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Trashiddoh (395) 

9,400,000 HP
560,000 EXP


Pierce: 30%

Trashiddoh performs a Ice Spear attack with a probability of 20%. The attack ignores 30% of player's resistance. After finish attacking, Trashiddoh waits 1.8s before performing the next attack. The attack has a very fast cooldown. This attack has a range of 8.


Roy (392) 

9,500,000 HP
545,000 EXP


Pierce: 20%

Roy performs a Blizzard attack with a probability of 20%. The attack ignores 20% of player's resistance. After finish attacking, Roy waits 1.4s before performing the next attack. The attack has a very fast cooldown. This attack has a range of 6.

Eclaire (409) 

10,800,000 HP
645,000 EXP


Pierce: 30%

Eclaire performs a Holy Light attack with a probability of 32%. The attack ignores 30% of player's resistance. After finish attacking, Eclaire waits 1.8s before performing the next attack. The attack has a very fast cooldown. This attack has a range of 12.

Roalion (408) 

11,500,000 HP
646,000 EXP


Pierce: 60%

Roalion performs a attack with a probability of 18.75%. The attack ignores 60% of player's resistance. This attack is considered to be extremely dangerous. After finish attacking, Roalion waits 1s before performing the next attack. The attack has a very fast cooldown. This attack has a range of 12.

Horutes (407) 

11,000,000 HP
642,000 EXP


Pierce: 30%

Horutes performs a Thunderbolt attack with a probability of 32%. The attack ignores 30% of player's resistance. After finish attacking, Horutes waits 1.8s before performing the next attack. The attack has a very fast cooldown. This attack has a range of 8.

President Mezzaluna (150) 

150,000 HP
32,000 EXP


Pierce: 10%

President Mezzaluna performs a Earth Pike attack with a probability of 8.75%. The attack ignores 10% of player's resistance. After finish attacking, President Mezzaluna waits 2s before performing the next attack. This attack has a range of 8.

President Mezzaluna (350) 

6,800,000 HP
400,000 EXP


Pierce: 10%

President Mezzaluna performs a Fire Lance attack with a probability of 32.5%. The attack ignores 10% of player's resistance. After finish attacking, President Mezzaluna waits 1.4s before performing the next attack. The attack has a very fast cooldown. This attack has a range of 8.

Bancho Piton (200) 

220,000 HP
80,000 EXP


Pierce: 10%

Bancho Piton performs a Earth Pike attack with a probability of 10%. The attack ignores 10% of player's resistance. After finish attacking, Bancho Piton waits 1.4s before performing the next attack. The attack has a very fast cooldown. This attack has a range of 6.


Lian (380) 

8,800,000 HP
520,000 EXP


Pierce: 50%

Lian performs a normal attack with a probability of 33.75%. The attack ignores 50% of player's resistance. This attack is considered to be dangerous. After finish attacking, Lian waits 1.8s before performing the next attack. The attack has a very fast cooldown. This attack has a range of 12.


Lian (380) 

8,800,000 HP
520,000 EXP


Pierce: 50%

Lian performs a normal attack with a probability of 33.75%. The attack ignores 50% of player's resistance. This attack is considered to be dangerous. After finish attacking, Lian waits 1.8s before performing the next attack. The attack has a very fast cooldown. This attack has a range of 12.

General Piton (350) 

6,000,000 HP
280,000 EXP



General Piton performs a Hard Hit attack with a probability of 33.75%. After finish attacking, General Piton waits 1.8s before performing the next attack. The attack has a very fast cooldown. This attack has a range of 10.