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Icelan (283) 

61,734 HP
30,774 EXP

Range Attack

HP: 20% - 55%

Icelan performs a Shell Break attack with a probability of 15%. The attack cuts 20% - 55% of your maxHP. This attack is considered to be dangerous. After finish attacking, Icelan waits 1.6s before performing the next attack. The attack has a very fast cooldown. This attack has a range of 6.


Icelan (284) 

61,952 HP
30,987 EXP

Range Attack

HP: 20% - 55%

Icelan performs a Shell Break attack with a probability of 15%. The attack cuts 20% - 55% of your maxHP. This attack is considered to be dangerous. After finish attacking, Icelan waits 1.6s before performing the next attack. The attack has a very fast cooldown. This attack has a range of 6.


Icelan (285) 

62,170 HP
31,201 EXP

Range Attack

HP: 20% - 55%

Icelan performs a Shell Break attack with a probability of 15%. The attack cuts 20% - 55% of your maxHP. This attack is considered to be dangerous. After finish attacking, Icelan waits 1.6s before performing the next attack. The attack has a very fast cooldown. This attack has a range of 6.


Solonia (291) 

40,780 HP
17,310 EXP

Range Attack

HP: 30%

Solonia performs a Fire Lance attack with a probability of 10%. The attack cuts 30% of your maxHP. After finish attacking, Solonia waits 1.3s before performing the next attack. The attack has a very fast cooldown. This attack has a range of 9.


Solonia (292) 

40,920 HP
17,427 EXP

Range Attack

HP: 30%

Solonia performs a Fire Lance attack with a probability of 10%. The attack cuts 30% of your maxHP. After finish attacking, Solonia waits 1.3s before performing the next attack. The attack has a very fast cooldown. This attack has a range of 9.


Florabby (306) 

66,442 HP
32,746 EXP

Range Attack

HP: 10% - 15%

Florabby performs a Holy Light attack with a probability of 30%. The attack cuts 10% - 15% of your maxHP. After finish attacking, Florabby waits 1.4s before performing the next attack. The attack has a very fast cooldown. This attack has a range of 5.


Florabby (308) 

66,876 HP
33,167 EXP

Range Attack

HP: 10% - 15%

Florabby performs a Holy Light attack with a probability of 30%. The attack cuts 10% - 15% of your maxHP. After finish attacking, Florabby waits 1.4s before performing the next attack. The attack has a very fast cooldown. This attack has a range of 5.


Florabby (316) 

68,612 HP
34,878 EXP

Range Attack

HP: 10% - 15%

Florabby performs a Holy Light attack with a probability of 30%. The attack cuts 10% - 15% of your maxHP. After finish attacking, Florabby waits 1.4s before performing the next attack. The attack has a very fast cooldown. This attack has a range of 5.

Eye Magi King (290) 

6,750,000 HP
1,000,000 EXP

Range Attack

HP: 20% - 30%

Eye Magi King performs a Nemesis attack with a probability of 11%. The attack cuts 20% - 30% of your maxHP. After finish attacking, Eye Magi King waits 2.5s before performing the next attack. This attack has a range of 10.