Area Attack
Wizaleon performs a Earth Pike attack with a probability of 18%. After finish attacking, Wizaleon waits 2.5s before performing the next attack. This attack has a range of 10. This attack is not avoidable.
Area Attack
Beelzed performs a Hard Hit attack with a probability of 21%. After finish attacking, Beelzed waits 1.5s before performing the next attack. The attack has a very fast cooldown. This attack has a range of 8. This attack is not avoidable.
Area Attack
Flora performs a Backstab attack with a probability of 4.1%. After finish attacking, Flora waits 1.8s before performing the next attack. The attack has a very fast cooldown. This attack has a range of 4. This attack is not avoidable.
Area Attack
Hamewlin performs a Backstab attack with a probability of 4.1%. After finish attacking, Hamewlin waits 1.8s before performing the next attack. The attack has a very fast cooldown. This attack has a range of 4. This attack is not avoidable.
Area Attack
Masked Fighter performs a Hard Hit attack with a probability of 3.2%. After finish attacking, Masked Fighter waits 1.5s before performing the next attack. The attack has a very fast cooldown. This attack has a range of 6. This attack is not avoidable.
Area Attack
Minela performs a normal attack with a probability of 16.34%. After finish attacking, Minela waits 1.8s before performing the next attack. The attack has a very fast cooldown. This attack has a range of 18. This attack is not avoidable.
Area Attack
Heaven Gate Corporal performs a Earthquake attack with a probability of 2.52%. After finish attacking, Heaven Gate Corporal waits 1.6s before performing the next attack. The attack has a very fast cooldown. This attack has a range of 10. This attack is not avoidable.
Area Attack
Alan performs a Assault attack with a probability of 21%. After finish attacking, Alan waits 1.5s before performing the next attack. The attack has a very fast cooldown. This attack has a range of 12. This attack is not avoidable.
Area Attack
Vasaria performs a Sniping attack with a probability of 9.84%. After finish attacking, Vasaria waits 1.5s before performing the next attack. The attack has a very fast cooldown. This attack has a range of 12. This attack is not avoidable.
Area Attack
Rowell performs a Hard Hit attack with a probability of 2.55%. After finish attacking, Rowell waits 1.4s before performing the next attack. The attack has a very fast cooldown. This attack has a range of 10. This attack is not avoidable.
Area Attack
Pole performs a Mana Wave attack with a probability of 6%. After finish attacking, Pole waits 1.4s before performing the next attack. The attack has a very fast cooldown. This attack has a range of 12. This attack is not avoidable.
Area Attack