, ATK&MATK+10 Critical rate+10 Critical damage+2%, with Gratia Mail.
ATK: 10 DEF: 13
Selling Price : 1s
ATK+8% MATK+10% ASPD+20% Cast time-15% Skill delay-1 sec Autoskill+5% Also, ATK&MATK+10 Critical rate+10 Critical damage+2%, with Gratia Mail.
ATK: 15 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 1s
ATK+10% MATK+12% ASPD+20% Cast time-15% Melee&Magic pierce+5% Autoskill+5% Skill delay-1 sec Also, ATK&MATK+50 Critical rate+30 Critical damage+5%, with Gratia Mail.
ATK: 15 DEF: 17
ATK+12% MATK+14% ASPD+30% Cast time-20% Melee&Magic pierce+8% Autoskill+7% Skill delay-1.4 sec Also, ATK&MATK+80 Critical rate+50 Critical damage+10% with Gratia Mail.
ATK: 5 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 1s
Melee&Magic R+5% MaxHP+1500 Item delay-0.5 sec Item recovery+15% Also, Autoskill+3% Item recovery+15% Rate cut+20%, with Gratia Mail.
ATK: 10 DEF: 17
Selling Price : 1s
Melee&Magic R+7% MaxHP+2000 Item delay-1 sec Item recovery+20% Rate cut+7% KO time-1 sec Also, Autoskill+3% Item recovery+15% Rate cut+20%, with Gratia Mail.
ATK: 15 DEF: 20
Selling Price : 1s
MaxHP+3000 MaxMP+300 Item recovery+25% Item delay-1 sec Melee&Magic R+8% Rate cut+15% KO time-1.5 sec Also, Autoskill+5% Item recovery+20% Rate cut+20%, with Gratia Mail.
ATK: 15 DEF: 23
Selling Price : 1s
MaxHP+5000 MaxMP+500 Item recov+30% Item delay-2 sec Melee&Magic R+9% Rate cut+17% KO time-2 sec Also, Autoskill+8% Item recovery+25% Rate cut+23% with Gratia Mail.
ATK: 5 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 378,000s
VIT +12, MATK +12%, MDEF +10% Magic R +5%, Magic +4% to boss
DEF: 1
Selling Price : 1,000s
Small Drop rate up, MaxHP+10%, All damage cut+2%, ATK&MATK-10%, Hate rise+30%
Trade X
ATK: 7 DEF: 7
Selling Price : 1s
AGI+5 ASPD+20% Delay-1sec Adds Delay-0.2sec in Halloween.
DEF: 6
Selling Price : 21,000s
MATK up by 30% of AGI ATK up by 30% of CRT Melee+2% to Water
DEF: 10
Selling Price : 1s
MP cost -50%, Delay-0.5sec MATK-20% Magic counter chance by defense Adds MATK+10% in June.
ATK: 15 DEF: 12
Selling Price : 26,000s
Magic R&MaxMP+10% Counter chance by defense
DEF: 1
Selling Price : 77s
MaxHP&DEF up for Adventurer When you are Lv>249 and attack...
DEF: 9
Selling Price : 2,310s
MaxHP&MP and Melee&Magic R up for Adventurers. When you are Lv>249 and attack…
DEF: 5
Selling Price : 19,800s
ATK&MATK+4%, Cast time -10% Autoskill+6%, Skill delay -0.5sec
DEF: 10
Selling Price : 29,700s
ATK&MATK+8%, Cast time-15%, Auto Skill+9%, Skill delay-1 sec
DEF: 13
Selling Price : 24,400s
Melee&Magic R +5%, Evasion+5% Magic&Absolute evasion +5% Rate&Range cut +5%
ATK: 15 DEF: 20
Selling Price : 65,880s
Melee&Magic R +6%, Evasion+6% Magic&Absolute evasion +6% Rate&Range cut +6%
ATK: 20 DEF: 20
Selling Price : 65,880s
Melee&Magic R +8%, Rate&Range cut +8% Absolute&Magic evasion +8% Evasion+8%
Selling Price : 50s
DEF: 13
Selling Price : 30,000s
Auto HP recovery +50, Neutral R +5% DEF up by 25% of Lv VIT+10
DEF: 17
Selling Price : 90,000s
Rate cut +5%, Melee R +4%, VIT+20 Ailment R +9%, DEF up by 30% of Lv Auto HP rec +150, Neut R +7%
ATK: 5 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 35,000s
DEX+10, Skill delay-1.2 secs, Melee pierce+5%, MaxMP+15%, Critical up, Magic evasion+10%, Evasion SLv+1, Hawkeye SLv+1
Trade X
DEF: 10
Selling Price : 1s
Stats up with Throwings. MATK+10% MP cost -10%, H. rise -15%, Delay-1s Water R +10%, Spell burst +5%
DEF: 7
Selling Price : 10,000s
MaxHP+17%, Magic R +5%, Earth R +5% INT+1 DEX+3, Melee+50
DEF: 9
Selling Price : 30,000s
MaxHP+20%, Magic R +8%, Earth R +6% INT+2 DEX+5, Melee+250
DEF: 10
Selling Price : 45,000s
MaxHP+26%, Magic R+10%, Earth R+11%, INT+10, DEX+15, Melee+750, Melee+11% to Earth
Trade X
DEF: 12
Selling Price : 1s
ATK&MATK+10%, Melee&Magic R +5% Additional effects depending on stats over 399.
DEF: 13
Selling Price : 54,000s
VIT+6 Parry+10%, Magic R +5% DEF up by 25% of AGI
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 27,000s
VIT+30, Melee&Magic R+13% 15% chance of Parry DEF up 50% of AGI
ATK: 5 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 2,250s
VIT+5 ATK+3% ATK up by 15% of CRT
ATK: 7 DEF: 12
Selling Price : 6,750s
VIT+7 ATK+5% ATK up by 20% of CRT
ATK: 7 DEF: 13
Selling Price : 33,750s
VIT+15, ATK+10% Melee&Magic R+6% ATK up 50% of CRT
ATK: 5 DEF: 23
Selling Price : 33,500s
Melee R +13%, Range cut +10% Paralysis time -1sec
ATK: 5 DEF: 24
Selling Price : 50,250s
Melee R+14%, Paralysis time -2sec Range cut +13%
ATK: 10 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 100s
Critical damage +12%, MaxHP-10% Absolute evasion -5%, Hate rise +20% Melee R +7%
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 10,000s
HP absorb chance, MaxMP& ASPD-10% MaxHP+10%, Ailment R +20% Heal reward&Item recovery +5%
DEF: 20
Selling Price : 10,000s
Heal reward&Item recovery +10% HP absorb chance MaxHP+12% MaxMP-8% ASPD-10%
ATK: 3 DEF: 23
Selling Price : 10,000s
Heal reward+15% Item recovery+12% HP absorb chance by attack MaxHP+14% MaxMP-5% ASPD-10% Ailment R+35%
ATK: 5
Selling Price : 100s
ATK&MATK+2%, Hate rise -15% Range cut +10% Critical damage +3%
ATK: 10 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 100s
ATK&MATK+3%, Hate rise -15% Range cut +12%, Critical damage +4%, During White Day event, MP cost -20%
DEF: 10
Selling Price : 1s
MP cost -50%, Delay-0.5sec MATK-20% Magic counter chance by defense Adds MATK+10% in June.
ATK: 13 DEF: 13
Selling Price : 10,000s
MaxHP+30%, Melee R +15% Delay+1.5sec, Ailment R -50%
ATK: 14 DEF: 14
Selling Price : 10,000s
MaxHP+40% Melee R+16% Delay+1.5 sec Ailment R-50%
Trade X
ATK: 10 DEF: 14
Selling Price : 1s
Stats up with Swords ATK+17% Melee R +8%, Critical damage +2% Melee+800, Delay+0.7sec
DEF: 13
Selling Price : 25,000s
Melee up by half of Lv. Melee R +4%, Magic R +2% Light R -20%
ATK: 4 DEF: 16
Selling Price : 62,500s
Melee up by Lv, Melee R +7% Magic R +4%, Reflect+12% Light R -10%
ATK: 6 DEF: 18
Selling Price : 93,750s
Melee up by Lv x2, Melee R+14%, Magic R+11%, Reflect+15%, Light R-15%, Melee+15% to Light
ATK: 3 DEF: 3
Selling Price : 1s
Freeze duration +5sec, Water R +15% Melee+14% to Fire, Water magic +14% Magic attack chance by attack
ATK: 10 DEF: 20
Selling Price : 34,000s
Water magic +15%, Skill delay -1sec MP cost -10%, Range cut +5% Hate rise +10%
ATK: 11 DEF: 21
Selling Price : 51,000s
Water magic+18%, Skill delay-1 sec MP cost-15%, Range cut+10%, Hate rise+10%, Spell burst+6% Freeze duration+4 sec
ATK: 8 DEF: 8
Selling Price : 1s
MaxHP&MP+5%, Item recovery +20% Delay-0.5sec, Range cut +10%
DEF: 14
Selling Price : 28,000s
MaxHP+20%, Melee R +5%, Fire R -20% Damage cut chance by defense DEF up by Lv
Trade X
ATK: 1 DEF: 1
Selling Price : 100s
Critical damage +5%, Rate cut -15% Chance to add 1 clone by defense. ATK+6% with Claws.
ATK: 6 DEF: 12
Selling Price : 50,000s
Magic evasion +5%, Ailment R +10% Heal recovery +2%, Evasion+10% MATK+8%
ATK: 6 DEF: 13
Selling Price : 105,000s
Magic evasion +5%, Ailment R +10% Heal recovery +4%, Light magic +2% Evasion&MATK+10%, Dark R +2%
ATK: 8 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 220,000s
MATK+12%, H recovery +6%, Eva+15%, Ailment R +12%, Magic evasion +15% Light magic +4%, Dark R +4%
ATK: 20 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 34,000s
Paralysis&Burn time -2sec, MaxMP+25% Autoskill+5%, MATK+11%
Trade X
ATK: 13 DEF: 13
Selling Price : 10,000s
MaxMP+30%, Magic R +15% Item recovery -10%, Ailment R -50%
ATK: 14 DEF: 14
Selling Price : 10,000s
MaxMP+40% Magic R+16% Item recovery-10% Ailment R-50%
ATK: 20 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 17,000s
Melee+2% to Neutral, Critical up Small MP recovery chance
ATK: 5 DEF: 11
Selling Price : 1s
INT+20 Cast time-25% Hate rise-30% Rate&Range cut-10% Magic+3% to Boss
Trade X
DEF: 8
Selling Price : 1s
MaxHP+500 MaxMP+50 during New Year event.
ATK: 0 DEF: 16
Selling Price : 66,000s
MATK+12% MaxMP+10% Magic R +8%, Item recovery +20%
ATK: 0 DEF: 17
Selling Price : 85,800s
MATK+15%, MaxMP+15%, Magic R+10%, Item recovery+25%, Fire magic+10%
ATK: 6 DEF: 12
Selling Price : 48,000s
ATK&MATK+8% MaxHP&MP-10% Hate rise -30%, Range cut +10%
ATK: 8 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 134,400s
ATK&MATK+12% MaxHP&MP-8% Hate rise -30%, Range cut +12%
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 10,000s
ATK&MATK+5%, Rate cut +10% HP regen chance by defense If Lv<201...
DEF: 18
Selling Price : 10,000s
ATK&MATK+8%, Rate cut +15% HP regen chance by defense If Lv<201...
ATK: 3 DEF: 20
Selling Price : 10,000s
ATK&MATK+13% Rate cut+35% HP regen chance by defense If Lv<201...
Trade X
ATK: 5 DEF: 1
Selling Price : 1s
S. delay -0.5sec, I. delay -0.8sec Absolute&Magic eva -50%, KO +3sec VIT+15 ATK+9% MaxHP+22%, Crt up
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 75,400s
INT+10 VIT+10 CRT+15 Magic R +15%, Rate cut +5%
DEF: 18
Selling Price : 150,800s
INT+12 VIT+12 CRT+20 MDEF+5% Magic R +18%, Rate cut +8%
DEF: 7
Selling Price : 18,400s
INT+3, Heal reward +10% HP recovery using MP by defense Burn time -0.5sec
ATK: 25 DEF: 7
Selling Price : 17,500s
Hate rise +25%, Absolute evasion +6% CRT+20, Magic R -12%
ATK: 2 DEF: 13
Selling Price : 26,000s
MaxHP-10% Delay-0.4sec, MP cost -15% Critical damage +7%
ATK: 3 DEF: 17
Selling Price : 138,750s
MaxHP-10% Delay-0.5sec, MP cost -17% Critical damage +8%
ATK: 3 DEF: 17
Selling Price : 75,000s
Delay -0.7 sec, Crt damage +12% Small MP recovery chance by defense MaxHP-10%, MP cost -20%
ATK: 4 DEF: 17
Selling Price : 52,000s
MaxHP-20%, MP cost-25%, Delay-1 sec. Small MP recovery chance by defense Critical damage +24%
ATK: 13 DEF: 13
Selling Price : 1s
MaxHP+13%, Melee R+13% Rate&Range cut+13% Also Drop rate +13% and ATK&MATK+15% during Pooferfish Event.
ATK: 0 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 17,000s
Small MP recovery chance by defense Reflect+7% INT+4 Accuracy+10
ATK: 2 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 51,000s
Small MP recovery chance by defense Reflect+10% INT+7 Accuracy+50 MaxMP+8%, Heal reward +500
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 4,050s
ATK+4% Autoskill+6% Adds ATK+4% with specific armors. Melee+4% to Earth
DEF: 16
Selling Price : 40,500s
ATK +7% Autoskill +7% Adds ATK+7% with specific armors. Melee +7% to Earth
DEF: 33
Selling Price : 33,500s
VIT+8 MaxHP+15% Magic R +8%, 4 elements R +5% MP cost -10%
DEF: 34
Selling Price : 67,000s
VIT+18, MaxHP+22%, Magic R+8%, 4 elements R+9%, MP cost-15%
DEF: 13
Selling Price : 18,000s
Melee&Magic R +5% Item recovery +12% ATK-5% MaxMP-10%
DEF: 14
Selling Price : 54,000s
Melee&Magic R +5%, Heal reward +100 Item recovery +12%, MaxMP-5%
DEF: 14
Selling Price : 108,000s
MaxHP +15%, MaxMP -5% Melee&Magic R+11%, Heal reward+1000 Item recovery +35%
DEF: 16
Selling Price : 62,000s
4 Elements, Cast time-20%, INT+15 Magic R+6%
DEF: 11
Selling Price : 30,000s
Range+1, Hate rise -30% Heal recovery +12% Fire&Water R -5%
DEF: 12
Selling Price : 23,000s
Melee+6% to Water, Hate rise -15% Magic pierce +3%
ATK: 10 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 32,600s
Light magic +10%, Dark R +10% INT+12, Cast defense +10% Melee R -5%
ATK: 12 DEF: 12
Selling Price : 65,200s
Light Magic +20% Dark R +20% INT +20 Evasion +20% Cast defense +20% Melee R -5%
DEF: 5
Selling Price : 100s
Wind magic +8%, Fire magic -11% Fire R -10%, Small MATK up by AGI
Trade X
DEF: 0
DEF: 0 Island hat can be equipped at a price: item shop (150pt)
DEF: 13
Selling Price : 15,000s
ATK+4% VIT+4 Evasion-10% Melee R +4%, Hate rise +10%
ATK: 5 DEF: 13
Selling Price : 45,000s
ATK+4% VIT+6 Evasion-15% Melee R +5%, Hate rise +10% KO time -0.5sec
ATK: 7 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 108,000s
ATK+7% VIT+8, Melee R +10% Evasion-10%, Hate rise +15% KO time -1sec
ATK: 10 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 194,400s
ATK+16%, VIT+15, Melee R+12% Evasion-25%, Hate rise+25% KO time-1 sec
ATK: 5 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 43,000s
Critical damage +12%, AGI+5 Melee R -10%
DEF: 16
Selling Price : 21,500s
MATK+5% MaxMP-30%, MP cost +20% Cast time -30%, Spell burst +5% Skill delay -1.5sec
Trade X
DEF: 1
Selling Price : 1s
Item recovery +10% HP recovery chance by defense
ATK: 8 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 35,000s
MP Cost-30%, MaxMP+8%, MATK+5% Melee R+8%, Movement speed+5% Skill delay-1 sec if INT>299.
Trade X
ATK: 13 DEF: 13
Selling Price : 10,000s
ATK&MATK+12% STR+5 INT+5 MaxHP&MP-10%, Melee&Magic R -5%
ATK: 14 DEF: 14
Selling Price : 10,000s
ATK&MATK+15% STR+15 INT+15 MaxHP&MP-10% Melee&Magic R-5%
DEF: 20
Selling Price : 10,000s
Magic R+15%, MaxHP+5% MaxMP+12% Hate rise +10%, Small MDEF up by Lv
Trade X
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 100,000s
MDEF up by 50% of Lv DEF up based on Lv Melee&Magic R +10%
DEF: 20
Selling Price : 200,000s
Melee&Magic R +14%, Rate cut +15% DEF up based on Lv. Range cut +5% MDEF up based on 50% of Lv.
DEF: 8
Selling Price : 22,000s
ASPD becomes lowest. Melee R +10% Counter chance by defense Autoskill+2%
ATK: 0 DEF: 16
Selling Price : 59,400s
MaxHP+11%, Melee R +12% Autoskill+4%, Lowest ASPD Melee counter chance
ATK: 0 DEF: 19
Selling Price : 118,800s
MaxHP +21% Melee R +15% Autoskill +8% Lowest ASPD Parry +15% Counter Chance By Defense Magic R -3%
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 64,900s
DEF+3%, Heal reward +600 Light R +8%, Magic R +5% Auto recovery +20%
DEF: 18
Selling Price : 129,800s
DEF+4%, Heal reward +800 Light R +10%, Magic R +8% Auto recovery +30% Melee+5% to Light, Dark magic +5%
ATK: 15 DEF: 20
Selling Price : 3,000s
Light R +3%, Skill delay -1sec MATK+8%, Counter chance by defense
ATK: 14 DEF: 14
Selling Price : 90,500s
ATK+12%, Magic evasion +5%
ATK: 15 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 117,650s
ATK+14%, Magic evasion+10%, Magic evasion+5% more for Assassin, Melee+5% to Water
ATK: 1 DEF: 27
Selling Price : 56,800s
ATK+10%, Absolute&Magic evasion -20% Spell burst +8%, Neutral magic +10% H. recovery +15%, Autoskill+5%
DEF: 1
Selling Price : 10,500s
MP cost +30%, MATK+3% Magic attack chance by attack
DEF: 25
Selling Price : 1,900s
ATK+5%, Parry+7%, Skill delay down based on AGI, AGI down by ratio.
DEF: 9
Selling Price : 23,400s
MaxHP&MP up by Lv Magic attack chance by attack MP cost -10%
DEF: 13
Selling Price : 51,480s
MaxHP&MP up by Lv Magic attack chance by attack MP cost -15%
DEF: 16
Selling Price : 123,000s
All magic +4% if INT>255 with Staff. MaxHP&MP up by Lv, MP cost -15% Magic attack chance by attack
DEF: 1
Selling Price : 10s
Critical damage +6% with Throwing Chance of adding a clone by defense MATK+2%, Fire&Wind magic +2%
ATK: 5 DEF: 1
Selling Price : 30s
Critical damage +6% with Throwing Chance of adding a clone by defense MATK+4%, Fire&Wind magic +4%
ATK: 10 DEF: 1
Selling Price : 60s
Critical damage +10% with Throwing Chance of adding a clone by defense MATK+6%, Fire&Wind magic +8%
ATK: 20 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 31,600s
STR+3 CRT+3 Additional effect with some armor
ATK: 26 DEF: 8
Selling Price : 79,000s
STR+6 CRT+6 Melee+300 Additional effect with some armor
ATK: 27 DEF: 8
Selling Price : 181,700s
ATK+15%, Fire magic+10% Additional effect with some armor STR+20, CRT+20, Melee+1393
DEF: 5
Selling Price : 3,300s
Additional effect with some armor Heal recovery&Melee R +5% Skill delay -0.5sec
DEF: 12
Selling Price : 20,000s
Melee up by 250% of Lv Critical damage +5% with Swords Range+1 with Claws
DEF: 14
Selling Price : 60,000s
Melee up by 300% of Lv, ATK+4% Critical damage +8% with Swords Range+2 with Claws
DEF: 16
Selling Price : 138,000s
ATK+6%, Melee up by 350% of Lv. Range+2, Melee pierce +5% with Claw. C dmg +10%, CRT+5 with Sword.
DEF: 10
Selling Price : 28,000s
MATK+7%, MP cost -5%, Hate rise -15% Skill delay -0.5sec, Wind R -20%
DEF: 5
Selling Price : 10,000s
MATK+7%, MP cost-7%, Hate rise-18% Skill delay-0.6sec, Wind R-10%
ATK: 10 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 10,000s
MATK+12% MP cost-18% Hate rise-30% Skill delay-1.5 sec Wind R-10% Blizzard+15% Ice Spear SLv+1
DEF: 13
Selling Price : 30,000s
ATK+3% MATK+3% Autoskill+5% Absolute evasion +5% Wind&Earth R -5%
ATK: 10 DEF: 16
Selling Price : 19,500s
Heal reward +1000&+1%, DEX+5 Auto recovery +15%, Cast time -10% Delay-1sec if INT>249.
ATK: 13 DEF: 19
Selling Price : 46,800s
Heal reward +1500&+5%, DEX+10 Auto recovery +15%, Cast time -20% Delay-1.2sec if INT > 249.
ATK: 16 DEF: 21
Selling Price : 46,800s
Heal reward +2000, Heal reward +8% DEX+10 Auto recovery +15%, Cast time -25% Delay-1.4sec if INT>299.
DEF: 1
Selling Price : 31,200s
ASPD+10%, Cast time -10% Adds Delay -1sec if Lv>239.
ATK: 0 DEF: 2
Selling Price : 68,640s
ASPD+20%, Cast time -15% KO time -1sec, Paralysis time -1sec Adds Delay-1.2sec if Lv>259.
ATK: 0 DEF: 8
Selling Price : 171,600s
ASPD+30%, Cast time -20% KO-1sec Paralysis-1sec Burn-3sec Adds Delay-1.5sec if Lv>299.
ATK: 0 DEF: 11
Selling Price : 343,200s
ASPD+50%, Cast time -35%, KO-1 sec, Paralysis-3 sec, Burn-6 sec, Movement speed+8%, Adds Delay-2sec if Lv>299
DEF: 12
Selling Price : 28,800s
Melee&Magic R +8%, Skill delay -1sec Absolute accuracy +7%, ATK up by DEX Item recovery +25%, ATK+8%
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 57,600s
Melee&Magic R+8%, A. accuracy+9% Skill delay-1.2sec, ATK up by DEX Item recovery+25%, ATK+9%
ATK: 15 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 30,000s
ATK+6%, Absolute evasion +6% Item delay -1sec
ATK: 13 DEF: 2
Selling Price : 4,000s
ATK+10% MATK-10% MaxHP&MP-10% Counter on evasion +4% Autoskill+6% Absolute&Magic evasion +5%
ATK: 10 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 6,000s
Small ATK up by AGI 30% chance to inflict Phantom Flame by attack if Ninja
Trade X
DEF: 25
Selling Price : 1s
EP5 Celebration Gift Magic counter chance by defense MaxHP&MP+5%, Dark R +5%
ATK: 25 DEF: 13
Selling Price : 40,000s
Melee R +10%, Triple damage chance. Skill delay -0.5sec, MP cost -20% if INT>255.
Trade X
ATK: 4 DEF: 8
Selling Price : 1s
MaxHP up by Lv. INT+1 Famitsu App bonus equipment
ATK: 5 DEF: 13
Selling Price : 21,000s
Melee+5% to Light, Dark magic +5% Light R +5%, ASPD-10%
ATK: 5 DEF: 16
Selling Price : 63,000s
Melee+10% to Light, Dark magic +10% Light R +7%, ASPD-10%
ATK: 13 DEF: 4
Selling Price : 100s
MATK+8% Delay+1sec, Magic pierce +5% Magic R -10%
Trade X
DEF: 10
Selling Price : 100s
Magic R -4%, Magic evasion +3% Spell burst +5%, Autoskill+3%
ATK: 10 DEF: 14
Selling Price : 23,000s
Delay+0.5sec MATK+9% Spell burst +5%
ATK: 10 DEF: 22
Selling Price : 50,600s
Delay+0.2sec MATK+11% Light magic +5% Spell burst +5%
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 1s
Dark R +10%, Light magic +5% Heal recovery +28%, Magic+1% to Boss Melee R -10% Cast defense +12%, Movement speed +3%
ATK: 6 DEF: 12
Selling Price : 105,000s
AGI+20 CRT+25 Absolute evasion +5% Critical damage +6%
ATK: 16 DEF: 8
Selling Price : 35,000s
Fire&Water R +8%, MATK+8% Rate cut +8%, Heal recovery +16% MP cost +8%
ATK: 5 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 130,000s
ATK+24%, Melee R -60% Magic R -50%, Rate cut -50% Absolute&Magic evasion -90%
ATK: 5 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 54,000s
ATK+4% Autoskill+2%, Hate rise +18%
ATK: 7 DEF: 13
Selling Price : 108,000s
ATK+10% Autoskill+3%, Hate rise +20% Melee R +4%, Melee+888
ATK: 12 DEF: 18
Selling Price : 216,000s
ATK+12% Autoskill+5%, Hate rise +25% Melee R +6%, Melee+888
ATK: 5 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 666s
Melee-10% to Boss, ATK+15% MaxHP+9% Critical damage +6%, Melee+666 Autoskill-50%, Melee R -20%
DEF: 14
Selling Price : 55,500s
VIT+10, Critical damage +9% DEF up by 70% of VIT Ailment R up by CRT
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 83,250s
VIT+20, ATK+10%, Critical damage+17%, DEF up by VIT, Ailment R up by CRT
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 32,100s
DEX+10 VIT+4, Cast time -15% Skill delay -1sec
DEF: 21
Selling Price : 64,200s
DEX+15 VIT+12, Cast time -22% Skill delay -1.5sec, Light&Dark R +8%
Trade X
DEF: 3
Selling Price : 1s
STR+1 Accuracy+10 Auto recovery +100% during the event.
ATK: 5 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 28,500s
ATK&MATK+2% MaxHP+5% INT+5 DEX+5 KO time -1.5sec
ATK: 7 DEF: 12
Selling Price : 48,450s
ATK&MATK+8%, MaxHP+10%, INT+15, DEX+15, KO time-1.5 sec
DEF: 2
Selling Price : 32,000s
ATK up by 25% of STR and Lv. Small CRT up based on Lv. Water R -12%
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 13,000s
Fire magic +12%, MaxHP+15%, Heal rec +15%, Auto recovery +30%, 5% of HP recovery chance when defeated.
DEF: 11
Selling Price : 47,000s
Autoskill+6% Something happens 1% of the time.
DEF: 14
Selling Price : 108,100s
Autoskill+9% Absolute&Magic evasion +5% Something happens 1% of the time.
ATK: 10 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 27,000s
Hate rise -5%, Critical rate +2 Auto MP recovery +10
DEF: 10
Selling Price : 1s
MP cost -50%, Delay-0.5sec MATK-20% Magic counter chance by defense Adds MATK+10% in June.
ATK: 25 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 34,000s
AGI+15, Auto MP recovery +50% MP cost -22%, Movement speed +5%
ATK: 8 DEF: 3
Selling Price : 45,500s
Critical up, Melee pierce +3% If you are under Lv20...
ATK: 15 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 113,750s
Critical up, Melee pierce +7% Evasion+10% If you are under Lv20...
ATK: 18 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 250,250s
Critical up, Melee pierce +9% Evasion+13% If you equip under Lv20...
DEF: 6
Selling Price : 14,000s
Magic attack chance by attack MaxHP+400, Critical rate +15 Water R +2%
ATK: 3 DEF: 3
Selling Price : 24,000s
Water R +10%, Fire R -10% Hate rise -20%, Melee R +12%
ATK: 3 DEF: 6
Selling Price : 55,200s
Water R +10%, Fire R -10% Hate rise -30%, Melee R +15%
Trade X
ATK: 25
Selling Price : 10,000s
ATK&MATK+7%, Melee&Magic R -5% Hate rise +50%
ATK: 28
Selling Price : 1s
ATK&MATK+10% Melee&Magic R-5% Hate rise+50% Critical damage+10%
DEF: 12
Selling Price : 72,500s
ATK+8%, Skill delay -1sec Melee pierce +6%, Hate rise +20%
DEF: 14
Selling Price : 94,250s
ATK+12%, Melee pierce+10% Hate rise+20%, Skill delay-1 sec Melee+8% to dark
DEF: 6
Selling Price : 1s
MaxHP+10% Accuracy+30 Recovers HP a little by defeating with a normal attack.
ATK: 5 DEF: 16
Selling Price : 26,000s
Neutral&Light R +7% if INT>255. Skill delay cut chance by defense Melee&Magic R +6%
ATK: 5 DEF: 20
Selling Price : 52,000s
Melee&Magic R +7%, Neutral&Light+3% Neutral&Light R +7% if INT>255. Skill delay cut chance
Trade X
DEF: 12
Selling Price : 10,000s
Range+1 Evasion+10%, MP cost -15% Ailment R +20%, Movement speed +5% Small MP recovery chance by defense
Trade X
DEF: 12
Selling Price : 10,000s
Range+1 MaxHP+15%, MP cost -10% Melee&Magic R +5% All element R +5% Damage cut if HP is 25% or lower.
Trade X
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 10,000s
ATK&MATK-30%, Melee&Magic R +10% All element R +15%, Ailment R +20% Movement speed+5% Damage cut if HP is 25% or lower.
ATK: 12 DEF: 12
Selling Price : 1s
All stats +2, KO time -2sec Small Rare drop up during Xmas event.
Trade X
DEF: 10
Selling Price : 1,000s
MaxHP+5% Melee&Magic R +5% Pet melee +200 Pet cover rate +15%
Trade X
DEF: 5
Selling Price : 1s
Drop rate x2, MaxHP+10% during Halloween period.
Trade X
ATK: 7 DEF: 7
Selling Price : 1s
CRT+5, Critical up Melee&Magic pierce +10% Critical damage +5% in Halloween.
Trade X
ATK: 12
Selling Price : 100s
AGI+5, Absolute evasion +8% ASPD-20%, Critical damage +3% Melee R -20%
DEF: 2
Selling Price : 1,500s
ASPD+20% and Accuracy rate +15% with Bows. Small CRT up by DEX
ATK: 30 DEF: 1
Selling Price : 14,000s
ATK+3%, Critical damage +3% Range+1, Item delay +2.5sec Normal attack x1.25 chance by attack
ATK: 33 DEF: 4
Selling Price : 42,000s
ATK+7%, Critical damage +8%, Range+1 Melee pierce +8%, Item delay +2sec Normal attack x1.25 chance
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 65,000s
ATK&MATK+10%, KO time -0.5sec Something happens 1% of the time. No damage to Dark
ATK: 5 DEF: 25
Selling Price : 34,000s
Water R+15% Burn time-2sec Auto recovery+20%, Heal reward+10%
ATK: 3 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 10,000s
ATK&MATK+3% Evasion-20% Skill delay +1sec Melee&Magic pierce +8%
ATK: 7 DEF: 12
Selling Price : 10,000s
ATK&MATK+4%, Skill delay +0.5sec Evasion-10%, Range cut +10% Melee&Magic pierce +8%
ATK: 10 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 10,000s
ATK&MATK+6% Skill delay+0.2 sec Evasion-10% Range cut+15% Melee&Magic pierce+14% Knight's Oath+10%
DEF: 4
Selling Price : 7,600s
Melee R -10%, Recoil+10% Counter chance by defense
ATK: 10 DEF: 12
Selling Price : 30,000s
MaxMP+100, Absolute evasion +5% Critical rate +10
ATK: 12 DEF: 18
Selling Price : 60,000s
INT+8 MaxMP+500, Critical rate +20 Absolute evasion +7%, MaxMP+3% Heal recovery +6%
ATK: 30 DEF: 1
Selling Price : 33,000s
CRT+20, Auto MP recovery +50 Critical damage +3% Magic attack chance by attack
ATK: 30 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 66,000s
Auto MP recovery +100, Melee R +10% Magic attack chance by attack CRT+25, Critical damage +6%
ATK: 34 DEF: 12
Selling Price : 132,000s
CRT+30, Auto MP recovery +150 Melee R +10%, Critical damage +9% Magic attack chance by attack
ATK: 30 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 46,000s
Absolute&Magic evasion +5% ATK&MATK+8%, Melee&Magic R -5% Rate cut -20%
ATK: 35 DEF: 12
Selling Price : 101,200s
ATK&MATK+10%, Rate cut -15% Melee&Magic R -3%, Heal reward +5% Absolute&Magic evasion+7%
ATK: 40 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 222,640s
ATK&MATK+11%, Rate cut -10% Melee&Magic R -3%, Heal reward +10% Absolute&Magic evasion+9%
ATK: 5 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 10,000s
MaxHP+10% MaxMP+5% Pet STR+10 INT+10, Critical rate +5
ATK: 20 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 15,700s
Rate cut +5%, ATK up by INT. ATK up chance by attack as HP decreases.
ATK: 15 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 27,000s
MaxHP up by Lv x5 Evasion+15%, Hate rise -10%
DEF: 6
Selling Price : 21,000s
MATK up by 40% of AGI ATK up by 20% of CRT Melee+2% to Earth
DEF: 12
Selling Price : 21,000s
Melee up by half of Lv. Absolute accuracy +10%
ATK: 8 DEF: 8
Selling Price : 100s
VIT+5 MATK+7% Autoskill+8% Critical damage +20%, Evasion-30% Critical damage down by STR.
ATK: 12 DEF: 12
Selling Price : 100s
VIT+9 MATK+11% Autoskill+12% Critical damage +24%, Evasion-30% Critical damage down by STR
ATK: 5 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 31,000s
Reflect+10% MaxHP+13% Autoskill+4% Hate rise +20%, Cast time +50% Melee R +12%, Magic R -25%
ATK: 10 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 80,600s
MaxHP+15% Autoskill+5%, Melee R +13% Hate rise +20%, Magic R -20% Reflect+20%, Cast time +30%
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 1s
A memorial item for Episode 3 The bandaged girl's strange gauntlet No special effect
ATK: 10 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 5,500s
MaxHP+35%, Reflect+25% Heal reward+10%, All damage cut-20% Chance to revive when defeated.
Trade X
ATK: 15 DEF: 3
Selling Price : 100s
MP cost -10%, Small ATK up by Lv. STR+7, Melee greatly up by Lv. Chance of reviving yourself
ATK: 15 DEF: 3
Selling Price : 100s
MP cost -10%, Small MATK up by Lv. INT+7, Magic greatly up by Lv. Chance of reviving yourself
DEF: 5
Selling Price : 1s
INT+12 MATK+4% Melee R -20%, Magic R +15% Dark magic +9%
ATK: 8 DEF: 8
Selling Price : 35,000s
MaxHP+20%, ATK+8%, Range cut+15% Hate rise +12%, Dizzy time -1 sec Melee R -8%, Chance to recover HP by defense
DEF: 20
Selling Price : 22,000s
MATK+9% Autoskill+5% MDEF+12% Item recovery +15%, Cast time +10% Heal reward +10%
DEF: 22
Selling Price : 52,800s
MATK+10% Autoskill+7% MDEF+12% Item recovery +15%, Cast time +10% Heal reward +15%
ATK: 30 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 18,000s
Range cut +10%, Reflect+8% Burn time -2sec, Fire R +5% Attack up chance by defense
ATK: 8 DEF: 1
Selling Price : 2,200s
ATK+8% Melee R+7% Melee pierce+10% Melee+1000 Critical damage+7% MaxHP-15%
DEF: 13
Selling Price : 1s
VIT+20 MaxHP+16% Melee R+6% Magic R-15% Melee+3% to Boss
ATK: 4 DEF: 21
Selling Price : 65,000s
MATK+10% if INT>199. Hate rise -10%, Heal recovery +15% MaxHP+1000, Item recovery +15%
ATK: 5 DEF: 7
Selling Price : 17,000s
Critical rate up by 10% of VIT MaxHP+750 VIT+6
ATK: 7 DEF: 9
Selling Price : 22,100s
MaxHP+2000, VIT+15, Critical rate and Critical damage up based on VIT
DEF: 10
Selling Price : 23,000s
Fire&Water&Wind&Earth magic +5% Skill delay -0.5sec
DEF: 16
Selling Price : 46,000s
MATK+9% Autoskill+5%, Range cut +15% Fire&Water&Wind&Earth magic +9% Skill delay -0.5sec
DEF: 19
Selling Price : 105,800s
MATK+11% Autoskill+7%, Range cut +17% Fire&Water&Wind&Earth magic +11% Skill delay -0.7sec
Trade X
ATK: 1 DEF: 20
Selling Price : 100s
Melee+3% to Wind&Earth Magic evasion +2%, Item delay -0.5sec A. evasion +7%, AGI+5
ATK: 10 DEF: 20
Selling Price : 1s
Cast time -3%, Water R +5% Adds Cast time -10% in December.
Trade X
ATK: 5 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 1,000s
STR+1 CRT+1 Stats up during Xmas.
ATK: 6 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 13,700s
Cast time -10%, Skill delay -0.5sec All magic +3%
ATK: 7 DEF: 12
Selling Price : 23,500s
STR+12 VIT+10 MDEF+15% Critical damage -5%
Trade X
ATK: 1 DEF: 2
Selling Price : 1s
Accuracy+10 MaxHP+100 Auto HP recovery +5
ATK: 20 DEF: 7
Selling Price : 20,000s
ASPD+100% Critical&Accuracy rate down based on AGI.
ATK: 10 DEF: 14
Selling Price : 32,000s
ATK+6% Auto HP recovery +20% Melee R +5%, Critical damage +1% Absolute accuracy +10%
ATK: 10 DEF: 4
Selling Price : 35,000s
ATK+6% Reflect+5%, Critical rate +5%
ATK: 12 DEF: 8
Selling Price : 70,000s
ATK+15%, Reflect+10%, Critical rate+15% Critical damage +15% Melee+6%to Neutral
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 9,900s
STR+20, VIT+20 Adds STR+20 and VIT+20 more with Swords
ATK: 10 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 5,000s
MATK+8%, Cast time +75% Fire&Water&Wind&Earth magic+25%, Autoskill-15%
ATK: 6 DEF: 20
Selling Price : 72,900s
ATK+8% AGI+10, Magic evasion +4% Autoskill+7%
ATK: 7 DEF: 21
Selling Price : 109,350s
ATK+12%, AGI+20, Magic evasion+8%, Autoskill+10%
DEF: 12
Selling Price : 27,500s
VIT+6 INT+3, Auto recovery +10% All Elements R +3%
ATK: 15
MaxHP-10% ATK+6% Delay-0.6sec Critical damage +12%. During White Day event, attack and...
ATK: 10
Selling Price : 1s
MaxHP-10% Recoil+1% Delay-0.5sec ATK+5%, Critical damage +10%. During White Day event, attack and...
DEF: 5
Selling Price : 800s
Evasion+3%, Accuracy rate +3% Melee+5% to Light
DEF: 24
Selling Price : 65,000s
VIT+24 INT+18, Melee&Magic R +10% Damage cut +5% during Stun. Ailment R +10%
Trade X
DEF: 10
Selling Price : 1,000s
Spell burst +3%, Evasion+10% HP recovery using MP by defense
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 31,200s
Magic R +5%, All stats +3, MaxMP-30% Spell burst +5% Critical damage +4% MATK+5%, Absolute evasion +8%
DEF: 17
Selling Price : 81,120s
Magic R +7%, All stats +3, Spell burst +6%, Crt dmg +6%, MaxMP-15% MATK+6%, Absolute evasion +8%
ATK: 1 DEF: 20
Selling Price : 10,000s
MATK+6% Delay-1sec, Heal recovery +15% Magic R +5%, M. counter by defense MDEF up by Lv during Xmas.
ATK: 5 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 10,000s
Water&Light magic +5%, Cast time -15% Cast time cut chance by defense Water R +5%, Fire R -20%
ATK: 13 DEF: 13
Selling Price : 10,000s
Autoskill+10%, Critical damage -10% ASPD-20%, A.&Magic evasion +15% Evasion rate up chance
ATK: 14 DEF: 14
Selling Price : 10,000s
Autoskill+12% A.&Magic evasion+17% Critical damage-10% ASPD-20% Evasion rate up chance
DEF: 30
Selling Price : 1s
Melee&Magic R +3% Adds Melee&magic R +5% in December.
ATK: 8 DEF: 8
Selling Price : 30,800s
Delay-0.5sec, Hate rise +20% Magic R +5%, Burn&KO time -1.5sec Damage cut using MP by defense
ATK: 10 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 77,000s
Delay-0.7sec, Hate rise +20%, Magic R +8%, Burn time -2sec, KO time -1.5sec, Damage cut using MP.
DEF: 8
Selling Price : 30,000s
MATK+6% MaxMP+20%, Heal recovery +4% Magic R +5%, Cast time -5%, ASPD+10% Small MP recovery chance
ATK: 14 DEF: 25
ATK・MATK+8% 物理・魔法耐性+8% 異常耐性+15% 全ステータス+5 防御時、確率でMPが少し回復する
ATK: 14 DEF: 27
Selling Price : 1s
ATK・MATK+10% 物理・魔法耐性+10% 異常耐性+25% 全ステータス+10 防御時、確率でMPが少し回復する
DEF: 8
Selling Price : 1s
Stats up with Throwings MATK+12% Small MP recovery chance by defense MaxMP+30% INT+9 DEX+18 Makes you cast magic easier
DEF: 10
Selling Price : 46,100s
Absolute evasion +5% if STR>299. Counter chance by defense ATK+2%
ATK: 5 DEF: 12
Selling Price : 92,200s
ATK+5% MaxMP+7%, Melee pierce +3% Absolute evasion +5% if STR > 299. Melee counter chance
ATK: 7 DEF: 14
Selling Price : 184,400s
ATK+17%, Melee pierce+12%, MaxMP+10%, Counter chance by defense, Absolute evasion+10% if STR>399.
DEF: 5
Selling Price : 40,000s
INT+7, Cast time -10%, MP cost -5% Magic counter chance by defense
DEF: 4
Selling Price : 19,800s
INT+10, Cast time -14%, MP cost -11% Skill delay -0.2sec, Spell burst +2%
Trade X
DEF: 12
Selling Price : 1s
VIT+15 MaxHP&MP+15%. Auto recovery +20%, All elements R +10%, INT+15 DEF up chance by defense
DEF: 0 is the same color as the decorative ear own hair color that can be equipped on the island Price: item shop (250pt)
DEF: 10
Selling Price : 30,000s
Delay-1sec, MP cost -20% All magic +4%, Melee R -100%
Trade X
DEF: 10
Selling Price : 1,000s
Critical damage +5%, Evasion+10% HP recovery using MP by defense
Trade X
装飾用アイテム イベント限定品
ATK: 12 DEF: 12
Selling Price : 23,700s
Small Melee&Magic pierce up by MaxMP with Rods. Small MATK up by VIT
ATK: 14 DEF: 14
Selling Price : 71,100s
Small Melee&Magic pierce up by MaxMP with Rods. Small MATK up by VIT
DEF: 7
Selling Price : 15,000s
MaxHP+5% STR+4 VIT+2 Accuracy+25 ATK up chance by defense
DEF: 17
Selling Price : 45,000s
Magic R +7%, STR+9 VIT+6 Accuracy+50 MaxHP+14%, ATK up chance by defense
Trade X
DEF: 10
Selling Price : 30,000s
Critical damage +10%, ASPD-40% Movement speed +5%, MP cost +25% When you defend...
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 30,000s
Critical damage +15%, ASPD-20% Movement speed +5%, MP cost +15% When you defend...
ATK: 5 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 30,000s
Critical damage+30% ASPD-20% Movement speed+7% MP cost+10% Issen SLv+1 When you defend...
DEF: 10
Selling Price : 33,500s
STR+15 Autoskill+3%, Hate rise +20% Melee R -5%, Critical damage +15% Additional attack chance
DEF: 14
Selling Price : 50,250s
STR+20, Critical damage+20% Melee R-5% Auto skill+5% Hate rise+25% Additional attack chance by attack
DEF: 7
Selling Price : 17,400s
DEX+10, Magic R +4%, Cast time -10% Neutral magic +5%
DEF: 10
Selling Price : 87,000s
DEX+25, Magic R+8%, Cast time -20% Neutral magic +18%
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 15,600s
Hate rise-30%, A. accuracy+10% Light R+15%, Melee R+8
DEF: 0
DEF: 0 Island hat can be equipped at a price: item shop (150pt)
ATK: 12 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 30,000s
Item delay -1.5sec, MaxHP+10% Rate cut +5%
DEF: 21
Selling Price : 32,000s
MATK+14%, MP cost -18%, KO time +1 sec, Skill delay -1sec Damage cut -10% during stun.
DEF: 28
Selling Price : 64,000s
MP cost -23%, Magic+1% to Boss Skill delay -1.3sec, MATK+15% Ailment R +20%, KO time +1sec Damge cut -10% during Stun
Trade X
ATK: 4 DEF: 4
Selling Price : 100s
DEX+3 ASPD-20%, MP cost -20% Melee pierce +8% Critical damage -5%
ATK: 10 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 5,100s
Accuracy rate +35%, Evasion +20% DEX+20, AGI+20 DEX+20 and AGI+20 more with Bows
ATK: 25 DEF: 2
Selling Price : 30,000s
Hate rise -20%, ASPD-10% Critical damage +9%, Delay-0.4sec
ATK: 5 DEF: 22
Selling Price : 35,000s
VIT+10 Melee R +8%, Fire&Earth R +10% Melee+8% to Fire&Earth Evasion -10%
ATK: 10 DEF: 6
Selling Price : 25,000s
Item delay -1sec, Melee R +5% Auto HP recovery +5%, STR+2 INT+2
ATK: 10 DEF: 12
Selling Price : 75,000s
STR+6 INT+6, Melee R +7% Auto HP recovery +20% Item delay -1.5sec, MaxHP+20%
ATK: 10 DEF: 18
Selling Price : 150,000s
STR+8 INT+8, Melee R +7% Auto HP recovery +40% Item delay -2sec, MaxHP+20% Magic R +5%
DEF: 16
Selling Price : 46,400s
DEF up and MDEF down by Lv. Item recovery +30% Item delay +0.5sec
DEF: 18
Selling Price : 111,360s
DEF up and MDEF down by Lv. Pal&KO&Burn-0.5sec, I. recovery +30% Item delay -0.5sec
ATK: 5 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 27,400s
INT+4 MATK+6% MDEF+15% Skill delay -0.2sec
ATK: 10 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 71,240s
INT+6 MATK+10% MDEF+17% Skill delay -1sec, Magic+1 Magic R +10%, MaxMP+5
ATK: 13 DEF: 13
Selling Price : 142,480s
INT+9, MATK+16%, MDEF+20%, Skill delay-1.6sec, Magic+3%, Magic R+12%, MaxMP+15%
Trade X
DEF: 13
Selling Price : 1s
Stats up with Bows ATK&MATK+8% Autoskill+9%. Crt damage +9% if STR>INT. MATK+5% if INT>STR.
Trade X
ATK: 8 DEF: 4
Selling Price : 1s
Stats up with Claws, Neutral R -50% Crt dmg +22%, Range cut -10% Crt rate up by defense, VIT+5
ATK: 8 DEF: 4
Selling Price : 30,000s
VIT+2, Critical damage +10% Neutral R -20%
Trade X
ATK: 20 DEF: 7
Selling Price : 30,000s
ATK&MATK+4% Melee+200 Accuracy+50 Critical damage +1% Absolute evasion -5%
ATK: 25 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 30,000s
ATK&MATK+7% Melee+300 Accuracy+60 Critical damage +6% Absolute evasion -3%
ATK: 25 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 30,000s
ATK&MATK+10% Melee+300 Accuracy+100 Critical damage+16% Absolute evasion-3%
Trade X
ATK: 3
Selling Price : 1s
Venia the Dark Admiral's Cape Magic R +3%, Light&Dark R +5%
Trade X
DEF: 5
Selling Price : 1s
Venia the Dark Admiral's Mask Cast defense +12%
ATK: 10 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 31,400s
DEX+10 AGI+5, Wind magic +16% MaxHP-15%, MP cost +20%
ATK: 11 DEF: 11
Selling Price : 62,800s
DEX+18, AGI+10, Wind magic+23%, MaxHP-10%, MP cost+15%
Trade X
DEF: 12
Selling Price : 100s
MATK+9%, Heal recovery +10% Magic counter chance by defense Cast time +50%
DEF: 14
Selling Price : 26,000s
Accuracy+30, Critical rate +10% Additional effect with some armor Light R -10%
DEF: 21
Selling Price : 52,000s
Accuracy+50, Absolute accuracy +8% Critical rate +15%, Light R -10% Additional effect with some armor
DEF: 23
Selling Price : 52,000s
Accuracy+80, Absolute accuracy +10% Critical rate +17%, Light R -10% Additional effects with certain armor.
Trade X
装飾用アイテム イベント限定品
DEF: 16
Selling Price : 45,700s
Magic R +10%, MaxHP-8% Small MP up based on Lv.
DEF: 6
Selling Price : 20,000s
STR+4, Absolute evasion +5% Critical damage +4%, Adds 4% more with Noshime on Special.
ATK: 1 DEF: 2
Selling Price : 1s
Accuracy+10 MaxHP+100 Auto HP recovery +5
ATK: 10 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 27,000s
MATK+5%, Cast time -15% Hate rise -10%
Trade X
ATK: 1 DEF: 3
Selling Price : 1s
DEX+3. On Feb 22nd (JST), EXP gain +22%, Additional attack by attack on Additional.
ATK: 3 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 1s
DEX+4. On Feb 22nd (JST), EXP gain +22%, Additional attack by attack on Additional.
DEF: 17
Selling Price : 30,000s
Autoskill+6% ASPD+10% As INT&DEX increase...
DEF: 20
Selling Price : 90,000s
Autoskill+9% ASPD+10% MaxHP&MP+5% Rate cut +8%, As INT&DEX increase...
ATK: 7 DEF: 7
Selling Price : 1s
Small Drop rate up Adds more Drop rate in July&Aug (JST).
ATK: 6 DEF: 12
Selling Price : 21,500s
AGI+10 DEX+10, Melee R +10% Critical rate -5%
DEF: 12
Selling Price : 10,200s
AGI+2 VIT+2 MaxHP+15% Cast time -5%, Delay-0.5sec
DEF: 17
Selling Price : 107,000s
MATK+10%, Melee R +6% Cast time -5%
DEF: 19
Selling Price : 224,700s
MATK+12%, Melee R +8% Cast time -15%
DEF: 1
Selling Price : 35,000s
INT+35, MaxMP+20%, MP cost-20% Auto MP recovery+20%
ATK: 5 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 1s
MaxMP+30%, Skill delay +0.5sec Evasion+5% Autoskill+3% Magic counter chance by defense
ATK: 10 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 1s
MaxMP-30%, Skill delay -0.5sec Absolute evasion +5%, Autoskill+6% Magic counter chance by defense
DEF: 10
Selling Price : 1,000s
MaxMP+5% MATK+5% Pet heal +200, Pet magic +200
ATK: 5
Selling Price : 100s
Hate rise +20%, Heal reward +500 Rate cut +15% Skill delay -0.5sec
ATK: 10 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 100s
Hate rise +20%, Heal reward +600 Rate cut +17%, Skill delay -0.6sec During White Day event, MaxHP+10%
DEF: 28
Selling Price : 34,000s
DEX+15 MaxHP&MP+15% Melee&Magic R +10%, Hate rise +10%
ATK: 2 DEF: 28
Selling Price : 68,000s
DEX+25, MaxHP&MP+21%, Melee&Magic R+11%, Hate rise+10%, Double attack chance+8%, Absolute evasion+7%, Fear Howl SLv+1
DEF: 4
Selling Price : 23,000s
Counter on evasion +10% Critical&Accuracy rate -10% ATK+5% for Assassin
ATK: 5 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 57,500s
ATK+8% for Assassin. A. evasion +5% Accuracy&Critical rate -10% Counter on evasion +20%
ATK: 7 DEF: 7
Selling Price : 86,250s
Counter on evasion+25% Absolute&Magic evasion+12% ATK+13% and Melee+9% to Wind for Assassin.
ATK: 15 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 24,500s
Magic R +4%, Paralysis time -0.6sec MaxMP up based on STR. MaxHP up based on INT.
ATK: 18 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 73,500s
MaxMP up based on STR. Magic R +9%, Paralysis time -1sec MaxHP up based on INT.
ATK: 23 DEF: 17
Selling Price : 147,000s
ATK+3%, MaxMP up based on STR MaxHP up based on INT, Magic R +11% Paralysis time -1.5sec
DEF: 12
Selling Price : 1s
Water R +5%, MP cost -10% Adds Water R +5% during December.
ATK: 15 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 30,000s
Magic&Melee pierce +2% Magic attack chance by attack Earth Enhancer
DEF: 6
Selling Price : 21,000s
ATK up by 40% of CRT MATK up by 20% of AGI Melee+2% to Wind
DEF: 11
Selling Price : 21,600s
Item delay -1sec, Magic R +5% Auto MP recovery +5% VIT&AGI+2
DEF: 11
Selling Price : 23,800s
Rate cut +20%, VIT+1 Evasion-15% Heal reward up based on VIT.
DEF: 12
Selling Price : 35,700s
Rate cut +20%, VIT+3 Evasion-10% Heal reward up based on VIT.
DEF: 20
Selling Price : 74,970s
Rate cut +22%, VIT+15 Evasion-5% Heal reward up by VIT
ATK: 8 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 1s
Skill delay-1 sec, Bandersnatch SLv+1 Phantom SLv+1
DEF: 22
Selling Price : 400,000s
MDEF up based on 55% of Lv and DEF up based on Lv, Melee&Magic R+15%, Range Cut+8%, Rate Cut+17%
ATK: 5 DEF: 28
Selling Price : 68,000s
Water R+17%, Burn time-4sec, Auto recovery+30%, Heal reward+25%, Skill delay-1 sec
ATK: 9 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 70,000s
All magic+7%, Heal reward+14%, Small MP recovery chance by defense, Magic+3% to Boss, MDEF+4%
ATK: 6 DEF: 23
Selling Price : 70,000s
VIT+16, Melee R+9%, Fire&Earth R+14%, Melee+11% to Fire&Earth, Evasion-10%
ATK: 28 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 68,000s
AGI+28, Auto MP Recovery+50%, MP Cost-22%, Movement Speed&Movement Speed during Combat+5%, Counter on Evasion+15%
ATK: 22 DEF: 11
Selling Price : 58,000s
Dark R+12%, Fire&Light Magic+16%, INT+10, Heal Recovery+25%, Auto Recovery+20%, Pet Heal+800
DEF: 16
Selling Price : 216,200s
Autoskill+10% Absolute&Magic evasion+7% Auto Recovery+20% Something happens 1% of the time.
ATK: 22 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 68,000s
Earth&Dark R+12% MATK+13% Spell burst+6% Magic+3% to Boss
ATK: 6 DEF: 6
Selling Price : 1,666s
Melee-3% to Boss ATK+19% MaxHP+12% Critical damage+8% Melee+666 Autoskill-30% Melee R-20%
ATK: 2 DEF: 25
Selling Price : 70,000s
Wind R+20%, MaxHP+20% Range cut+20% Damage cut+20% during Stun
ATK: 2 DEF: 25
Selling Price : 70,000s
Earth R+20%, MaxHP+20% Range cut+20% Damage cut+20% during Stun
ATK: 9 DEF: 16
Selling Price : 56,000s
STR+18, VIT+15, MDEF+18%, Magic R+6%, Magic pierce+8%, Critical rate+30, Magic counter chance by defense
ATK: 19 DEF: 20
Selling Price : 130,000s
VIT+20 Reflect+35% Melee+1000 Melee+2%, Counter chance by defense
DEF: 18
Selling Price : 34,000s
Range cut+15%, Magic+12% to Boss Skill delay-1.3 sec Magic R+6%
ATK: 20 DEF: 13
Selling Price : 68,000s
Paralysis&Burn time-2.5 sec MaxMP+30% Autoskill+6% MATK+12%
DEF: 20
Selling Price : 222,720s
DEF up and MDEF down by Lv Item recovery+40% Item delay-1 sec Paralysis&KO&Burn time-1 sec
DEF: 1
Selling Price : 67,000s
Water R+12%, Earth R+10%, Autoskill+8%, Melee&Magic+500, All stats+8
DEF: 20
Selling Price : 28,000s
Ailment R+25%, MP cost-25%, Magic attack chance by attack, Autoskill+13% if CRT>255.
Trade X
DEF: 5
Selling Price : 1s
Evasion+30% Absolute&Magic evasion+5% MaxHP+10%
DEF: 12
Selling Price : 66,800s
All stats-5, MaxHP-4%, ATK+15%, Skill delay-0.8 sec, Critical damage+19%
ATK: 5 DEF: 22
Selling Price : 52,000s
Melee&Magic R+8%, Neutral&Light+12%, Neutral&Light R+9% if INT>255, Skill delay cut chance by defense
ATK: 23
Selling Price : 70,000s
Water Enhancer, Hate rise-29% Skill delay-1.8 sec Movement speed+4% Melee R+6%
ATK: 12 DEF: 22
Selling Price : 101,200s
Delay+0.1 sec MATK+13% Light magic+7% Spell burst+8% Nemesis+10%
DEF: 25
Selling Price : 2s
Fire R+18% MaxHP+15% Range cut+15% Damage cut+15% during stun
DEF: 25
Selling Price : 2s
Dark R+18% MaxHP+15% Range cut+15% Damage cut+15% during stun
DEF: 25
Selling Price : 2s
Light R+18% MaxHP+15% Range cut+15% Damage cut+15% during stun
ATK: 10 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 70,000s
Water&Wind&Earth R+7%, Auto recovery+40%, MATK+12%, INT+10, Cast time-8%, Skill delay-1.5 sec if DEX>299
ATK: 20 DEF: 4
Selling Price : 42,600s
Reflect+25%, STR+15, VIT+10, Critical damage+15%, Fire R+13%
ATK: 2 DEF: 22
Selling Price : 70,000s
Fire&Water&Wind&Earth R+5%, Auto recovery+22%, Heal reward+22%, Fire&Water&Wind&Earth magic up, Heal recovery up based on the number of stats more than 221
ATK: 2 DEF: 25
Selling Price : 70,000s
Water R+20% MaxHP+20% Range cut+20% Damage cut+20% during Stun
Trade X
DEF: 10
Selling Price : 1s
MaxHP+25% Neutral R+15% Hate rise+30%
Melee&Magic R+15% Rate cut+15% ATK+13%. Damage cut chance by defense
ATK: 18 DEF: 8
Selling Price : 52,000s
Critical up, MaxMP+23%, KO+1 sec, Skill delay-1.5 sec, Recover HP 5% of the time when defeated.
ATK: 22 DEF: 22
Selling Price : 70,000s
ATK&MATK+9% Absolute accuracy+14% Accuracy+120 Magic R+13% Hate rise-25% Melee R-5%
ATK: 4 DEF: 18
Selling Price : 100,800s
Heal recovery+25% Magic attack chance by attack Water magic+6% Recoil+30% if Lv<250
ATK: 8 DEF: 8
Selling Price : 70,000s
MaxHP+28% ATK+8% Range cut+18% Hate rise+25% Dizzy time-2 sec Melee R-3% Chance to recover HP by defense
ATK: 8 DEF: 8
Selling Price : 70,000s
MaxHP+28% ATK+8% Range cut+18% Hate rise+25% Fear time-2 sec Magic R-3% Chance to recover HP by defense
ATK: 15 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 1s
MATK+10% Autokill+8% Magic+2% to Boss Autoskill power+3%
DEF: 15
Selling Price : 45,000s
Hate rise-30% MaxHP+22% MDEF+18% INT+10 Light R+12%
ATK: 9 DEF: 8
Selling Price : 70,000s
MP cost-35% MaxMP+16% MATK+9% Melee R+10% Movement speed+8% Skill delay-1.5 sec if INT>299
ATK: 12 DEF: 12
Selling Price : 177,600s
Neutral magic+16% Auto recovery+20% Evasion+30 MaxHP&MP up by Lv Accuracy+50 Magic attack chance by attack
ATK: 9 DEF: 9
Selling Price : 70,000s
All stats+8 All magic+5% Lethargy&Dizzy&Bleed&Fear time-6 sec KO time-3 sec, Ailment R+20%
DEF: 25
Selling Price : 38,000s
Skill delay-2.5 sec, MP cost-20% Parry+10% Item delay+0.2 sec MP recovery by defense with low HP.
ATK: 2 DEF: 2
Selling Price : 1s
MATK+10% MaxMP-20% Cast time-30% Spell burst+7% Skill delay-1.8 sec Autoskill power-3%
ATK: 5 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 1s
ATK+10% MaxHP+10% Ailment R+20% Fire&Wind&Light R+10%
DEF: 10
Selling Price : 1s
Accuracy rate-10% Critical rate-10% Critical damage+25% Autoskill+8%
ATK: 8 DEF: 1
Selling Price : 1s
Katana Mastery SLv+1 Shuriken Mastery SLv+1 Critical up
ATK: 10 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 1s
Small MATK up by Lv Neutral magic+12% MaxMP+20% CRT+20
DEF: 25
Selling Price : 105,600s
MATK+100 MATK+16% Autoskill+9% Item recovery+25% MDEF+13% Cast time+10% Heal reward+20%
DEF: 17
Selling Price : 104,000s
Skill delay-2 sec Adds Skill delay-1 sec if DEX>249 Melee&Magic R-10% Absolute evasion+13% MaxMP+15%
DEF: 30
Selling Price : 70,000s
VIT+20 MaxHP+22% MaxMP+18% Melee R+13% Magic R+11% Hate rise+10% Range cut+15%
ATK: 6 DEF: 6
Selling Price : 66,666s
Dark magic+24% Range+1 ASPD+20% Autoskill-20% MP cost-30% KO time+2 sec Damage cut-15% during Stun
ATK: 8 DEF: 7
Selling Price : 150s
MATK+80 INT up by 8% MDEF+700 Ailment R+25% Heal recovery+20%
DEF: 13
Selling Price : 51,300s
MATK+15% INT+10 Cast time-15% Dark R+10% Spell burst+7% MaxHP+1777
ATK: 8 DEF: 8
Selling Price : 71,000s
DEX+25 Skill delay-1.2 sec Melee pierce+10% MaxMP+15% Magic evasion+12% Critical super up Evasion SLv+1 Hawkeye SLv+1
ATK: 0 DEF: 7
Selling Price : 15,600s
VIT+20 MaxHP+1000 Item delay-1 sec Absolute evasion+7% Autoskill+10% Chance to activate dash by defense
ATK: 0 DEF: 23
Selling Price : 235,000s
ATK+18% Magic R+13% Range cut+25% Delay-0.8 sec Magic evasion+6% Range+1 ATK up chance by defense
ATK: 0 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 10,000s
STR+15 VIT+25 Melee+2000 Melee pierce+15% ATK+12% Magic R-15% Rate cut+20% for Warrior Type
ATK: 0 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 10,000s
INT+20 DEX+15 Magic+2000 Heal recovery+30% MATK+14% Melee R-15% Auto recovery+30% for Mage Type
ATK: 10 DEF: 14
Selling Price : 70,750s
VIT+18 ATK+13% KO time-1 sec Melee&Magic R+8% ATK up 60% of CRT
ATK: 0 DEF: 18
Selling Price : 70,200s
ATK&MATK+8% Autoskill+7% Melee+9% to Earth Fire magic+11% Adds ATK&MATK+8% with specific armors
ATK: 8 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 30,000s
VIT&INT+10 Heal reward+5% Range cut+10% Ailment R+5% Ailment time-10%
ATK: 0 DEF: 3
Selling Price : 24,000s
Dark R+10% Melee+9% to Dark Light magic+12% Critical damage+9% Spell burst+4% Execute SLv+1
ATK: 0 DEF: 18
Selling Price : 91,400s
Magic R+16% MaxHP-8% MP greatly up based on Lv
ATK: 0 DEF: 4
Selling Price : 118,000s
Evasion up based on AGI Magic evasion+17% MaxHP-10% Autoskill+4% When you attack...
ATK: 0 DEF: 13
Selling Price : 200s
MATK+19% Heal recovery+20% Magic counter chance by defense Cast time+50%
ATK: 0 DEF: 12
Selling Price : 200s
Magic R-4% Magic evasion+6% Spell burst+7% Autoskill+8% Magic attack chance by attack
ATK: 13 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 200s
ATK&MATK+14% MaxHP-20% Absolute evasion+4% Melee&Magic pierce+15% Counter on evasion+12%
ATK: 34 DEF: 2
Selling Price : 22,800s
Heal reward+15% Hate rise+30% Range+1 The more stats over 221 Critical damage and Spell burst increase
ATK: 0 DEF: 1
Selling Price : 1s
KO time+3 sec Damage cut+80% during Stun Item delay-2 sec Item recovery+20%
ATK: 0 DEF: 17
Selling Price : 49,000s
MaxHP+35% MDEF+600 ASPD-10% Burn&Bleed time-4 sec Heal reward+12%
ATK: 22 DEF: 19
Selling Price : 70,000s
ATK+11% ASPD+20% Light R+5% MaxMP+450 Triple damage chance by attack
ATK: 24 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 131,976s
STR+20 VIT+12 Magic R+14% Critical rate+30% Hate rise-30%
ATK: 0 DEF: 23
Selling Price : 204,000s
ATK+12% Rate cut+20% Range cut+14% KO time-0.8 sec Auto MP recovery+35%
ATK: 4
Selling Price : 61,000s
MATK+300 Spell burst+9% Paralysis time+6 sec
ATK: 18 DEF: 8
Selling Price : 73,500s
Fire&Water R+10% MATK+12% Rate cut+16% Heal recovery+18% MP cost+8%
ATK: 35 DEF: 6
Selling Price : 190,000s
Melee R-3% DEX+25 Absolute accuracy+10% Critical damage+33% Counter on evasion+16% if ASPD reaches certain value with Swords
ATK: 0 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 20,000s
All element R+10% All stats+10 HP absorb chance
ATK: 14 DEF: 19
Selling Price : 120,000s
INT+16 MaxMP+1000 MaxMP+20% Absolute&Magic evasion+12% Critical rate+30 Heal recovery+25%
ATK: 0 DEF: 9
Selling Price : 36,800s
INT+20 Heal reward+20% Burn time-4sec Item recovery+20% Delay+1 sec HP recovery using MP by defense
ATK: 30 DEF: 3
Selling Price : 50,000s
Hate rise-50% ASPD-10% Critical damage+9% Delay-0.5sec
ATK: 9 DEF: 16
Selling Price : 435,000s
MATK+16% H recovery+13% Eva+16% Ailment R+14% Magic evasion+10% Light magic+8% Dark R+8%
ATK: 22 DEF: 12
Selling Price : 33,800s
ATK+18% Reflect+20% Accuracy rate-20% Evasion-30% Berserk SLv+1 Supernatural SLv+1
ATK: 0 DEF: 22
Selling Price : 45,000s
Item delay-1sec Item recovery+20% Movement speed & Movement speed during combat+9% Add Item delay-1sec and Item recovery+20% if STR>299
ATK: 7 DEF: 18
Selling Price : 75,600s
Melee+15% to Light Dark magic+15% Light R+15% ASPD-10%
ATK: 0
Selling Price : 1s
Hate rise-20% Delay-0.5 sec Let's fill it with summer memories!
ATK: 24 DEF: 3
Selling Price : 38,000s
Spell burst+14% MATK+4% MP cost+1000% MP cost down based on DEX up to 380 Hate rise+15% Adds MATK+6% if Lv>399
ATK: 7 DEF: 12
Selling Price : 32,000s
All magic+7% Stats up with Throwings Ailment R+12% Magic R+8%
ATK: 0 DEF: 22
Selling Price : 50,000s
Magic R+16% MaxHP+22% MaxMP+18% Hate rise+15% MDEF up by Lv For Paladin, Fire&Dark R+15% Wind R-15%
ATK: 36 DEF: 4
Selling Price : 84,000s
ATK+16% Critical damage+16% Range+1 Melee pierce+13% Item delay+2 sec Melee up by STR, CRT, and Lv Normal attack x1.25 chance by attack
ATK: 25 DEF: 8
Selling Price : 22,000s
ATK+16% Accuracy rate-50% Range cut+15% Magic R+13% Shell break rate+1%
ATK: 0 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 1s
Heal recovery+40%, MDEF+15% Hate rise-15%, Light magic+7%
ATK: 15 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 150,000s
Accuracy rate+50% Evasion+30% Clean hit damage+10% DEX+20 AGI+20 DEX+20 and AGI+20 more with Bows
ATK: 0 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 100,000s
All stats+11 The more there are with stats 200 or higher...
ATK: 8 DEF: 12
Selling Price : 82,800s
Water R+12% Fire R-10% Hate rise-30% Melee R+16%
ATK: 10 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 1s
CRT+20 Autoskill+10% Chance to activate dash by attack Recoil+30% if AGI<300
ATK: 30 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 100,000s
Cast time-40% MaxMP+30% MaxHP-13% Melee R-7% MDEF+10%
ATK: 0 DEF: 16
Selling Price : 120,000s
MATK-10% Magic R+20% ASPD-10% MaxHP+10% Counter chance by defense
ATK: 13 DEF: 3
Selling Price : 105,300s
CRT+20 Critical damage+20% Accuracy rate+20% Counter on evasion+20% Melee pierce up by CRT and AGI
ATK: 0 DEF: 25
Selling Price : 100,000s
MATK+10% Skill delay-1.5sec Cast time-25% MP cost-25% MP cost+50% if Lv<301
ATK: 0 DEF: 18
Selling Price : 124,000s
4 Elements Cast time-25% INT+20 Magic R+10% Skill delay-1 sec 4 Elements effect up slightly by INT
ATK: 16 DEF: 12
Selling Price : 183,000s
MaxHP+4000 MaxHP+20% Ailment R+25% ATK+15% Hate rise+15% Melee pierce+15% if STR>299
ATK: 0 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 1s
Item recovery+37% DEX&INT+5 HP recovery chance by defense
Trade X
ATK: 0 DEF: 5
Selling Price : 1s
Item Recovery+37% STR&VIT+5 HP recovery chance by defense
ATK: 0 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 1s
Melee R+18% Fire R-80% Item Recovery+20% Hate Rise+20%
ATK: 0 DEF: 15
Selling Price : 1s
Magic R+18% Fire R-80% Item Recovery+20% Hate Rise+20%
ATK: 0 DEF: 10
Selling Price : 42,600s
INT+15 Cast time-15% MP cost-15% Skill delay-1 sec Spell burst+7% Magic+10% to Boss
ATK: 15 DEF: 1
Selling Price : 120s
MATK+8% Fire&Water&Wind&Earth magic+11% Chance of adding a clone by defense Critical damage+15% with Throwing