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Ninigi (240) 

1,000,000 HP
180,000 EXP

100% Critical


Ninigi performs a Sniping attack with a probability of 4.1%. After finish attacking, Ninigi waits 2.5s before performing the next attack. This attack has a range of 8. This attack is not avoidable. The attack always critical


Stormia (400) 

100,000,000 HP

100% Critical


Stormia performs a Assault attack with a probability of 80%. After finish attacking, Stormia waits 1s before performing the next attack. The attack has a very fast cooldown. This attack has a range of 8. This attack is not avoidable. The attack always critical


Pholanos (280) 

62,200 HP
31,449 EXP

100% Critical


Pholanos performs a Sniping attack with a probability of 20%. After finish attacking, Pholanos waits 1.9s before performing the next attack. The attack has a very fast cooldown. This attack has a range of 5. This attack is not avoidable. The attack always critical


Pholanos (281) 

62,422 HP
31,669 EXP

100% Critical


Pholanos performs a Sniping attack with a probability of 20%. After finish attacking, Pholanos waits 1.9s before performing the next attack. The attack has a very fast cooldown. This attack has a range of 5. This attack is not avoidable. The attack always critical


Tigrat (329) 

73,663 HP
41,525 EXP

100% Critical


Tigrat performs a Unknown Attack with a probability of 30%. After finish attacking, Tigrat waits 1.4s before performing the next attack. The attack has a very fast cooldown. This attack has a range of 6. This attack is not avoidable. The attack always critical


Tigrat (330) 

73,887 HP
41,774 EXP

100% Critical


Tigrat performs a Unknown Attack with a probability of 30%. After finish attacking, Tigrat waits 1.4s before performing the next attack. The attack has a very fast cooldown. This attack has a range of 6. This attack is not avoidable. The attack always critical


Tigrat (333) 

74,558 HP
42,523 EXP

100% Critical


Tigrat performs a Unknown Attack with a probability of 30%. After finish attacking, Tigrat waits 1.4s before performing the next attack. The attack has a very fast cooldown. This attack has a range of 6. This attack is not avoidable. The attack always critical


Alan (380) 

4,000,000 HP
500,000 EXP

100% Critical


Alan performs a Backstab attack with a probability of 14.7%. After finish attacking, Alan waits 1s before performing the next attack. The attack has a very fast cooldown. This attack has a range of 20. This attack is not avoidable. The attack always critical


Eisen (402) 

9,700,000 HP
595,000 EXP

100% Critical


Eisen performs a Dark Blast attack with a probability of 10%. After finish attacking, Eisen waits 1.3s before performing the next attack. The attack has a very fast cooldown. This attack has a range of 6. This attack is not avoidable. The attack always critical

Yul (220) 

540,000 HP
130,000 EXP

100% Critical


Yul performs a Sniping attack with a probability of 1.5%. After finish attacking, Yul waits 3s before performing the next attack. This attack has a range of 5. This attack is not avoidable. The attack always critical

Kijimu (300) 

40,000,000 HP
200,000 EXP

100% Critical


Kijimu performs a attack with a probability of 8.98%. After finish attacking, Kijimu waits 1s before performing the next attack. The attack has a very fast cooldown. This attack has a range of 5. This attack is not avoidable. The attack always critical

Bancho Piton (200) 

220,000 HP
80,000 EXP

100% Critical


Bancho Piton performs a Sniping attack with a probability of 4%. After finish attacking, Bancho Piton waits 1.4s before performing the next attack. The attack has a very fast cooldown. This attack has a range of 6. This attack is not avoidable. The attack always critical

Queen Pooferfish (400) 

100,000,000 HP

100% Critical


Queen Pooferfish performs a Dark Blast attack with a probability of 10%. After finish attacking, Queen Pooferfish waits 1.3s before performing the next attack. The attack has a very fast cooldown. This attack has a range of 6. This attack is not avoidable. The attack always critical


Skully (20) 

650 HP
80 EXP

100% Critical


Skully performs a Slash attack with a probability of 20%. After finish attacking, Skully waits 3s before performing the next attack. This attack has a range of 3. This attack is not avoidable. The attack always critical


Skully (40) 

2,050 HP
300 EXP

100% Critical


Skully performs a Slash attack with a probability of 20%. After finish attacking, Skully waits 3s before performing the next attack. This attack has a range of 3. This attack is not avoidable. The attack always critical


Skully (80) 

6,050 HP
1,200 EXP

100% Critical


Skully performs a Slash attack with a probability of 20%. After finish attacking, Skully waits 3s before performing the next attack. This attack has a range of 3. This attack is not avoidable. The attack always critical


Skully (105) 

8,550 HP
2,000 EXP

100% Critical


Skully performs a Slash attack with a probability of 20%. After finish attacking, Skully waits 3s before performing the next attack. This attack has a range of 3. This attack is not avoidable. The attack always critical


Skully (110) 

9,500 HP
2,100 EXP

100% Critical


Skully performs a Slash attack with a probability of 20%. After finish attacking, Skully waits 3s before performing the next attack. This attack has a range of 3. This attack is not avoidable. The attack always critical


Skully (120) 

11,500 HP
2,300 EXP

100% Critical


Skully performs a Slash attack with a probability of 20%. After finish attacking, Skully waits 3s before performing the next attack. This attack has a range of 3. This attack is not avoidable. The attack always critical


Skully (135) 

15,500 HP
2,700 EXP

100% Critical


Skully performs a Slash attack with a probability of 20%. After finish attacking, Skully waits 3s before performing the next attack. This attack has a range of 3. This attack is not avoidable. The attack always critical


Skully (140) 

17,000 HP
2,850 EXP

100% Critical


Skully performs a Slash attack with a probability of 20%. After finish attacking, Skully waits 3s before performing the next attack. This attack has a range of 3. This attack is not avoidable. The attack always critical


Skully (160) 

20,500 HP
3,800 EXP

100% Critical


Skully performs a Slash attack with a probability of 20%. After finish attacking, Skully waits 3s before performing the next attack. This attack has a range of 3. This attack is not avoidable. The attack always critical


Skully (180) 

23,000 HP
4,400 EXP

100% Critical


Skully performs a Slash attack with a probability of 20%. After finish attacking, Skully waits 3s before performing the next attack. This attack has a range of 3. This attack is not avoidable. The attack always critical


Skully (230) 

29,000 HP
8,000 EXP

100% Critical


Skully performs a Slash attack with a probability of 20%. After finish attacking, Skully waits 3s before performing the next attack. This attack has a range of 3. This attack is not avoidable. The attack always critical


Skully (240) 

31,500 HP
9,000 EXP

100% Critical


Skully performs a Slash attack with a probability of 20%. After finish attacking, Skully waits 3s before performing the next attack. This attack has a range of 3. This attack is not avoidable. The attack always critical

Blue Rain

Blue Rain (350) 

5,000,000 HP
200,000 EXP

100% Critical


Blue Rain performs a Sniping attack with a probability of 1.5%. After finish attacking, Blue Rain waits 3s before performing the next attack. This attack has a range of 5. This attack is not avoidable. The attack always critical